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2019/06/20 07:44:12瀏覽5463|回應0|推薦44 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-06-19 12:31 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 曾經枝繁葉茂 曾經鬱鬱菁菁 曾經結實纍纍 曾經是堅強的典範 曾經給出許多庇蔭 歷經風吹 歷經雨打 歷經歲月的摧枯拉朽 終於,唉,終於 枯萎 倒下 唉,這棵龍眼樹呀 唉,我的父親呀 The Longan Hsu ChiCheng Once it’s luxuriant the branches and leaves Once it’s lush and green Once it’s fruit hanging in clusters Once it’s the model of sturdy Once it offered many beneficial shelters After experienced the blowing of the wind After experienced the striking of the rain After experienced as easy as crushing dry weeds and rotten wood of years At last, alas, at last It’s withered It’s collapsed Alas, this longan Alas, my father@ |
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