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2024/09/01....100...The Power of Love....*-*
2024/09/04 19:21:57瀏覽88|回應0|推薦6




The Power of Love The Power Of Love愛的力量

The whispers in the morning早晨的輕喚

Of lovers sleeping tight緊緊依偎著的兩人

Are rolling by like thunder now當我望進你的眼睛

As I look in your eyes內心早已雷聲響動、波濤洶湧

I hold on to your body抱著你

And feel each move you make感受著你每一個輕微的動作

Your voice is warm and tender你的聲音如此溫暖且溫柔

A love that I could not for sake這是個我無法背叛的愛

Cause I am your lady因為你是我的女人

And you’r my man而我也是你的最愛

Whenever you reach for me不論何時,只要你來找我

Ill do all that I can我就會盡我所能

Even though there may be times雖然有很多次

It seems Im far away~~~我看似離你很遠

But never wonder where I am但我都不曾有過懷疑

Cause I am alwayss by your side因為我知道我們會永遠在一起

Cause I am your lady因為我是你的女孩

And you’r my man而你也是我的男人

Whenever you reach for me不論何時,你來找我

Ill do all that I can~~我都會盡我所能

Were heading for something我們一同前行

Somewhere Ive never been想到那個我們從未到過的領域

Sometimes I am frightened But Im ready to learn of the power of love

儘管有時會感到害怕 但我已經準備好和你一起學習愛的真諦

The sound of your heart beating你心臟的鼓動聲

Made it clear so suddenly讓我的心突然變得通透無比

The feeling that I cant go on~~如果我會感到躊躇不前

Is light years away……那也是光年之外之後的事情了

Cause I am your lady因為你是我的女孩

And your my man而我也是你的最愛

Whenever you reach for me不論何時,你來找我

Ill do all that I can我都會盡我所能

Were heading for something我們一同前行

So mew here Ive never been想到那個我們從未到過的領域

So metimes I am frightened But Im ready to learn of the power of love


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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