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2015/05/19 09:36:53瀏覽436|回應1|推薦25 | |
詩的跨步境外(詩的英譯) 許其正主持 不安的孕婦 林錫嘉 公園,一個不安的孕婦 凝望著擾攘的街道 她畏縮在 都市的一個角落 肚子裡,有不規律心跳 醫生斷定 灰暗的土地裡也不再有心跳 可憐的孕婦挺著一肚子孤寂 她將變得一無所有 只剩那一雙無助的眼睛 失神的望著 這擾攘不安的島 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) A Pregnant Woman Who is Uneasy Lin HsiChia In the park, a pregnant woman who is uneasy Gazes at the chaotic street She shrinks In a corner of the city There is no law of heartbeat in her belly The doctor diagnosed that The child’s survival rate was not high There is also no heartbeat again on the earth The poor pregnant woman holds out all her solitariness She will have nothing to her name Just a pair of helpless eyes Gazing the riot island With absent-minded (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 祖母的月亮 曾尚尉 祖母的家 是好大的一方 灑滿月光的院子 每到了晚飯的這個時候 大人小孩們都會從四面八方返回 返回到那以柔熙的月光鋪成的飯桌 祖母的家是靜悄悄的一片 遠離俗世紛擾 遠離城市光害的大地 真好呀! 我們每天都能像這樣 奢侈地過著中秋 祖母是永遠高懸的一輪滿月 有祖母陪伴的每個夜晚 我們無憂地說說笑笑 吃吃喝喝 就連大人小孩那許許多多 杯盤狼藉的心事 也都是在每個夜晚 讓看前顧後的祖母 幫我們一一整理 一直以為 祖母只會是那枚 擅長等待的朗月 但卻在某個驅車駛離祖母家的夜晚 從父親的後車座上 向外瞥見了 一直尾隨著 緊跟著 若即若離的 鬼鬼祟祟的弦月 我瞅了瞅她 恍然若悟地告訴父親 「啊!那原來是不放心的祖母 在幫我們照亮回家的路……」 父親卻別過頭來告訴我 「那忽明忽滅的月影 其實是祖母的一顆 想念兒孫的心 每天每晚 在我們揚長而去以後 便從所護守的一方庭院起身 躡手躡腳地 緊隨著我們離去的腳步而來」 這一生 祖母月亮都會在遙遠的故鄉 以她永恆的柔波 緊緊看顧我們 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) My Grandma’s Moon Tzeng Shan Wei My grandma’s home Is a large place Her whole yard is sprinkling with moonlight All adults and children come back from everywhere To the table which is covered with soft moonlight My grandma’s home is a piece of quietude Far away from the mortal riot Far away from the harmful light of the city on the earth Oh, truly fine it is! We can make a living everyday like this To enjoy the leisure of mild-autumn festival My grandma is a full moon always hanging in the high sky We can be free of concern while chatting and laughing eating and drinking In the night while accompanied by grandma Even the awful mess of worries Of adults and children Would also let my grandma who looks after everything To put them in order In each night I deem all the time My grandma would just be the bright moon Which is patient in waiting However, in the night we are carried by the car away from my grandma’s home I looked outside from the back seat of my father’s car And saw her Accompanied by the crescent moon Which is sneaky Kept at arm’s length Followed closely the car I came to realize and told my father “Oh, originally it is grandma who is uneasy of heart Helps us to illuminate our road back home…” My father turned his head and told me “In fact, the flashing moon Is a caring heart To her descendants Each day and every night She walks on tiptoe Following our leaving steps From the yard she guarded After we left” My grandma’s moon Will look after us everlastingly From my hometown faraway With her soft waves Throughout her life (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 熨斗 落蒂 妻正專心的為我燙衣服,那被我弄得皺成鹹菜樣的衣服,沒有大熨斗是不行的。十幾公斤重的熨斗,妻以瘦弱的右手握著,左手拿著噴水器……燙得手酸、腰酸、腿麻、四肢無力癱在那裡。 這不是幾十年來,妻以瘦弱的手,燙平我滿腹的不合時宜,滿身心的凹凸不平嗎? 妻仍然努力的燙著衣服,時燙時停,我終於忍不住以淚水代替她的噴水器,洶湧的噴向我皺得無法燙平的滿身傷痕。 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) Iron Yang Hsien Jung My wife is absorbed in ironing my clothes. My clothes were folded into wrinkles like pickled Chinese cabbage by me. Only a big iron can do the work. My wife grasps the iron which is many kilograms in weight by her right hands, the water sprayer in her left hand…She is ironing into ache in her hands, ache in her waist, numb in her legs, limbs can not support and lay down there. Isn’t my wife ironing my whole heart not appropriate to the occasion and my uneven for many decades with her thin and feeble hands? My wife sill strives to iron the clothes, some time irons some time stops, I am unable to bear it at last to let my tears rage to take the place of the water sprayer, spraying to the whole scars which can not iron into smoothness. (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 芭比娃娃 曾美霞 她向戀人撒嬌,說要一隻越大越好的泰迪熊,泰迪熊佔據了半張床,每晚擁它入懷。朋友還傳說著她的幸運,卻聽說她已經厭惡的將泰迪熊踢下床,因為它太大太佔位置。 她向新戀人撒嬌,要一個精緻的限量版芭比娃娃。放在皮包裡隨身攜帶,隨時取出炫耀。朋友還在羨慕她的幸福,她卻說芭比娃娃太小,因此容易忘了它的存在。 她向最新戀人撒嬌,要戀人排隊一整晚,買來一個珍藏版凱蒂貓。粉色的浪漫,可人的沉默,有耳聽你的細訴,無口對你聒噪,陪在沙發上、書桌前、枕頭邊。朋友還嫉妒著她的甜蜜。她卻不再提起,似乎不曾有過這回事。這次,朋友替她找到理由:凱蒂貓不大不小沒特色。 少女的祈禱樂聲響起,她將大的、中的、小的玩偶一起送進垃圾車。 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) Barbie Doll Tzeng Mei Hsia She acts like a spoiled child to her lover, saying that she wants a teddy bear the bigger the better. Teddy bear occupies half of her bed. She embraces it in her breast every night. In spite of her friends still hearsays that she is lucky, there is a hearsay that she kicks the teddy bear down the bed, because it’s too big and occupies the place. She acts like a spoiled child to her new lover, saying that she wants an exquisite Barbie doll. She places it in her satchel and takes out to show off in front of her friends at any time. In spite of her friends who still envy her being lucky, she says teddy bear is too small, and so she may forget it easily. She acts like a spoiled child to her newest lover, asking him to line up the whole night long, to buy a kitty which is rare edition. It’s with pink romantic, gratifying silence, may hear your fine murmuring with its ears, not to your clamour, and accompanies by your sofa, desk and pillow. In spite of her friends still envy her being lucky, she didn’t mention it again, as if there is no such a thing. This time, it change shifts to her friends to find the reason: kitty is neither big nor small and no characteristic. She casts the dolls either large, middle-sized or small into the dust-cart while there resounds maiden’s prayer. (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 詩人媽媽 林錫嘉 母親在巷口擺肉粽攤,熱騰騰的肉粽香氣在整條巷子裡流動。 我寫詩也很多年了,心裡一直想為母親寫一首詩。 而每年端午,總是為紀念詩人屈原,在各地辦慶祝活動。眾多「詩人」嘴裡吃著肉粽,一邊還吟誦著詩! 今年的詩人節又到了,我七十歲的雙手,捧著熱騰騰的粽子,沒有去想什麼屈原,也沒有想什麼詩,只從心底挖出當年綁的粽子,慢慢剝開粽葉,一陣肉粽香撲鼻而來,看著一粒粒白玉般的米粒,忽然變成母親撫育我的詩句,我伸出雙手擁抱粽子香入懷,竟然發現啊,母親才是一位真正的詩人。 Poet Mama Lin HsiChia Mother sets a stall in the entrance of the alley. The scent of the hot rice dumpling is flowing in the whole alley. I have written poems for many years, and I want to write a poem for my mother continuously from the very beginning. And during Dragon Boat Festival every year, in memory of Qu Yuan the poet, there are celebrations everywhere. Numerous “Poets” eat the rice dumplings, and even to declaim the poems. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming again this year. I hold with both my seventy years old hands the hot steaming rice dumplings, neither thinking of Qu Yuan, nor of poems, only dig the dumplings made then from the bottom of my heart, separating the leaves slowly. A spell of scent of the rice dumplings assails my nostrils. Looking at the rice like one after another white jade, they suddenly change into the sentences with which my mother nurtured me. I stretch my hands to embrace the scent of the rice dumplings, and unexpectedly find that only my mother is the true poet. (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 2015/5/20 華文現代詩
一封信 許其正 錫嘉兄: 你好。 收到第三期「華文現代詩」時,叫我好生吃了一驚。嘗記前年12月18日,參加在喜來登召開的籌備會後,我曾問你辦刊經費的問題。你回答說:「自然有人出。你不用操心。」一聽,我放心了。詩現在屬於小眾,靠辦刊收入來維持,我知道很難。你既然那麼說,我自然放心。雖然最近有「救經濟」的聲音發出,我仍「老神在在」,無動於衷。但是,我猶存另一個隱憂,憑成員中有我們「三仙老公仔標」——依序正雄兄是老大,你是老二,我是老么,都七十五歲以上,不少「同齡的」都搬家到黃泉路一百零八號了,我們還在不辭艱辛地辦詩刊,這刊物能辦出什麼名堂?第一、二期的情況平平,尤其沒依時出版,我曾說了重話,沒想到第三期不但準時,還繳出了這麼好的成績。那真是精彩呀。該說是首首佳作,篇篇精彩,讓我想選出詩來英譯,都難下手。誰說年紀大就怎樣?只要認真,有創意,團結一心,天下不少七老八十的人都還能創造出許多豐功偉業,我們為何不能?幾經琢磨,我放膽打破我們之前的默契,三月有個婦女節,五月有個母親節,乾脆先選出與女性相關的五首,其他佳作留待下期或可再選,同時也打破以社外作者優先的默契,內舉不避親地選譯了你們三位的四首詩。這做法你同意吧!現在我把譯好的呈上。都是有關女性的。她們是現役的祖母、現役的母親和將來的母親。大部分都正面地寫,大作【不安的孕婦】和美霞的【芭比娃娃】則是異數。你把公園當不安的孕婦來寫,讓人讀來擺盪於公園和孕婦間。那是隱喻還是象徵?美霞則借芭比娃娃來寫一個撒嬌的現代嬌嬌女的「敗行」,很令人叫絕! 不過,校對還是有些小瑕疵。但願能做到至善至美。好吧!就讓《華文現代詩》這麼上路吧!願她腳步踩得更大更穩!我們共勉。 謹祝 詩安 許其正敬上 |
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