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◎ 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎? To have friends coming from afar to visit, isn’t it joyous? 選自《論語‧學而篇》 Excerpted from The Confucian Analects, “Chapter on Learning.”
【譯文】有志同道合的朋友從遠方來,不也是快樂的事嗎? It is delightful to have friends of kindred spirits to come visiting from afar.
◎ 順乎天,應乎人;悅以先民,民勸矣。 An accord with the will of Heaven, a correspondence with the feelings of men; when the people are initially motivated by joy, they will accept guidance. 選自《群書治要》卷一之《周易‧兌卦》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Hexagram of Dui (Joyous).”
【譯文】君子做事要順從天道,理應人情。凡事首先讓百姓歡悅,人民才願意接受勸勉,為國家貢獻力量。 [Explanation] A gentleman (ruler) does things in accordance with the Way of Heaven and in correspondence to the feelings of men. Motivate the people with cheering and pleasure first, they will then accept guidance and contribute their efforts to their country.
◎節以制度,不傷財,不害民。 To regulate with systems will not cause damages to resources or injures to people. 節選自《群書治要》卷一之《周易‧節卦》。 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Hexagram of Jey (Restrictive).”
【譯文】用制度來節制約束,使萬物都遵循固有的規律運行,這樣才不會耗費財物,也不會損害到人民的利益。 [Explanation] To regulate and restrain with systems and measures will make all things follow fixed rules of operation, thus resources will not be damaged or wasted, and the wellfare of the people will not be harmed or injured.
◎信立而後邦乃化民,各得其所。直而正,靜而順;乖爭不作,物無巧競;敦實之道行,篤信發乎其中矣。 After trust is established, the state can transform her people, in order to let them all be properly placed. If all are straight and correct, quiet and submissive, violence and arguments will not occur, things will not compete for their cleverness; innocent and honest ways will be practiced, and once the policy of honesty is practiced, trustworthiness will come out amidst all.
選自《群書治要》卷一之《周易•中孚卦》之註。 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, annotation to the Hexagram of Zuon Fu (Inner-Truth).”
【譯文】誠信建立以後,國家才能教化民眾,使民眾各得所需。民心質直端正,安靜和順,乖戾紛爭之事不再發生,也不會用巧詐的方式爭奪財物。敦厚誠實的風氣盛行,篤實誠信就出自於人們的內心了。 [Explanation] Once trust is established, a country can then educate and transform her people; to ensure that all will be properly placed. The mind of the people will be straight and correct, quiet and submissive; violence and arguments will not occur, people will not be defrauded of their property. Innocent and honest ways will become a fashion; the virtue of trustworthiness will come out of the mind of the people.
◎順其所同則吉,乖其所趣則凶。 In accord with their comity is auspicious, deviate from their aspiration is inauspicious. 選自《群書治要》卷一之《周易‧系辭上傳》「方以類聚。物以群分。吉凶生矣。」之註 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrins of the Divinations, The First Half.” (Things of the same type will gather in one place, Groups will be divided according to their nature; hence, fortune or misfortune arises.)
【譯文】順從天性本有的善德就吉祥,違背天地之道的意趣就有凶禍。 [Explanation] In accord with the innate virtues is auspicious, to deviate from the mandates of Heaven and Earth will bring calamities.
◎德合天地,知周萬物,道濟天下。樂天知命故不憂,曲成萬物而不遺。 Virtue in accord with Heaven and Earth, Knowledge to embrace all things; this is the way to benefit the world. Joyous of the way of Heaven and knowledgeable of the mandate of Heaven, one has no worries; skillfully helping all things to be established, one has no regrets. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】聖人明瞭天地造化的大道,智慧深廣,通達萬物,遵循天地法則周濟天下。聖人依照大道來生活,因此樂天知命,無所憂慮,以各種方便成就萬物,細緻而不會有所遺漏。 [Explanation] The saints understood the Grand Way of the creation and transformation of Heaven and Earth; his wisdom is wide and deep, omniscient of the nature of all things, and in accordance with the mandates of Heaven and Earth; thus they can benefit everything under the sky. The saints lived according to the Grand Way, therefore, they gained joy from the way of Heaven, were knowledgeable of the mandates of Heaven, thereby, they have no worries. They are skillfully in their means to help things to be accomplished, devoted to details and refinery, thus they have no regrets.
