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休閒生活雜記 2010/11/15 00:55:00

1. 大廳 :

a. 歡迎來到夢想館 , 首先看到的是我們夢想館的代表 : 夢想之花 , 夢想之花是由塑膠材質製成 , 但是卻重達 3500 公斤 , 我們現在可以欣賞由他位各位帶來的表演 , 欣賞夢想之花一天從早到晚的情境變化 .

b. 各位可以聽到我們的聲音是由前面的白色樹葉形狀的紙喇叭傳出 , 這紙喇叭一共有 150 片 , 由於他四處環繞 , 所以可以帶給大家身歷其境的感覺 , 彷彿置身於森林中 , 而周圍的銀色葉片 , 更可以吸收與反射紙喇叭的聲音 , 使聲音更為層次感 .

各位可以往前到我們手環機台來領取手環 , 之後的參觀 , 我們的 RFID 晶片手環將會使您與展品有更多的互動 .

( 此時會通知可以放 1,2 排的觀眾下來 , 先讓 12 排觀眾消化往前之後再放 34 排的下來 )

c. 首先我們可以看到這裡有五個夢想 , 請先選擇一個您的夢想 , 之後您將會看到這邊會為您開出屬於您的花朵 , 每一個人都會有不一樣的一朵花 , 這朵花將會在您參觀的途中逐漸隨著能量補給而成長 .

d. 請立即戴上手環往前移動 .

( 進入一廳前務必檢查是手上有確實戴上手環 , 有遇過客人拿到手環將手環藏在包包深處要偷帶走 , 所以要請他把手環拿出來戴上 )

2. 一廳

a. 台灣是個特別的島嶼 , 由於地形複雜所以擁有相當豐富的生物多樣性 , 在這裡我們用工研院最新科技的 3D 直立式裸視液晶螢幕 , 並且它的 65 吋大小目前為全世界尺寸最大的 3D 螢幕 , 他將為各位呈現一些在台灣生長的特別植物 , 不用戴眼鏡即可欣賞 .

b. 請各位選擇一台螢幕並站立在前面的綠色光圈裡面 , 等前方的寶石亮起後 , 請各位對他施展一些魔法 ( 揮手表示動作 ), 裡面的花草將會有一些特別的變化呈現 . 也可以請各位欣賞一下 3D 立體的效果 .( 客人會問動畫是什麼意思 , 就說是要您欣賞 3D 效果 , 與手環感應來啟動動畫 )

c. 這邊要請大家把手環放在這邊的機台上面 , 替手環補充能量 , 可以把芽比能量抓起來 , 會帶給您好運 !

3. 二廳

a. 各位進入我們的花瓣迷宮 , 要請各位想像自己即將化身成一隻昆蟲 , 來擔任我們傳撥花粉的重要角色 .

b. 請一個一個依序通過我們的變身通道 , 請往左手邊螢幕看 , 會發現自己變身成一隻昆蟲 ( 請協助每位客人的間距 , 因為太多人擠在一起顯示會怪怪的 , 若已經整個螢幕凌亂不堪 , 請淨空一下下 , 再請客人通過 )

( 昆蟲的變身是隨機的 , 大家都不大一樣 , 並非依照性別或高矮 , 客人會問 )

c. 各位已經變身成昆蟲了 , 所以現在我們看到的是花的雄蕊 , 請各位輕拍我們橘 色的雄蕊 , 會有花粉出現在我們身上 , 綠色點點就是花粉 , 象徵一個昆蟲傳遞花粉的過程 .( 請不要讓客人大力推弄雄蕊 , 尤其是綠色雄蕊只是裝飾用 )

d. 接著我們可以對著前面的螢幕揮揮手 , 看看花粉寶寶聚集在自己身上的樣子 , 花粉會隨著您移動 .

e. 我們現在要將各位剛剛身上的花粉傳傳遞到花的中心 , 也就是胚珠 , 請各位將手放在光球上面 , 把各位的花粉能量傳遞到胚珠裡面 , 需要各位的合作 , 讓能量把上面的燈泡通通點亮 , 花園才會綻放 .

