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2015/10/09 13:17:06瀏覽175|回應0|推薦0

今天逛Fry's 超市看到新鮮的仙人掌葉特價,  好奇買回來研究一下。   以前有聽說這個食物可以降血糖 。  打開來試吃一下 -- 草青味,還帶酸???   查了幾個食譜,  記錄在這裡 。 這次先做成個果汁。 味道如何,  再來追蹤報導。

原本想做仙人掌沙拉, 只是都要把仙人掌葉先煮過

1 15 Oz. Jar-dona Maria Cactus

1 Cup-large Fava Beans

1 Cup-fresh Kiwi, peeled and chunk-chopped

1 Cup-fresh Grapefruit, peeled and chunk-chopped

1  1/2 Cup-fresh Cilantro, torn 

1 Tsp. Fresh Garlic, minced

Tsp. Cumin, ground 

 In a medium sauce pan, (on med-high heat setting) BLEND TOGETHER Fava Beans, Garlic and Cumin.

SIMMER for 10 minutes, and DRAIN Beans.STIR Beans together with remaining, above ingredients, and...SERVE! (For a Latin delicacy that's SURE TO PLEASE those with "unique" tastes!)


 天啊!!!!  這位老兄竟然連蘆薈皮都用下去......   話說, 那個是蘆薈嗎??


( 興趣嗜好烹飪烘焙 )
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