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The Ars amatoria (The Art of Love) 愛的藝術 , by Ovid
2011/07/23 23:42:30瀏覽921|回應0|推薦0

Ovid奧維德寫The Art of Love源遠流長,為人類增添了生活情趣,雖然衛道人士盡數敗壞人心,比之今日網路、資訊的教導,奧維德的這部書,或許是顆小小種子。薄薄一冊,英文版讀來順暢,有些玩世不恭的諷味。




the right girl has to be searched for: use your eyes.

The hunter knows where to spread nets for the stag;

he knows what valleys hide the angry boar.

the wild-fowler knows the woods: the fisherman

knows the waters where the most fish spawn:

You too, who search for the essence of lasting love,

must be taught the places that the girls frequent.


I don’t demand you set your sails, and search,

or wear out some long road to discover them.

Perseus brought Andromeda from darkest India,

and Trojan Paris snatched his girl from Greece,

Rome will grant you lots of such lovely girls,

you’ll say: ‘Here’s everything the world has had.’

Your Rome’s as many girls as Gargara’s sheaves,

as Methymna’s grapes, as fishes in the sea,

as birds in the hidden branches, stars in the sky:

Venus, Aeneas’s mother, haunts his city.




If you’d catch them very young and not yet grown,

real child-brides will come before your eyes:

if it’s young girls you want, thousands will please you.

You’ll be forced to be unsure of your desires:

if you delight greatly in older wiser years,

here too, believe me, there’s an even greater crowd.


那些地方是能找到您的意中人?奧維德建議是走路時眼觀四面、耳聽八方的找search while you’re out walking.有點像獵豔高手的意味另外tiered theatre劇院、races比賽場、Circus馬戲團、沙灘等地方,還有餐桌there’s always the dinner-table

The table laid for a feast also gives you an opening:

There’s something more than wine you can look for there.


Wine rouses courage and is fit for passion:
care flies, and deep drinking dilutes it.

Then laughter comes, the poor man dons the horns,

then pain and sorrow leave, and wrinkled brows.

Then what’s rarest in our age appears to our minds,

Simplicity: all art dispelled by the god.

Often at that time girls captivated men’s wits,

and Venus was in the vine, flame in the fire.

酒能振奮並激勵熱情,三杯酒下肚,心情就爽朗放開了。再窩囊的事、傷痛、哀愁皺紋全消失了,我們這般年紀心情少有的!酒醉使人迷,愛神維納斯也熱情如火!如果您次日回想美酒、夜晚、美女是等號的話,請相信night and wine can harm your view of beauty. 稱為「蒙納麗沙效應」。所謂食色性也、飽暖思淫慾,是天性!



 But to get to know your desired-one’s maid

is your first care: she’ll smooth your way.

See if she’s close to her mistress’s thoughts,

and has plenty of true knowledge of her secret jests.

Corrupt her with promises, and with prayers:

you’ll easily get what you want, if she wishes.

She’ll tell the time (the doctors would know it too)

when her mistress’s mind is receptive, fit for love.

Her mind will be fit for love when she luxuriates

in fertility, like the crop on some rich soil.



Let your mistress’s birthday be one of great terror to you:

that’s a black day when anything has to be given.

However much you avoid it, she’ll still win: it’s

a woman’s skill, to strip wealth from an ardent lover.



a god’s anger’s deflected by the voice of prayer.

Make promises: what harm can a promise do?

Anyone can be rich in promises.

Hope lasts, if she’s once believed in,

a useful, though deceptive, goddess.










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