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2018/01/10 07:09:07瀏覽1353|回應1|推薦34 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2018-01-10 3:03 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 說到虎,幾乎人人心裡都會為之震驚一下;如遇見了,更會驚嚇得不知所措。 牠是一隻龐然大物,看起來全身是勁,力大無比,無堅不摧,是造物的大傑作。 黑的一條,白的一條,牠的全身皮毛,就這樣黑白相間,形成有規則的條紋,是畫家的大手筆。 牠的四隻腳,是堅固而具有很大彈性的鋼筋,適合於追逐撲殺獵物,是經過鐵匠特意鑄造的。 牠的眼睛,是兩盞閃閃發光的燈,總是炯炯有神,不住探照著,是汽車的兩盞霧燈。 牠的牙齒,是鋼刀利劍,可以斬釘截鐵,咬斷所有最堅韌的骨和肉,是經過千錘百鍊的。 牠的尾巴,是武者手中的鐵棍,一揮一剪,虎虎生風,出神入化,不可一世,是設計家的巧妙設計。 只要牠鼻子兩邊皺出幾條皺紋,張開嘴來嘯叫,便有數萬爆竹同時爆炸的音量,炸彈炸開的威力,頓時山鳴谷應,人畜俱靡。 牠常時隱伏在洞穴裡,餓了便出來,在草野、山林間逡巡,尋找獵物。只要牠一出現,不管是山禽、野鳥都會噤聲不鳴,不論是山羌、野兔、山鹿、野牛、野馬、山羊,以至人類,都會逃之夭夭。 虎,剛強,猛武,陽性的平方物! 1986年2月13日大眾晚報副刊 The Tiger Hsu ChiCheng Refer to the tiger, almost every one will have a shock in his mind; and will more shock for not to know how to do. He is a huge monster, look likes he has full energy, having matchless strength, conquering, is a great masterpiece of the creator. A strip of white and a strip of black, he is thus checkered with black and white on all his fur, into regular strip, a great handwriting. His four feet, are the steals with solid and great spring, fit for chaste and hunt the prey, is cast specially by the blacksmith. His eyes are two shining lamps, always brimming with radiating vigour, searching ceaselessly, are two fog lamps of the vehicle. His teeth are the steel knifes and sharp swords, can edge off nail and iron, bit all the toughest bone and flesh, forged in fire. His tail is the iron stick, a wield and a cut, powerfully imposing, now you see me, as if nobody on earth could beat him, is the clear design by the designer. Only crapes some wrinkles on two sides of his nose, opens his mouth and howls, will have ten thousand volume of sound explode of firecrackers at same time, the power of the explode, echo between the mountain and valley, both decadent of the persons and animals. He often lies concealed in the cave, comes out of it while hungry, search for prey among the hironori kusano and mountain forest. Only he appears, no matter mountain birds or wild birds all will keep silence, all will escape away enclose reeve’s muntjac, rabbit, deer, buffalo, wild horse, goal, even human being. Tiger, firm and unyielding, spurt, two square of male! @ |
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