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磚頭堆起的菜圃 Raised Bed Planter
2013/12/02 13:29:44瀏覽182|回應0|推薦0

↑  2011/10/25 冬天在領養狗之前  , 自己依據網上查來的資料,  堆起這個菜園  。

↑     hoop house (base is a box spring  基座是個床墊的底墊廢物利用)12/31/10   夏天可以套網布遮蔭 ,冬天可以上塑膠布當溫室。

Mel Bartholomew's recipe follows:
1/3 compost - compost must be made from at least 5 different types of bagged compost. Weird, yes, but he has his reasons.
1/3 COARSE Vermiculite - You can also find this at some Home Depots. Very expensive, but a must have. I had to settle for medium grade. Mel stresses coarse if you can get it. Don't substitute Perlite.
1/3 Peat Moss

這樣混出的土,  很能保持溼度!!
狗來之後,  經過狗的摧殘後(她跳進去挖土),  又加上鐵網  chicken wire。  結果發現——  全部封起來,  蔬菜授粉會有問題﹍﹍﹍  又剪開一個洞。   一波三折!   曾經在圃裡種過絲瓜,  結果缺乏照顧的絲瓜亂長一氣。   有空的話,  今年冬天   要用水泥重新固定磚頭。  不然孔武有力的狗又要亂玩一氣。

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