( 請注意胚珠台上最多 10 位觀眾 , 太多擠不下 )

f. 各位請轉身看到我們生命之花的綻放 , 這是大家的努力所孕育出的花園 .( 依情況介紹工研院超薄可彎式電控液晶螢幕 , 他夾在兩片玻璃之中 , 通電的時候為透明 , 不通電的時候為模糊 , 所以可以將影片投影在上面 , 未來也可以應用在一些室內設計或裝潢上 )

g. 這裡我們要來感應手環 , 可以看到目前您花朵的樣子 , 等芽比變成花朵後請往前走 , 屬於您的專屬花朵會隨著您的移動出現在身旁的螢幕上 .

4. 三廳 :

a. 接下來我們即將進入 360 度環形劇場 , 我們環形劇場的影片會帶領你飛翔在天空 , 接著我們會要和影片作一些互動 , 待會我們會看到螢幕中有小棵的樹 , 大家要對著他深呼吸 , 位於上方的感應器會偵測您的呼吸 , 把呼吸換成能量 , 讓前方的小樹長大 , 因為我們每次的呼吸都會排放二氧化碳 , 所以利用這樣的能量來讓樹木長大 , 大家越用力的深呼吸 , 越能感受到樹木的茁壯 , 接著我們還有另一個感應器 , 將會偵測到您的脈博與心跳 , 請各位要把手放在螢幕中的蝶蛹上面 , 讓您的脈搏換作成能量來讓我們的蝶蛹孵化出蝴蝶 .

b. 請各位進入到中央的綠色光圈內找地方坐下或站著也可以 .

c. 請各位可以面對 ( 只是特定方向 ) 這邊 , 這邊是建議的最佳觀賞角度 , 比較不會頭暈 .

d. ( 小樹出現 ) 請各位到前方綠色光圈周圍 , 都可以對小樹做深呼吸 , 來讓前方的小樹長大 .

e. ( 蝶蛹出現 ) 請各位一起打手放在蝶蛹上 , 來讓蝶蛹盡快孵化成蝴蝶 .

f. ( 蝴蝶出現之後 ) 請各位回到中央圓圈裡面 , 接下來還有一段更精采的影片 .

g. ( 小花出現 ) 請各位把手伸出來 , 對著螢幕的小花揮揮手 ~

h. 各位有沒覺得很幸福呢 ? 我們影片到這邊告一段落 , 請告位離開的時候記得檢查隨身攜帶的物品有沒有遺落在地上 , 並請小心您的腳步 .

( 可以燈亮再開門讓客人離開 )

i. 請在這邊再次補充芽比的能量 !

5. 四廳 :

a. 這邊大家看到的是我們的電子草原 , 請各位靠近到地上的箭頭處 , 會讓我們的電子草進行一段精彩的演出 , 由於電子草相當脆弱 , 所以請不要觸碰到電子草 , 若後面看不清楚的貴賓們 , 可以抬頭看我們天花板 , 他會反射出整片的電子草 , 可以看清楚他壯觀的演出 .

b. 請各位往前移動到前面的平台 , 我們現在看到的是台北的淡水河 , 請將各位的手環放置在感應點上 , 來看看屬於您自己花朵的綻放 .

c. 每個人的花朵將會和其他人的花交換一些資訊 , 譬如顏色和花瓣外型 , 會使自己的花朵更為美麗 .

d. 接著屬於您的花朵將會流入我們的淡水河 , 並流到我們前方的城市花園 , 您可以看到城市花園裡面的每一朵花都是不同客人所綻放的花朵 .


Welcom to the pavilion of dreams. My name is ooo, I will be your guide and during this visiting process, if there is any question, please feel free to ask me.

First, in front of you is the symbol of our pavilion, it called Flower of dreams. It is made by plastics but it weight 3,500 kilos, but it still looks very light. And the show of this giant flower presents a nature’s daily process, from the morning to evening, and the raining to sunshine. This room also would like to make you feel you’re now is the forest. You can hear the bird’s and bug’s singing from this special white leaf-shaped speakers. We call them paper speaker. Because it’s thin as a paper. It’s an unique design here in Taiwan. There are 150 paper speakers in this room. So you can hear the sound from far away to here, Surrounding you, like you just sitting in the center of the forest. And also, you can see lots of aluminum leaf around this room, these leaf can reflect the sound from the speakers, to make the sounds more layers.



