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Art Is to Give Pain a Shape
2008/04/04 10:23:01瀏覽596|回應0|推薦0

I was talking about the idea of "Wunschloses Unglück" earlier to mark my stand of how I interpret life in general. I weigh pain, suffering, misfortune and the sort more than happiness, because I find myself attract to the former, to which it seems that I am able to comprehend better as well. If you are to say that art is to give a shape to pain, I cannot agree more. If this counts as a faith, as Matthew Arnold commends that art offers consolation in the phase through faith, I would have to live with this paradox which I regard pain as consolation. I wouldn’t say this inclination is to put myself into a position of enemy of happiness. I wish I could reach happiness without too much effort, even though I am not able accomplish it now. I think it’s more important to accept who I am and what I would like to make myself out of it at this very moment.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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