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2013/10/21 18:41:13瀏覽1590|回應13|推薦94 | |
漓江舟泛 許其正 2013/10/20大紀元時報文學世界
自從進入桂林境內 我便感到自己有些迷糊 在漓江船上尤其如此(註一) 怎麼我持續不停地 在一幅幅山水國畫裡 鑽進又鑽出,鑽出又鑽進? 那些山水國畫是誰畫的? 我又是怎麼被畫進去的?
層岩持續呈現柔美的線條 塑造出多所像類的山容(註二) 眾草和群樹在山水適當的地方 塗染著清新悅目的綠色 蟬鳴和鳥囀細雨般噴灑各處 增加清爽、寧靜和悠閒的強度 清風徐來,水波微漾 來出漾起臉上滿意的微笑
山不轉而船轉人轉 草不轉樹不轉而船轉人轉 影像卻隨船轉人轉而轉 不管轉或不轉,我能肯定 那一幅幅都是山水國畫 只是我一直鬧不清到底 那些山水國畫是誰畫的? 我又是怎麼被畫進去的? 註一:「桂林山水甲天下,陽溯山水甲桂林。」漓江貫穿兩地,最美處則在陽溯縣境,舟泛通常由漓江碼頭上船。 註二:漓江兩岸山容多所像類,較著名的有羊角山、老人取蘋果、八仙過海、九馬畫山、狗熊回看九馬畫山等,至於伏波山、象鼻山則不在舟泛途程內。
Boating on Lijiang River Hsu ChiCheng
Since entering the bounder of Guilin I feel as if I am in a daze Especially on a boat floating on Lijiang River Why I keep getting into Or coming out of landscape paintings One after another? Who draw those landscape paintings? And how am I drawn in them?
Range upon range of undulating hills Creating a lot of images in their appearances*2 Grasses and woods at the right spots Painting the mountains and rivers green The singing voice of cicadas and birds spray everywhere like a drizzle Bringing freshness and peacefulness A cool breeze is blowing gently over the rippling water Brimming with an innocent smile on the face
Hills don’t move but the boats and people Grasses and woods don’t move but boats and people Yet, images move with boats and people No matter they move or not, I can say for sure Those are all landscape paintings What I don’ know clearly is By whom those landscape painting are drawn And how I am drawn in them
*1. “The scenery of Guilin is second to none on earth, and Yangshou’s landscapes is the best in Guilin”. Lijiang River runs through the two places, and its best scenery is in Yangshou County. Baoting usually starts from Lijiang dock. *2. Most of the hills on both sides of Lijiang River are variety in images. The famous ones are including Ram’s-Horn-Hill, Old-Man-Getting Apples, theEight-Immortals-Going-Across-The Sea, Nine-Horses-Picture-Hill, Black-Bears-Looking-Back-to-Nine-Horses-Picture-Hill, and so on. As for Fubo Hill and Trunk Hill, they are not along the route of going boating. |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |