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2018/01/22 13:59:09瀏覽997|回應0|推薦4 | |
這些主日申言稿太享受了。 像使用靈的讀書報告 。希望這些文字能內化成我的發表。 This week is on "status of Christ". How much we need to have constant fellowship through the washing of the Words in the ministry. In year 1935, Watchman had a public letter to the coworkers concerning the cancellation of collection of Newsletters. because brother Watchman sensed the saints at that time," leaving the denominations' forms of meeting, baptism and head covering have become the center of our truth." Brother Nee even said" Our brothers have not endeavored to preach the Lord Jesus as: 1)the Savior , 2) the overcoming life, 3)the Holy Spirit who fills man 4)the Bearer of the corss, or 5)the Captain of God. We have not seen brothers leading people to experience these aspects, but we have seen brothers exhorting those who have different opinions concerning the ground of the church to leave the denomination, get baptized, and cover their heads! This kind of work is very effective. Many people have been touched to obey the Lord and walk in the way because they know the error of denominations; they have left the denominations to break bread with us! We are full of those who have left the denominations but who do not know the filling of the Holy spirit. They do not know how to bear the cross and know even less about spiritual warfare. As a result, outsiders think that our testimony concerns nothing but leaving the denominations. Even we ourselves have forgotten our own commission and think that our testimony is indeed leaving the denominations." Brother Nee even said " ......We will never be witnesses to accomplish God's will." Do we treat brother Watchman's letter as a historical event? Isn't this the fellowship we still need? How much we have been in God's heart? We need to see clearly how the Body of Christ has been formed: 1) In Christ's resurrection, the processed and consummated Triune God has wrought into His chosen people. 2) In Christ's ascension, the all inclusive, compound Spirit had descend upon His chosen people. 3) The processed, consummated Triund Goad , which is Christ, is upon God's chosen, and the believers become the embodiment of this Christ, who is the consummated Spirit. 4) In this way, the believers in Christ become the Body of Christ, and organism produced through the mingling of the processed and cosummated Triun God with the trasformed tripartite man. Let us continue in the washing of these words. Lord, make us such a reality, that we live a life as you has desired. |
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