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2019/06/01 07:37:17瀏覽4403|回應1|推薦58 | |
作者:許其正 落日的晚霞(大紀元記者李志合攝影) 更新: 2019-06-01 12:06 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 一甲子,一瞬 一瞬,一甲子 那些青春飛揚的日子 多少甜美和歡笑在裡頭燦亮 歷經一甲子的風霜雨雪 任我們怎麼嘰嘰喳喳地召回 現在它們也只能像繁星,閃爍在回憶裡 一甲子只是一瞬 一甲子雖由一個一瞬又一個一瞬堆疊而成 其實卻也只是一瞬 現在時已黃昏 光華已漸褪去 我才來插班,是否 能看到還有多少個一瞬 堆疊出另一個一甲子 珍惜呀珍惜每一個一瞬 珍惜現在這個一瞬 去堆疊另一個一甲子 至少讓此時的晚霞能夠燦黃昏! 註:內人蜜子初中畢業後六十年,該屆同學於今年五月廿五日在東港舉辦同學會,到有廿五人。作者忝為臨時插班生(眷屬?),亦插一腳,謹致贈每人拙作散文集《晚霞燦黃昏》一冊,祈望眾人真能如書名,晚霞燦黃昏!※ One Jia Zi, in the twinkling of an eye Hsu ChiCheng One Jia Zi, in the twinkling of an eye In the twinkling of an eye, one Jia Zi Those days of flying in the youth How many sweet and laugh brilliant in it Experienced wind and frost and rain and snow They are now like dense stars, shines in the recall In spite of how summon with chirping One Jia Zi, just a moment Though a Jia Zi is piled one by one of a moment In fact, it’s just a moment And now it’s the dusk The glory is took off slowly I just to join a class according to my grade If it can be there how many moment Pile into another Jia Zi Oh cherish , cherish every moment Cherish this moment of now To pile another Jia Zi At least make the afterglow of this time can brilliance in the dusk *There was a gathering of my wife class mate held on 25 May this year in Donggang after she has finished school 60 years, 25 numbers were appeared. The author be a show time blue(family?), was took party in it also, and presented every one a book of his prose collection “Brilliant in the Dusk with Afterglow”, wishing all of them will brilliant in the dusk with afterglow truly as the name of the book.@ |
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