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2012/07/13 11:56:01瀏覽581|回應1|推薦33 | |
今午(7/12)下午一位同事發出一封電子郵件(英語),如下: Subject: Car-b-que There was a car fire on 270 N by Falls Road exit in the local lanes reported about 20 minutes ago. Per someone who just drove by the incident about 5 minutes ago, it’s in the cleanup stage but may cause you some delay if you are heading up that way in the near future. 原來是公司附近的道路上出了車禍,車子起火了。電子郵件的主題是’Car-b-que’,借自’Bar-b-que’,烤肉成了烤車! Bar-B-Q(烤肉)有許多變化寫法,如Barbecue,Bar-be-que,BBQ,Bar-B-Q,Barbie,只要音對,似乎都對。車子起火(火燒車),聯想到烤肉(火燒肉) ,Car-b-que與Bar-b-que僅一字母之差,Car-b-que音意又是Car be queue(車要排隊了)。 真是神來之筆、經典之作! 文字的妙用,會令(聰明)人會心一笑,當然,也可能令(固執)人會錯意,而生誤解! 呵呵... |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |