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2019/07/25 07:26:54瀏覽3556|回應1|推薦61 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-07-24 11:12 PM 大紀元時報文學世界 從小就喜歡追逐 玩著童年遊戲 從後面追逐在前面飛奔的童伴 在鄉間的土路上 盡最大的力量 大聲呼喊,汗流浹背 一直窮追不捨 那在前面飛奔的是什麼? 是蒲公英如煙的飛絮? 那如煙的飛絮是什麼? 是縹緲的夢想? 是縹緲的希望? 就在前方 好像到手了,卻硬是抓不到 從小追逐到大 從小小的地方追逐到天涯 有時只剩咫尺的距離 卻硬是抓不到 在前面飛奔而去 抓不到就是抓不到 真是刁蠻的東西! 還是要追逐 下定決心,堅強意志 任它在前面有多刁蠻 任它在前面多會奔逃 即使到天涯海角 即使精疲力盡,傷痕累累 還是要追逐 非抓到不可 Pursuing Hsu ChiCheng I like to pursue as well as play the pursued game Since I’m a child I pursue the running child company in front of me On the soil road Do the best of my effort Shout loudly, sweat steaming Pursing ceaselessly What is it the running in front of me? Is it the flying wadding of dandelion? What is the misty-like flying wadding? Is it the floating long-cherished? Or is it the floating wish? It’s in front of me It likes come to my hand, but can’t catch still I pursue it from child to adult From small spot to the remotest corner of the world Sometime it’s just a near distance But it can’t catch still It flies running and escape Can’t catch is can’t catch What a cunning and ferocious thing truly it is! I want to pursue still Make up my mind, firm my will In spite of how cunning and ferocious it is in front of me In spite of how fast it can run and escape Even to remotest corner of the world Even I’m exhausted, scars of wounds strung together I want to pursue still@ |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |