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2017/10/14 10:44:09瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0

客歲春季,在谷歌做了幾年研究工作後,艾克又提出多年前他被郝夫斯臺特謝絕的溝通設法,成果誕生洋紅計畫,而該計畫是由一組谷歌研究人員教訓機械不但創作本身 翻譯音樂,並創作包孕素描、影片及笑話在內的很多其他情勢 翻譯藝術。

the project is part of a growing effort to generate art through a set of ai techniques that have only recently come of age. called deep neural networks, these complex mathematical systems allow machines to learn specific behavior by analyzing vast amounts of data.

“it’s about creating new ways for people to communicate,” he said during a recent interview inside the small two-story building here that serves as headquarters for google ai research.

but during the next two decades, working on the fringe of academia, eck kept chasing the idea, and eventually, the ai caught up with his ambition.


with its empire of smartphones 翻譯公司 apps and internet services, google is in the business of communication, and eck sees magenta as a natural extension of this work.

in the mid-1990s 翻譯公司 douglas eck worked as a database programmer in albuquerque, new mexico, while moonlighting as a musician. after a day spent writing computer code inside a lab run by the department of energy, he would take the stage at a local juke joint, playing what he calls “punk-influenced bluegrass” — “johnny rotten crossed with johnny cash.” but what he really wanted to do was combine his days and nights 翻譯公司 and build machines that could make their own songs. “my only goal in life was to mix ai and music 翻譯公司” eck said.

標題用了behave themselves,behave oneself是守禮貌的意思 翻譯社例如,大人要小孩乖一點,會對小孩說behave yourself!又例如,the child behaved himself all day.(這個小孩成天都很乖)

ai人工智慧 翻譯社路透

agnieszka bladzikagnieszka bladzik


科技界正掀起一場人工聰明(ai)革命,116位機械人和ai公司的開辦人8月連署一封公然信,催促結合國阻止有「殺人機械人」(killer robots)之稱的ai主動兵器為人類帶來的危險 翻譯社這封信 翻譯連署人包羅特斯拉履行長馬斯克,和開辟出alphago人工聰明圍棋程式的deepmind開辦人蘇雷曼在內,

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯it was a naive ambition. enrolling as a graduate student at indiana university 翻譯公司 in bloomington 翻譯公司 not far from where he grew up 翻譯公司 he pitched the idea to douglas hofstadter 翻譯公司 the cognitive scientist who wrote the pulitzer prize-winning book on minds and machines, “godel, escher, bach: an eternal golden braid.”hofstadter turned him down, adamant that even the latest artificial intelligence techniques were much too primitive.

文/cade metz 譯/田思怡

last spring, a few years after taking a research job at google, eck pitched the same idea he pitched hofstadter all those years ago. the result is project magenta, a team of google researchers who are teaching machines to create not only their own music but also to make so many other forms of art, including sketches 翻譯公司 videos and jokes.

by looking for common patterns in millions of bicycle photos, for instance 翻譯公司 a neural network can learn to recognize a bike. this is how facebook identifies faces in online photos, how android phones recognize commands spoken into phones, and how microsoft skype translates one language into another. but these complex systems can also create art.

這是個過分無邪的野心。在進入離他長大處所不遠的布魯明頓印第安納大學就讀研究所後,他把這項設法向認知科學家境格拉斯·郝夫斯臺特提出,郝夫斯臺特因為撰寫接洽心智與機械 翻譯冊本《集異璧:一條永恆的金帶》而獲普立茲獎。郝夫斯臺特謝絕了他,深信就連最新的人工聰明技術都還太幼嫩。

馬斯克早就正告ai成長可能失控,本文即切磋專家若何提防ai做出超越人類預期 翻譯「歹意行為」(malicious behavior) 翻譯社



透過一套比來才成熟的ai技術來創作藝術 翻譯努力方興未艾,而前述計畫正是它的一環。這些複雜的數學系統稱為深度神經網路,讓機械能透過度析巨量資料來學習特定 翻譯行為。

倒數第二段 翻譯get tripped up是被騷動擾攘侵犯而犯錯的意思,例如,they tripped him up with that difficult question.(他們用困難 翻譯問題讓他犯錯)

ai is reshaping art and music

1990年月中期,道格拉斯.艾克在新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基市擔負資料庫程式設計人員,並兼職當樂手 翻譯社在能源部經管 翻譯嘗試室內花上一成天撰寫電腦編碼後,他會在本地酒吧登台吹奏他所謂的「受龐克風影響的藍草音樂」,即約翰·羅騰趕上強尼·凱許時 翻譯音樂氣概 翻譯社不過,他真正想做的是把白天和黑夜結合起來,打造出可製作歌曲的機械。艾克說:「我糊口中獨一的目的就是把ai跟音樂融會。」


但在接下來 翻譯20年裡,艾克在學術界的邊沿不休追逐這個理念,ai也終於遇上了他 翻譯野心。

文章來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/2692411有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社
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