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2008/10/29 02:04:47瀏覽2234|回應29|推薦138 | |
接續文章這一封......你收不到... (一)
醒來一入眼簾…屋子乍然之間變得諾大而不熟悉… 瞬間無法與記憶連繫…凌晨3 點時分的月光…尚來不及投射在饑渴的璧角 那無明的未知…錯錯落落毫不掩飾的....來襲撒野著 沒有急著起身…只是靜靜的盤坐…回味著閉著眼裏的情境 那比真實還要真實的無明…是什麼感受? 親愛的, 一下子之間….我找不到字彙來填補寧靜中的無聲空白 似遙遠…卻又如此黏膩…似曾相識…但又遙不可及... 介於模糊…清晰之際…朦朧又孱喘的氣息 把我帶回現實的味道裏 恍惚中的影像…紮紮實實的點醒了我 醒來…要醒來…快醒來… 別讓夢…與現實…顛倒了過來 我的心…我的情….仍跌藏在那遙遙無際的無邊裏 而這一切切…正發生在一個...已不作夢的年齡 真的…我的夢與現實….沒有距離 但....怎說得如此用力! 沒有遙不可觸的落後.…反倒加速的超前行進... 與...向後看之間的距離....需找 “地圖” 來填補空隙 望著這張地圖…....良久....才回過神來... 親愛的, 這一次大考…..我會及格嗎? P.S. 此刻先生與女兒正循著地圖的路線……最終右上角是聖母峰Mount.Everest. 我正跟著他們的足跡露宿於中下角的Namche Bazar. 接下來的行程將往地圖右邊的路徑前行到達右上角黃色的點Everest Base Camp. 以蜿蜒仆陀的慢速前進.每天上升高度不能超過300公尺. 今早.....接到他們捎來13 天來的第一個訊息… 女兒從3900公尺的角度仰望…第一次看到聖母峰的偉姿… 請她替我虔誠的在母親面前俯首頂禮 …深深的吸入那一口亙古的智慧…. 與2500 年之前..之後的哲人們….共同呼吸著的氣流…同步! 照片是從25 年前的幻燈片裏所翻照的紀錄. 女兒今天Post 於她班上的網站文章...on October 28, 2008 at 9:05 am .............. Tomorrow we leave for Tengboche. Today we went for an acclimatization hike to a place called Everest View. It is about 400m higher than Namche Bazaar. It’s very important to try to go higher during the day and then sleep lower at night. Today’s weather was perfect. Once we left our guest house there was not a cloud in the sky. We climbed higher and higher, but very slowly. If we tried to go too fast we would be huffing and puffing and gasping for breath very quickly. Luckily our guide keeps us on a very slow and steady pace. Still, it was a 2 hour hike to go up those 400 meters. We also had to becareful on the narrow trail which has no safety railing. If you trip and fall, you will quickly drop 1000 meters and probably die. The view was amazing. We could see Everest clearly and our favourite mountain Ama Dablam. The sight was just unreal. Because the sky was so clear, it made it that much better. We stayed there lying on the dry grass eating cookies and yak cheese and staring at the mountains for almost 2 hours. After we left, the clouds moved in and soon we couldn’t see very far from our guest house at all. We will post again once we get back to Namche. 女兒在加德滿都剪的短髮 25 年前...與聖母峰'等高'的年輕人 沿途中的Teahouse 提供餐食 沿著山與山之間的小石路蜿蜒前進 |
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