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2018/04/01 23:24:46瀏覽803|回應0|推薦5 | |
This is the defination of Church Life from Brother Lee's writing: What is the church life? 1. It is Christ lived out through us in a corporate way. 2. It is a life of being headed up by Christ as headship. 3. It is a life in the reality of fellowship of God and men. 4. It is a living of continuation of divine glorification. 5. It is the corporate expression of Chist, Life filled with aroma, flavor, characters. 另一篇申言稿 Eph 3:2 If indeed you have heard of the stewardship of the grace of God which was given to me for your. Our Father has a great house with a vast store of the unsearchable riches of Christ. Paul here considered his job was to be a faithful steward, to manage, to dispense all these riches into God's prople; for the producing of the church. Which will be the corporate expression of the Triune God. Such empolyment, such work is a sweet stewardship, it is a intimate household arrangement, by a pleasant dispensation. It takes place through the dispensing of the abundant life supply of the Triune God into us. The apostle Paul called this a stewardship of the grace of God,a dispensation of Grace of God. Not only Paul carried out such a sweet and intimate stewardship, Paul also taught Timothy how to behave in the house of God, so Timothy will be an inimator of not only of Christ, but also of Paul. To be such a stewards, this was a model of the dispensation of grace. How we should beheave in the house of God? We should be a dispenser, a faithful servent! What we should carry out is a sweet, intimate dispensation of grace, there should be a model. There should be life supply dispensed into the members of the Boday of Christ. Our speaking should be of shuch a steawardship about feeding, dispensing Christ. not just to correct, to teach, not to overstep our measure of our function. We cannot all be mouth or eyes. How much our mind need to be renewed. We need the discernment of our mind of the spirit, get our mind renewed so we can stay in such a stewardship, which stewardship of the grace of God was given to Paul for you, "you" are the Body of Christ, the Body of Christ also inclucde me and each one of us. Our fellowship should not upset, dislodge the headship of Christ. |
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