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2019/06/14 06:07:46瀏覽5861|回應1|推薦52 | |
——攀登日本金刀比羅宮785階梯後 作者:許其正 更新: 2019-06-14 1:17 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 天天爬一樣的梯子 到二樓 到三樓 面對一成不變的臉孔 於我,能滿足嗎? 心中的願望就只於此? 猶如被困在蠶繭裡 暗無天日 悶呀! 心中私自狂喊著: 向前! 向上! 突破! 一層階梯 一個腳步 一個腳步有一個進境 不管前程還有多遠 無視千山萬水寫滿橫阻 至於風雨又於我何有哉? 任由歲月註記著夕陽斜掛的黃昏 任由自己氣喘如牛 汗流浹背 腰痠背痛 不願徒然呆望雄鷹高翔穹蒼 不願徒然呆望珠穆朗瑪峰 怕什麼? 猶豫什麼? 向前! 向上! 突破! Shout Wildly Hsu ChiCheng ——After climbed onto 785 steps of Kotohira-gū Japan Climb the same stair every day Onto second flood Onto third flood Confront the face which changeless Does it satisfied with me? Does the wish in my mind just like this? Like besieges within the cocoon Total darkness Oh muffled! I shout myself wildly in my mind Forward! Upward! Break through! A step is A flight of stairs A step is a progression No matter how far is the future Disregard there full writes the bars with million of mountains and ten million of rivers As to the wind the rain which any matter to me? Let the year explain with note the dusk of evening glow hang slanting Let self to puff like a walrus With sweat streaming Aching and limp with waist and back Wouldn’t like to look dull in vain to the eagle high flying in the azure Wouldn’t like to look dull in vain to Mount Everest What are you afraid of? What are you hesitated about? Forward! Upward! Break through!@ |
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