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2019/05/05 07:36:51瀏覽3363|回應1|推薦47 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-05-05 12:05 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 鑼鼓喧天。廟前 布袋戲台上正熱烈地搬演著 好戲呀!好戲嗎? 觀眾則稀少到幾乎沒有 所有早年的情況頓時狂奔向我: 那時幾乎也都在廟前 觀眾很多,大人小孩男女老幼都有 熱鬧滾滾,有時還擠得水泄不通 叫賣零食的喊叫聲此起彼落 戲台上則熱鬧地上演著 戲偶有許多樣貌 文弱書生有,吟誦著詩詞 孔武有力的武士有 甚至有生毛帶角的 攜著武器的,不攜武器的 正派與反派廝殺成一團 使利器,吐劍光,甚至不必近身就致對方於死地 勝的揚眉吐氣猛追 敗的或反抗或奔逃 好像有些是虛擬的,三天地外才發生的事 把什麼天空地道都鬧得沸沸揚揚 觀眾的情緒隨戲碼而起伏波動 後來戲轉到電視台 劇情更離奇 人物更怪異 轟動到小孩子在學校考試時回答歷史題目 曰:明末民族英雄誤答為戲中人物史豔文 我每天的午飯配布袋戲 可是現在呢?現在的情況就在眼前: 雖然戲台上正熱烈地搬演著 觀眾卻少之又少,一點熱鬧不起來 這樣的布袋戲演給誰看? 有人說現在的布袋戲是搬演給神明看的 是嗎?不是? 這是什麼道理?是時光把戲碼搬走了? 是搬演者技術差? 是劇情不離奇? 或是人物不怪異? 還是觀眾已冷血了? 還是現在的戲碼來自宇宙第幾度空間? 誰也給不出答案。 For Whom is Glove puppetry Performed Hsu ChiCheng It’s deafening sound of gongs and drums. In front of the temple It’s warm performing glove puppetry on the stage A good theatre! Is it a good theatre? The spectators is scarce to almost zero It runs wildly toward me all the situation of yore: It’s almost in front of the temple too Many spectators are there, there are all adult, child, male, female Bustling and exciting, even to be jam-packed with people sometimes The sounds which the retailers shout their wares rise here and subside there There are performing with bustling and exciting on the stage There are many appearances of the puppets There are gentle and frail scholars, they who recite poems and ci poem There are strong and powerful knights Even there are the animal fur in their bodies and horns on their heads There are either takes arms or not Honest and upright fight with the opposed Hold weapon, throw up sword light, even cause death the opposed with not near him The winners pursue and attack closely who filled with pride elation The fails may counterattack or escape hurriedly It likes the fabricate thing which just come about outside the earth Makes trouble into bubbling with noise everywhere Rise here and subside there the spectator’s mood follow theatrical programme It turns to television hereafter It’s more fantastic than before in the plot It’s more monstrous than before in the figure Makes a great sensation that the children to answer the question of history test: Responded by mistake that the nation hero is Se En Wen And I match my lunch with glove puppetry performance However, what about now? The situation of now is right before my eyes: Though it’s warm performing on the stage The spectators are as few as it can be and without bustling For whom is thus glove puppetry performed? Someone said that the puppetry performance now was performed for God Yes? No? What’s the reason? Is it the time carry away the theatrical programme? Is it the skill difference the performer? Is it the plot isn’t fantastic? Is it the figure not monstrous? Or is it the spectator is cold-blooded? Or is it the theatrical programme comes from what dimensional space of universe? No one can give the answer.@ |
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