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背叛The Betrayal, by Beverly Lewis (一)
2011/06/26 00:11:53瀏覽222|回應0|推薦0

英文原版共385,是Abram's Daughters亞伯拉罕的女兒系列書中的第二集書。對於Amish有興趣或好奇,想一窺究竟的讀者,很容易借由此書的情境逐漸融入其中。故事的發展如Amish的生活般簡潔樸素。抱定一種心情-堅持讀著,然後您會發現書中的女主角,也如此以堅持的感情觀活著、等待著、信仰著。換個立場,在如斯環境下的我們如何自處?一種心情,一種態度,什麼樣的結果,揣想起來也傷神。


Leah在給離家的男友Jonas敘述自己的心情:Honestly, you spoiled me! I’ve saved up a whole handful of your letters, and only a few months have passed since you left for Ohio. It’s all I can do to keep from running to the kitchen calendar yet again to come up the days till your visit for our baptism Sunday next month. (9) :真寵壞我了!自您離家至俄亥俄州,我只能在家事中度日,離下個月的主日浸禮你再到訪,廚房的日曆不過才翻飛幾個月,我已能滿滿的捧著你的來函哩。家事的維持是女性的本份,所以Leah在足夠年齡時,也與Jonas開始男女間交往的courtship (求愛期)Jonas則離家成為技藝的學習生徒,做為上帝的子民,傳承與維持和諧的努力是討神喜悅的重心。作為Amish的一員,這可理解的思維來自傳統家族團體的重視、竭力保持虔敬純潔、對塵事遁避後,單單順服上帝旨意形成的信念。

How good of your bishop to permit you to join my church district. The Lord above is working all things out for us together again. (9) :您教區的主教讓您加入我區的教會,這一切是神的做功,讓我們在一起的見證。通常一個教區約有20-40個家庭的成員,有一位主教和幾位宣教士(由專業訓練完成者為傳道者)、長老管理教區及傳道事務。由於每區所屬教會不同,雖說所有的教會都屬神的聖殿,能讓原屬會友至其它教區,是需要服侍主的傳道者寬容、得到神的亮光成全的。

Leah held the letter in her hands, reading what she’d written thus. Truly, she hesitated to share the one thing that hung most heavily in her mind. Yet Jonas wrote about everything under the sun in his letters, so why shouldn’t she feel free to do the same? She didn’t want to speak out of turn, though. (10) Leah重讀著寫給Jonas的信,懸著是否該告訴他這件心中沉重多時的事。Jonas可是一五一十地與她分享著他身邊的事,Leah猶豫著似乎不想坦白這心裡的事。She offered a silent prayer for her sister and continued to work side by side with Mamma. (18) Leah隱藏心頭的事,似乎和她的姊姊有關,在母親身邊幫忙的同時也暗自為她禱告。Jonas had written that he wanted to talk over plans for their wedding day when he returned for baptism; he also wanted to spend a good part of that weekend with her, and her alone. (18) Leah 的男友Jonas 信中提及在他返鄉受洗時,他希望在未來的那個週末能與Leah獨處並計劃結婚事宜。這裡提的受洗,該是Amish在童年受洗一次後,在成年時的再受洗禮。But on the following Monday he must return to Ohio to complete his carpentry apprenticeship, “just till apple- pickin’ time. “ His father’s orchard was too enormous not to have Jonas’s help, come October. And then it wouldn’t be long after the harvest and they’d be married. Leah knew their wedding would fall on either a Tuesday or Thursday in November or early December, the official wedding season in Lancaster County.:由於Jonas在短暫停留後的次禮拜一得回俄亥俄州的木匠的學徒期,直到十月父親龐大的果園採收蘋果時,而婚禮也該是在農忙後。賓州的Lancaster縣的官方結婚季節是十一月或十二月初的禮拜二或禮拜四。Amish的聚集區在賓州、印第安納州、俄亥俄州、加拿大的安大略省較多及阿拉巴馬州等零星分佈。其木匠製作的傢俱至今仍很獲講究生活人士喜愛。勤奮工作是很討神喜悅的,早期的學校沒有寒暑假,農忙後是學校上課、學習技藝、儲存柴火、醃漬食物、結婚、修繕房屋、農具的時間。But for Sadie’s sake, Leah had stayed put in Gobbler’s knob, wanting to offer consolation after the birth and death of her sister’s premature baby. In all truth, she had believed Sadie needed her more than Jonas.Leah的姊姊SadieGobbler’s knob早產分娩下死胎的嬰兒,所以Leah待在姊姊身邊安慰陪伴,是Family first的觀念,在未出嫁前,做為家人的責任。由於某種原因,Leah未真實向男友解釋這原因,而使Jonas有所不悅,長距離的交往很容易猜測或誤會。


( 知識學習其他 )
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