Now here is a machine that is for you to choose your wish, and you will get a special bracelet, the bracelet will record some information when you visit here.

(point to the screen) There are five dreams for you to choose, which one do you want?

(the flower shows up)Now you can see that is the flower belongs to you, everyone will get an unique flower.

(when the bracelet is coming out) Here is your bracelet!



We are now going into the second room called diversity. In this room we want to present the biological diversity in Taiwan. Taiwan is located in tropical area, but we have plain and high mountain in this island. So there is lots of monitor here to show you the different plants in Taiwan. Specially introduce you this monitor. This the only  vertical, 3-dimentional screen in the world, and you can see the 3-dimention flowers images pop up in front you without wearing glasses.

Please stand in the green circle, when the crystal lights up, please show some magic to the screen (waving your hand) and you will see the flowers will give you some response, dancing or singing.



Here you have to recharge the energy to your bracelet. Put the bracelet here, and the Yabi will show up, now you can catch it.




To get into this room, you have to image that you are an insect, now you can see these are the petals of a giant flower. Just walk through this path, please pay attention to your left side, you can see yourself is transforming into an insect. So you are an insect now. Here you can see this giant stamen, please snap gently on this giant stamen, you will see the green dots on your body, they are pollen grains. So now you are an insect with pollen grain on your body, you can wave your hands to these screens to see the pollen babies gather on your hands.



Now you are walking into the center of a flower, you can see the giant ball here; you have to put your pollen grains into there to finish the pollination process. Every one put your hands together to the ball, the energy from you will active the bulbs above light up, after that you will see the flowers open on these special screens back of you.

(These are the largest liquid crystal electronic screen, we achieve them to the maximum curve.)



Put your bracelet to the sensor again, here you can see how your flower grow in this moment. And you can watch these screen, your flower will follow you.



We are now going to a 360 degree orbital theater; it is the only one now here in Taiwan. Later, you will have more interaction between you and the video. There are some sensors above, they are non-contact device, and you will see a young tree in the screen, just stand in front of them, and just take a deep breathe, because every time we breath, the carbon dioxide will make the tree grow, so the more deep breath you take, the faster will the trees grow up. And we also develop the sensor to detect your pulse and your heart beat, there will be a butterfly cocoon on the screen, just put your hands on the screen, your pulse will transform into energy, and the butterfly will show up to you. Also the video itself might be the most fascinating part here, lots of visitors say they are really touched after seeing this film, so please enjoy!



Here you can see these are the flower robots, made by ASUS(a famous computer company in Taiwan), they are made by plastic and LED light, if you stand close to them the far red light sensor will detect your position and active them to give you a dance.(please be carful not to touch these robot flowers because they are really fragile.) You can also look up at the roof, to see the reflection of their beautiful dancing.



We are now near the end of this exhibition, you can see in the middle, that represent our river in Taipei.(the crystals are industrial salt), now your flower is fully growing up, let’s check how your flower looks like.



Please put your bracelet on the sensor point here, your unique flower will bloom here,(here is your flower), now you can see that your flower is connect with the others, they change their characteristic together, just like they are communicating with each other, after that, your flower will float to the river, and then finally to the city garden. You can see everyone blooms their flowers in the city garden.



Now we have to recycle your bracelet and give you a nice gift for memory. Just put your bracelet to this machine here, and just wait for a moment, here is your dream flower card, your unique flower is printed on this card. The card recorded the information including the date you visit here, the weather today, how long you spend in here, and the total energy you supply, and there’s your wish here(translate if you want.) we believed that your dreams will come true with your flower.



This is the paper speakers I have mentioned before, but here you see is that we make it to its maximum size here!



(The wall is made by the recycled plastic bottles)

This is the end of the pavilion of dreams, thank you for your visiting, have a nice day!





2010/11/15 00:55:00 |瀏覽 4966 回應 3 推薦 16 引用 1
2010/10/29 11:54:51 |瀏覽 2962 回應 2 推薦 15 引用 0
2010/10/21 22:05:34 |瀏覽 4173 回應 3 推薦 8 引用 0
2010/06/12 21:07:20 |瀏覽 2879 回應 0 推薦 20 引用 0
2010/06/05 20:31:52 |瀏覽 16509 回應 0 推薦 7 引用 0

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