◎子曰:「君子居其室,出其言善,則千里之外應之,況其邇者乎;居其室,出其言不善,則千里之外違之,況其邇者乎。言出乎身,加乎民;行發乎邇,見乎遠。言行,君子之樞機,榮辱之主,可不慎乎。」 Confucius said: “A gentleman (ruler), although living at home, if his speech is virtuous, he will be responded by people thousands of miles away, not to mention those who live near him; if, living at home, but his speech is nonvirtuous, he will be rejected by people thousands of miles away, not to mention those who live near him. Words coming out the individual (ruler) will influence the people; deeds conducted here will have repercussions there. Speech and actions are crucial in determining a gentleman’s honor or humiliation (ruination), how could he not be cautious.” 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】孔子說:「君子在屋內所說的話有道理,那麼千里之外的人也會響應,何況是近處的人呢?在屋內所說的話沒有道理,那麼千里之外的人也會違背,何況是近處的人呢?言語剛說出口,人民就會聽到;才有行動,遠處的人就會發現。言行是君子處事、待人、接物的關鍵所在,也決定著未來是得到榮耀還是恥辱,怎麼能不謹言慎行呢?」 [Explanation] “Confucius said: “If what a gentleman (ruler) said at home is wise and virtuous, he will be responded by people thousands of miles away, not to mention those who live near him. If what he said at home is unreasonable or nonvirtuous, he will be rejected by people thousands of miles away, not to mention those who live near him. Words that just come out of the mouth will be heard immediately by the people; deeds just done can be discovered by people far away. Speech and actions are keys to how a gentleman treats people and takes care of things, as well as crucial in the determination of a gentleman’s future honor or humiliation, how could he not be prudent in words and circumspect in deeds.”
◎二人同心,其利斷金;同心之言,其臭如蘭。 Two people of like minds can have the strength of a diamond cutter; the speech from like minds will smell as fragrant as the orchids. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】二人如果能同心協力,力量就像鋒利的刀一樣,可以切斷堅硬的金屬;聽到同心同德者所說出來的話,就像嗅到芬芳的蘭花一樣。 [Explanation] If two people with the same goal can work together, their strength will be diamond cutters that can cut through metals. The speech of people, from like mind and virtue, will smell as fragrant as the orchids.
◎上慢下暴,盜思伐之矣。慢藏誨盜,冶容誨淫。 The upper ranks are arrogant, the lower classes are violent, and the robbers will contemplate rebellion. Careless in hiding treasures induce thievery; seductive looks incite carnal desires. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】居上位者如果輕慢怠惰,居下位者就會兇殘、暴虐,那麼想要竊位者便生篡奪之心。這個道理,如同沒有把寶物收藏好,教人起了偷盜之心一樣;也如同女子將自己打扮得過分妖豔,是教人對她起了淫欲之心一樣。 [Explanation] If people of high ranks are arrogant and indolent, the plebian will be violent and abusive, and then the robbers will contemplate rebellion. If not careful in storing treasures, it will induce people to steal them, just like a girl making herself look seductive will incite people to have carnal desires towards her.
◎易,無思也,無為也,寂然不動,感而遂通天下之故。非天下之至神,其孰能與於此。夫易,聖人之所以極深而研幾也。唯深也,故能通天下之志;唯幾也,故能成天下之務;唯神也,故不疾而速,不行而至。 The word “change” (of the Book of Changes) means thoughtless, motionless, quiet and still, enlightened, and thereby omniscient (comprehend everything under the sky). If it is not because of the divine intelligence under the sky, how can this be achieved? With respect to “change,” the saints studied it to penetrate its profundity and to understand its subtlety. Because of its profundity, he could comprehend the will of everything under the sky; because of its subtlety, he could accomplish everything under the sky; because of its divinity, he could expedite without speed, arrive without travail. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】《周易》所體現的道理,不是憑藉人的思考,更不是人為地創造出來的,它沒有生滅,寂靜恆常,如如不動,能和天下萬物相感相應。如果不是天下最神妙的力量,誰能達到這個境界? [Explanation] The noumenon embodied in the Book of Changes cannot be perceived by human thinking, or created by mankind. It is without birth or non-birth, quiet, still, eternal, constant, as thus, and motionless; therefore, it can respond to everything under the sky. If it is not because of the divine intelligence under the sky, how can anyone reach this state? 《周易》是聖人用來深入探求研究事物微妙之理的書。正因為它深奧,所以能夠與天下人的心志相通;正因為它微妙,所以能夠成就天下的一切事務;正因為它的神妙,所以能夠不急於求成卻自然而然地很快成就,不用主觀地去做什麼,僅僅順從自然,便自然達到理想的目的。 The saints studied the Book of Changes to penetrate the profundity and subtlety of all things. Because of its profundity, he can comprehend and respond to the will of the people under the sky; because of its subtlety, he could accomplish a myriads of affairs under the sky; because of its divinity, he could naturally finish things expediently without rushing himself; naturally reach his ideal goal without any artifice, just flow with nature, without active or subjective participation.
