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2011/05/14 08:29:05瀏覽1224|回應0|推薦0 | |
前新罕布什爾州的國會議員Henry W. McElroy,發表看過艾森豪總統,關心外星人的秘密簡報。 by Michael Salla, Ph.D. Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner May 12, 2010 from Examiner Website A former representative to the New Hampshire House of Representatives has released a video statement revealing he saw a secret brief to President Eisenhower concerning extraterrestrial life. Henry W. McElroy, a Republican, served on various committees during his time in the New Hampshire State legislature, and is best known for sponsoring a New Gold Money bill in 2004 that aimed to restore the use of Gold and Silver coins in the Granite State. He most recently ran for and won the Republican primary for State Representative to the 2008 elections but did not win re-election. In his statement, recorded on May 8 in Hampton Virginia, McElroy claims that the brief revealed that extraterrestrials were present in the United States, they were benevolent, and a meeting could be arranged for Eisenhower. McElroy explains in his statement that he saw the briefing document while serving on New Hampshire’s “State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee.” On its official webpage, the current committee lists 19 members and is under Democratic Party control. In his official working capacity at the time, McElroy claims that he was regularly “updated on a large number of topics related to the affairs of our People, and our Nation.” One of the topics relates to an official one page brief to President Eisenhower by unknown national security specialists that he claims to have personally witnessed: I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee. The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. McElroy’s recollection of the contents of the briefing document are startling: To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America. The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired. According to the brief, the extraterrestrials were benevolent. The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future. As a retired State Representative, McElroy’s testimony carries weight since he is a direct eyewitness of a document seen during his official duties. His testimony supports the claims of others that President Eisenhower secretly traveled to Air Force facilities in 1954 and 1955 to have meetings with representatives of one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. The most well known case involves a secret meeting at Edwards Air Force base in February 1954 that Eisenhower allegedly attended to meet with extraterrestrials to discuss nuclear weapons testing. In addition, UFO researcher Art Campbell, has located several eyewitnesses to a second secret meeting at Holloman Air Force base in February 1955 where President Eisenhower again allegedly met with extraterrestrials. McElroy’s testimony is a welcome breakthrough to learning the truth about long forgotten events whose impact on American society and world history continue to be largely unknown. His testimony boosts the case for the creation of Extraterrestrial Affairs commissions at local and state government levels, similar to that scheduled for voting in Denver in August 2010. Such commissions will be mandated to discuss evidence concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life, and to educate local populations about related issues. McElroy's testimony comes less than two weeks after the Governor of a Russian Republic revealed on national television his own experiences concerning extraterrestrial life. Given the reluctance of Federal authorities in both the U.S. and Russia to discuss evidence of extraterrestrial life, it is a welcome trend that former/current state officials are beginning to come forward to reveal their experiences. =========================================================== 有美國退休州議員透露,其實他在法院任職時曾看過一份文件,裡頭寫著外星智慧生命曾來訪地球,並邀美國前總統艾森豪威爾會面。(圖/擷取自網路) 近幾日,美國新罕布希爾州退休州議員亨利‧麥克爾羅伊對外透露,其實他在法院任職時曾看過一份文件,裡頭寫著外星智慧生命曾來訪地球,並邀美國前總統艾森豪威爾(Eisenhower)與外星人會面。 根據英國《每日電訊報》(telegraph)指出,新罕布希爾州退休州議員麥克爾羅伊曾向媒體透露,他在州法院任職時曾看過一份檔案,其中有寫出,美國前總統艾森豪威爾受邀與外星人見面。 其實在這之前,就有人提出艾森豪總統會見外星生物的事情。1954年,總統艾森豪威爾神秘失蹤,聽說是被軍隊送往愛德華茲空軍基地進行秘密會晤,與外星種族探討秘密條款。當他被記者詢問為何忽然失蹤時,他則說是緊急去看牙醫,因為他在晚餐吃雞翅時不小心弄斷一顆牙。 其實不止政府官員,有許多外星人研究團體,或是學者都有討論過艾森豪威爾與外星人第一次接觸的事蹟。他們說明,其實是外星人擔心地球人拿核子武器傷害其他星球,所以才要來地球跟美國總統協商,並願意分享他們的技術與資源給地球人。 有人還指出,其實總統看牙醫根本是幌子,他其實是會見了兩個長得很像北歐人的外星生物,他們有著白頭髮、藍眼睛,嘴唇還整個發白。至今,艾森豪威爾會見外星人的事蹟依舊是個謎團。但有了美國退休議員的說詞,讓許多人更加確信外星人的存在。 |
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