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2009/12/12 13:09:29瀏覽435|回應2|推薦0




初當上民進黨主席的蔡英文,為拉抬自己地位聲勢,有事沒事總喜歡找馬總統辯論,而馬英九僅願邀她來總統府喝茶,有事當面談,始終不願以總統身份,來附和她要求同台辯論,拉抬蔡英文威風,故「雙英」並未擦出火花。 今整個時空局勢不同往昔,三合一選舉, 「雙英」首度交手,馬贏了裏子失了面子, 居下風,蔡英文一戰成名,熬出頭,坐穩主席位置,而馬英九也重當上國民黨主席,今如同台較勁辯論,沒有誰先吃虧問題。

 這次三合一選舉有個有趣現象,就是不管電視、報紙媒體新聞上,「牛肉」突然不見了,這塊牛肉我分成兩塊 ,一塊是「政見牛肉」,被幾個天王級人物出來攪和,候選人的「政見」被糢糊掉,消失不被重視,另一塊是「開放美國帶骨牛肉」,照理說反對黨應該會公開繼續「吵牛肉」來「炒熱」選舉,結果新聞媒體上反而一片平靜,相當令人好奇?原來民進黨已悄悄的轉到地方,透過地方耳語傳播、地下電台賣起「美國毒牛肉」,為民進黨打出漂亮ㄧ戰,得票率與國民黨旗鼓相當,讓執政黨有幾個縣市差點陰溝翻船。

  ECFA」到底是甚麼「碗糕」?至今許多人還是「莫仔樣」,政府官員說它叫「也過發」,說台灣會因「ECFA」而再次大發,何理由?大家還是一頭霧水,經濟學者專家說它會為台灣GDP帶來成長,這種專業術語「GDP」,那些中下勞工、鄉間小民、農夫更「聽嘸」? GDP趴下去都跟他們無關,但當他聽到兩岸簽定「ECFA」時,傳統產業將大量「找嘸工」,會造成 150萬人失業時,就像聽到開放「美國帶骨、帶「毒」牛肉」一樣,怕都怕死了,任何大道理都聽不進去,就是反對,就是「罵」「馬」政府。

經過這次三合一選舉,國民黨可能已學會教訓,面對國家重大政策議題與在野黨間,不再駝鳥或老大態度,畏戰而避戰或不甩在野黨,馬英九於選後拋出願同蔡英文同就「ECFA 來個台針鋒相對「辯論」會,同時公開向百姓說清楚、講明白。我們樂見馬英九總統有此「不怕道理難說清」膽識,及願放下身段,來同反對黨主席進行辦論,更寄望這次辯論盛會,不是馬、蔡兩人單挑的「個人秀」,而是兩組由學者專家組成的一群「菁英」辯論會,能聽到多方高見,讓真理越辯越明,使大眾聽聽到底是「馬公公」說的有理,還是「蔡婆婆」說的有道,做良性兩黨競爭。



( 時事評論政治 )
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2009/12/13 09:53
5) 馬政權借入排擠民間投資,新產業,住宅投資,及新仕事追求 限制生產的用途利用可能資本

The same is true of paying the salaries of the newly employed by borrowing, which limits the capital available for private investments, new business, home building, and all the other productive uses to which citizens put the money they borrow when the federal government doesn't crowd them out of the market for credit while in the pursuit of big numbers of new jobs for the sake of big numbers of new jobs.

5a) 馬政權愛台建設==通過回扣從人民稅金移轉往馬政權 使人民消費能力減少
(內捷弊案延燒 , 馬英九究竟拿了工信多少錢? 圖利工信多少金額?)

The government has only three ways of making money: taxing, borrowing it, and literally printing it.

6) 馬政權 EFCA只維持資本家利益目的: 雇主: 利潤率不與社會繁榮賃金同上昇 反在荒廢最速國最高 理解頻繁敏銳 對自身利益知識優越雇主 擴大市場 狹化競爭 無視公眾利益 任何從此階級新法提案 必須在最疑問注意之後採用  

 The third order, that of those who live by profit. It is the stock that is employed for the sake of profit, which puts into motion the greater part of the useful labour of every society. The plans and projects of the employers of stock regulate and direct all the most important operations of labour, and profit is the end proposed by all those plans and projects. But the rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with the prosperity, and fall with the declension of the society. On the contrary, it is naturally low in rich, and high in poor countries, and it is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.
                                    Adam Smith

2009/12/13 09:45
1) 馬政權提高能源(電 水 GAS 石油)價格目的: 貧化庶民 : 制限個人自由

The provision of a great amount of cheap and convenient power--not all at once, but as it may be used--will do more than anything else to bring about the balancing of life and the cutting of the waste which breeds poverty.
                                ~Henry Ford
2) 馬政權提高肥原料 台糖價格目的: 通貨張膨==略奪私人資產

By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth.
                                ~John Maynard Keynes
3) 馬政權提高 勞保 建保費 目的:

Insurance: A Gambling Game Where the Odds Favor the House

A Harvard's great treasurer Paul Cabot once told me: 'I don't understand insurance, except that I don't want to have any.' By this typically crusty utterance he meant that although insurance is necessary in certain situations, it is not a good deal from an investment standpoint. It is very specifically a gambling game, and was originally so regulated.

4) 馬政權退役公務員18%複利息目的:

There is Nothing in the World Like Compound Interest

Suppose, in any event, that a program of buying stocks to build a retirement fund returns you 10 percent, before inflation and tax,. Over a 40 years span it grows 45-fold; or 22-fold if you drop the assumption of 8 percent compounded.