◎天之所助者順也,人之所助者信也。履信思乎順,是以天佑之,吉無不利。天地之大德曰生,聖人之大寶曰位。守位曰仁;理財正辭,禁民為非,曰義。 Those helped by Heaven are submissive; those helped by man are trustworthy. Practice honesty and contemplate submission, he is blessed by Heaven, always auspicious and without mishap. The grand virtue of Heaven and Earth is called “creativity.” The greatest treasure of the saints is called “position.” In keeping with one’s position is called benevolence. Manage fortune, correct speech, and forbid people to do wrongs is called righteousness. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭上傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Doctrines of the Divinations, The First Half.”
【譯文】上天所輔助的對象是能夠順從天地之道的人;人們輔助的對象是講究誠信的人。覆行誠信而時刻不忘記順從天地之道的人,因而能夠得到上天的保佑,吉祥而無不利之事。 [Explanation] Those helped by Heaven are people who are submissive of the way of Heaven and Earth. Those helped by man are trustworthy. A person, practicing honesty and remembering constantly to be submissive of the way of Heaven and Earth, obtains the blessings of Heaven, and is always auspicious and without any mishap. 天地偉大的品德在於使萬物生生不息,聖人最寶貴的是在於明了自己所處的位置。能保持自己所處的位置中正而不偏的是仁愛之心。理財節儉,導正人民的言辭,制止民眾為非作歹,這就是義。 The grand virtue of Heaven and Earth is their ability to propagate things without end. The greatest treasure of the saints is to understand their proper place (purpose) in life. To keep one’s position straight and narrow, without extremes, is called a heart of benevolence. Manage fortunes with frugality, correct people’s speech, and prohibit them from wrong doings and evil ways conform to righteousness.
◎善不積,不足以成名;惡不積,不足以滅身。小人以小善為無益,而弗為也;以小惡為無傷,而弗去也。故惡積而不可掩,罪大而不可解。 Without the accumulation of goodness, one cannot be reputable, without the accumulation of misconducts, one cannot be ruined. The inferior person believes that small kindness is without merit, thus will not perform it; that small evils are without harm, thus will not eradicate it. As a result, the accumulation of his evil deeds cannot be concealed; the severity of his felonies cannot be pardoned. 選自《群書治要》之《周易‧繫辭下傳》 Excerpted from A Compendium of Books on the Essentials of Governing, vol. 1, “Book of Changes, Explanation of the Divinations, The First HalfI.”
【譯文】善行不積累就不足以成就美好的名聲;惡行不積累也不足以身敗名裂。小人做事以利害為出發點,以為做些小善事不會得到什麼好處而不去做;以為做些小惡事無傷大體而不去屏棄戒除,所以惡行日積月累,大到不可掩蓋的程度,罪責大到無法化解的地步。 [Explanation] Without the accumulation of virtuous conducts, one cannot attain a good reputation; without the accumulation of misconducts, one will not be ruined and vilified. The inferior person believes that small kindness is without merits, thus will not do it; that small evils are without harm, thus will not eradicate it. As a result, the daily and monthly accumulations of his evil deeds cannot be concealed; the severity of his felonies cannot be pardoned.
◎子曰:「君子安其身而後動,易其心而後語,定其交而後求。君子修此三者,故全也。」 Confucius said: “A gentleman will ensure his safety before taking actions, calm his mind before speaking, and establish trust before making a request. A gentleman practices these three things is thus completely safe.” |
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