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許其正主持 張智中教授襄助 拔河 張威龍 生命啟程的那一刻 死亡在另一頭等著 或者慢吞吞 或者一瞬 我們在活著與死亡之間拔河 吸一口未來 吐一口過去 在吸與吐之間 綿延成 疊翠山巒的曲線千里 亙古,至今,未來 悲歡離合的樂章節奏 該如何跳躍? 佇足當下 回頭的是歷史 前瞻的是未來 我們一遍遍的吞吐、沉思 哪一朵雲 將緩緩的飄過那一個 屬於我的山頭? 請以輕盈解我窒息的桎梏 眷戀人間的靈魂 總是太沉重 (選自《華文現代詩》第15期第96頁) Tug of War CHANG WEI-LUNG The moment life sets out on a journey Death is waiting at the other end Either slowly Or in an instant We are engaged in a tug of war between life and death To draw in the future To vomit the past Between drawing and vomiting Extending Into the thousand- mile curve of green hills Unprecedented, until now, in the future The movement and rhythm of joys and sorrows How to leap? Standing now Backward is history Forward is the future Time and again we gorge and disgorge, meditate Which cloudy blossom Will slowly waft over Hilltop which belongs to me? Please untie my shackle with lightness The soul which loves the world Is always too heavy (Selected from p.96 No. 15 of Chinese Modern Poetry) Translated by Zhang Zhizhong 一個女子的長跑人生 漫 漁 我在路上奔跑 看到幼年的我打著赤腳 在岔路巷口跳房子 好想摸摸小臉,告訴她 爸爸後來離家,不是因為她 打碎了他心愛的花瓶 跑過木棉道 看到十五歲的我背著書包 低頭思考一條數學問題 我好想回答她 青澀的憂鬱不會負負得正 再跑 路變得窄, 城市大廈遮擋了雲的去向 看到穿套裝拿名牌包包的我 踩著階梯,眼睛往高處爬 我想拍拍她的肩頭 不要忘記回鄉探望老娘 心開始累了,腳還不停地追 (不知在追什麼) 我的中年不在,她決定出走 沒有方向感的女子, 兜了一圈回到原點 我的鞋爛了,人也舊了 路,在我前面無限延長 老年的我坐在路邊,早已忘記 我是我 (選自《華文現代詩》第15期第97頁) Long-distance Running Life of a Female PEILIN LEE Running en route I see I was a child who was bared-feet Hopscotch on a crossroad and entrance of the lane How I wish to touch her face, telling him Dad left home later not because she Has broken his flower vase which he beloved Running across the cotton road I see me of fifteen years carrying a schoolbag Ponderng a mathematic question with my lowered head How I wish to answer her Young melancholy won’t be negative plus negative equals to positive Once I run The road becomes narrow The city mansion shelters the direction of cloud I see I wear an over cover and take a name-brand bag Treading the step, sight climbing to the height I want to pat her shoulder Don’t forget to go home to visit her mom My mind is tired, and my feet are searching (I don’t know for what) My middle age is out, she decides to be away from home The female of no sense of direction Goes in a circle and returns to the original place My shoes are broken, my body is old The road is stretching limitlessly The age I sit by on roadside, forgetting already I am myself (Selected from p.97 No. 15 of Chinese Modern Poetry) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 種在樓頂上的莊稼 月色江河 種的不僅僅是莊稼 而是一種病 每天,我像服侍孩子一樣 爬到樓頂給它們澆水 定期,給它們施肥 有雜草了,手握一把鐮刀 在樓頂上種著莊稼 不是為了糧食 是因為莊稼中 有我的農諺、節氣和鄉情 它就像一粒膠囊 能將我的鄉思治癒 (選自《華文現代詩》第15期第99頁) Crops Growing Atop the Building Yuese Jianghe What are growing are not merely crops But a kind of disease From day to day, like nursing babies I Climb atop the building to water them While regularly, fertilizing them In case of weeds, I use a sickle Growing crops atop the building Not for grains But in growing crops There are farmer’s proverbs, solar terms and provincialism It is like a capsule Which can cure my homesickness (Selected from p.99 No. 15 of Chinese Modern Poetry) Translated by Zhang Zhizhong 父親在田野鋤地 月色江河 六月的田野似一張試卷 父親手握鋤頭 像一位考生手握鋼筆 正在聚精會神地答著考題 陪著父親一起考試的 還有家中的小黑 它蹲在離父親不遠的樹蔭下 屏住呼吸 生怕發出聲息 打擾父親解題的思路 父親的考卷淺顯易懂 沒有難題,也沒有怪題 只要用勤勞和汗水 這些題目都能迎刃而解 做了一輩子考生 父親的解題能力很強 儘管如此,他仍不敢兒戲 生怕自己的粗心而失分 父親的試卷題量很大 時間又緊 因此,他不敢有半點懈怠 熱了,扯一縷風,揩一下汗 累了,喝一口水,補充一下能量 把一生交給了土地 父親始終腳踏實地,一絲不苟 他要讓秋天這位閱卷老師 給他打上一個金燦燦、沉甸甸的滿分 (選自《華文現代詩》第15期第99頁) Father Is Hoeing in the Field Yuese Jianghe The field of June is like a piece of test paper Father is holding a hoe Like an examinee holding his pen Concentrating his attention on the exam Together with Father for the test There is Xiao Hei of the family It is squatting under a tree not far from Father Holding breath Afraid of making any noise To disturb the thread of Father’s problem solving Easy is Father’s test paper Without difficult problems, without tricky questions Only with diligence and sweat Can these problems be solved neatly As a life-long examinee Father is strong in solving problems Even so, he dares not be careless Afraid of losing points owing to his carelessness There are a lot of problems in Father’s test paper With limited time Therefore, he dares not slacken a bit In heat, he gets a wisp of wind, to wipe the sweat When tired, he drinks water to replenish his energy He has entrusted his life to the earth Father is always down-to-earth, overlooking no detail He wants for autumn the test paper marker To give him a full mark which is heavy and golden (Selected from p.99 No. 15 of Chinese Modern Poetry) Translated by Zhang Zhizhong 愛的鍛鍊 媜 嫚 單身過後 我走進健身房 開始積極鍛鍊...... 鬆弛的淚腺,需要拴緊 笑容的線條,需要勾勒 累贅的,回憶請刪除 不想,跑步機陪我 我想奔跑的前景,有你 渴望拋棄的卡路里 啞鈴依舊沉默著 練習分手的腹語術 加重了,思念的磅數 愛的鍛鍊是奮力地 奮力地舉起自尊 再將你,輕輕放下…… (選自《華文現代詩》第15期第126頁) Exercise of Love LI YA-WEN After being single I walk into the gym To begin my exercise … The lax lacrimal gland needs screwing up The smiling lines needs to be delineated What is wordy, the memory deletes it Unexpectedly, the treadmill accompanies me The future of my running, with you The calorie to be reduced The dumbbell is still silent Practicing the parting ventriloquism The load of missing, has been heavier The exercise of love is to powerfully Powerfully hold up self-esteem And gently, put you down … (Selected from p.126 No. 15 of Chinese Modern Poetry) Translated by Zhang Zhizhong 2019/2/20華文現代詩 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |