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JPM weath管理能像他们的“顾问”告诉我们那样的照顾客户年金吗?;美国联邦存款保险公司将52家银行列入问题银行名单,第一个倒下是德国(PBB) 银行?
2024/02/28 01:04:58瀏覽56|回應0|推薦0
can JPM weath management take care client annuity as their "advisor" told us ?

美国商业地产萎靡不振 这四家地区性银行危险了?
  今年1月,纽约社区银行(NYCB.US)宣布因商业房地产贷款损失而遭遇严重亏损,导致其股价暴跌70%。此后不久,Evercore ISI的金融分析师发现,几家地区性银行的商业贷款敞口增加,这应该引起投资者的关注。
  根据Evercore的研究,如果商业地产继续陷入困境,四家银行将面临风险:库伦佛寺银行(CFR.US)、美国制商银行(MTB.US)、西诺乌斯金融(SNV.US)、Citizens Financial(CFG.US)。
--CFG 3/22/2024 $35.15 10/31/2023 $23.43 $18.81 3/31/2020 $19.23 2/29/2016
SNV 3/22/2024 $38.57 12/31/2008/$58.1 2009hit deeply down $15.54 10/30/2009 $19.19 5/29/2020
while CFR $106.44 and MTB $142.15 cant see in high risk. NYCB $3.54 just like our 5 under $10.xx didnt increase but some down when 3 indexes up i would say 半死 status.
  Evercore分析师John Pancari表示,尽管贷款违约(或冲销)尚未达到金融危机期间的水平,但商业部门的持续亏损可能会迫使处于风险中的银行增加现金储备。话虽如此,Pancari并不认为这些银行在商业贷款违约增加的情况下有倒闭的风险。
  Citizens Financial 19%的贷款敞口为商业地产,准备金率为2.2%。Citizens Financial 的状况令人担忧,因为办公楼贷款在19%的商业地产贷款敞口中占很大比例。它还有10.2%的办公贷款准备金。这一点很重要,因为写字楼市场可能是商业地产中最低迷的领域。
  美国制商银行指出,其未偿还的商业贷款余额是15年来最低的,贷款与房地产价值比率为56%。在最近的财报电话会议上,美国制商银行首席财务官Daryl Bible表示:“我们对目前的准备金状况感到非常满意。我不能保证它不会上涨。但我们对(商业地产)领域的高风险信贷类型进行了非常彻底的评估。”

美联储政策后遗症?“问题机构”继续增加,美国地区银行仍处困境 2024年03月12日 07:58 第一财经
近日纽约社区银行(3.25, -0.17, -4.97%)风波再次引发了外界对于商业地产和地区银行风险的关注,流动性担忧背后与有关银行并购扩张的监管审核不无关系。
--i wonder 52家银行 all are FDIC-type? did FDIC have not-FDIC type problem banks information? very likely not just unit price under $10 but even $20(PBB) still got cash flow problem.
ps 区域银行爆雷救助计划周一到期!流动性将现危机?2024年03月12日 01:43 市场资讯
ps 小心3月银行业再“爆雷”!美国存款逆转出现“外流” 美联储逆回购工具快速耗尽 2024年01月13日 02:32 FX168财经集团
--very good paper knew 美联储耗尽逆回购 and warned but again same as FDIC didnt tell who are those in 逆回购 list but read papers warned 地区银行 and foreign banks which very likely cant get 美联储逆回购 aids but PBB or 德国 put more money in ? from what we went thru Bush wars caused our problem 4? banks most merged/sold to another banks and shut down local branch(before 2013 in Naperville), we were in time got our money out (FDIC didnt hide). not sure any problem banks in Elgin after FDIC updated no easy way to know. the only way search and verify banks history(2000-2024) unit price chart.

美国联邦存款保险公司将八家银行列入问题银行名单 2024年03月07日 23:04 市场资讯
美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)称,2023年美国银行(35.6, -0.03, -0.08%)业利润下降2.3%,至2570亿美元;将八家银行列入“问题银行”名单,问题银行总资产达到663亿美元。 责任编辑:郭明煜
--3/9/2024 i visited FDIC again cant find who are those 八家问题银行.
when i searched found :
华盛顿,3月7日(路透社)-美国联邦存款保险公司(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)周四报道,美国银行业在2024年最后一个季度的利润下降了近一半,因为大公司开始支付巨额费用,以帮助弥补去年春天几家银行倒闭所产生的成本。

美国商业地产危机,第一个倒下的会是德国银行?2024年02月22日 20:47 市场资讯
美国商业地产危机,第一个倒下的会是德国银行?  来源:华尔街见闻 葛佳明
  美国商业地产危机仍在德国银行业蔓延,对冲基金做空德国Deutsche Pfandbriefbank(PBB)银行的押注创历史新高。
  根据公告,PBB 2023年全年的风险拨备预计为2.1亿欧元至2.15亿欧元,税前利润为9000万欧元。PBB把当前的动荡称之为“自金融危机以来最大的房地产危机”。
--3/8/2023 $8.49 3/7/2024 $19.92 PBB should be ok;
3/6/2023 $3.60 3/8/2024 $3.90 BMO that if stock market down would be dangerous.
3/7/2023 $3.75 3/8/2024 $3.42 -6.52% NYCB a bit worse than BMO
-- BMO corrected 3/9/2024 $94.03 not $3.60 3/8/2024 ps my notebook after long time updated(3/8/2024) became weird that BMO is not the only one searched showing wrong information) got AI-fraud or target at foreign banks? ps 3/9 MS updated the problem solved but touch screen not working then solved.

ps 美国银行业危机可能比你想象得更近 2024年03月07日 18:24 《财经》杂志
--searched "banks stock unit price less than $5"
BCS 9.03 9.09 8.93 8.97 15655900 -0.55% UK could be ok

VLY 8.28 8.36 7.91 7.96 5748200 -3.28% USA regional bank
VLY Stock Alert: Is Valley National the Next Bank to Fail?
VLY specializes in providing loans to midsize landlords in the New York City area
By Larry Ramer, InvestorPlace Contributor May 2, 2023, 9:41 am EST

ITUB 6.81 6.90 6.81 6.84 10161200 -0.15% Brazil

CFFN 5.90 5.97 5.86 5.89 703900 1.03% USA
Capitol Federal Financial Inc

SAN 4.33 4.35 4.29 4.31 2590000 0.47% Spain largest bank.

MFG 4.29 4.32 4.25 4.29 1556300 4.89% Japan

NYCB 3.85 3.85 3.32 3.42 64032900 -6.56% USA
commercial property loans 脱离问题银行名单?
FDIC 昨天(3/8/2024)更新季度“问题银行名单”。和往常一样,它没有说明名单上有哪些银行。
然而,有可能发现一个并非如此的地方:纽约社区银行 ps 纽约社区银行可能不在FDIC最新的“问题银行名单”上

BBD 2.78 2.83 2.78 2.79 16946000 -0.71% Brazil

LYG 2.48 2.50 2.46 2.47 12813400 0.41% London,UK
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
-- that if stock market down would be very dangerous. most are foreign banks
ours have 1 under $5.xx and 1 stock $8.xx which kept down since 2023 Sep?(was over $11 years) very scary. and 2 under $7,xx 1 under $9.xx.

STI 0.75 0.90 0.63 0.78 1823100 5.41% USA not bank
ps 3/10/2024 SOLIDION TECHNOLOGY, INC. (STI) 0.78 not SunTrust bank 5/4/2022 $9.99, ie the company also in trouble. the wrong year(2022 Baiden) built companies might all in danger if not enough cash since Nov,2023
note ours 1 stock also became under $10.xx in Sep,2023 never up
but $8.xx as many years ago built company.

ps 3/9/2024 happened again SunTrust Banks Inc NYSE: STI $70.13 USD0.00 (0.00%) today
December 6, 7:51 PM EST ?
ps 3/10/2024 it is bing search problem which showed December 6, 2023? if so that means the bank is definitely the top problem bank
Note July 30, 2019 approved the agreement for the merger of equals of SunTrust and BB&T Corporation (NYSE: BBT). Dec. 9, 2019 became Truist Financial Corporation (NYSE: TFC)
very confused same symbol. TFC 37.44

ps 突然!高盛宣布:退出!2024年03月09日 14:29 券商中国
--im more curious 高盛 loss money in Japan, how much? fagix, also under $10 in Sep,2023 but struggling up, fhifx $7.98 built in 2004 another wrong year Bush, sphix $7.7 built in 1990 both were recovering during Trump period.
sphix 8/30/1990 built $10 8/30/2002 $7.19 BUSH war 12/30/2008 $6.4 Bush economic recession-so-called
2/28/2016 $7.73 12/26/2019 $8.96 3/19/2020 $7.08 12/31/2020 $8.74(Trump)
1/7/2021 $8.74 6/29/2022 $7.27 10/30/2023 $7.14 12/21/2020 $7.63 3/7/2024 $7.7 (Baiden period)

ps 他们见了,拜登怒批
--move to 特朗普维持美国的现状,避免战争,对中美关系态度相对友好;小肯尼迪风格较为客观对中美关系抱中立的立场 2024/03/08 19:27
--if so they can change usa.
3/6/2024 due to i change to paper statements in stead paperless (i found some companies auto deleted my HD download statements and auto changed payment date, amount...) on line screen impact that cant find 2023 tax form so made a call that s3howing Debit card last 4 digits incorrect, so i tried spouse debit card got same problem. called again then was told must use the cell phone on profile. usually we added our 2 cell phones and either one can call without problem. it must so many company data breach caused fraud happening, but does it work? we are forced frequently change user ID/password that wont stop but postpone (the hacker use tool 24 hours break in), same as fraud emails. i can have couple days not receive fraud emails then suddenly got many so i wont open any emails but treat as a signal such as xx company issue new bill statement.

3/5/2024 the psycho stole our property taxes papers so login dupage county website which updated so i examined all details and found own " 0% owned". i assumed we paied off mortguge should 100% owned the house. then i were scared whether some one stole our house but we continue pay property tax... so immediately called to make sure whether they made mistake. 6 times later finally got the answear "% owned" has nothing to do with mortguge but the house also joint account without mark what percentage ownership. in the end i asked "does it happen to many people?" . i still remember we both went to the office updated "joint" account no see(or informed) "% owned" at all. we decide after finish TAX reporting to visit office again. in case bad things happen.

3/5/2024 we opened joint account including CD, when we starting tax-report jobs i found the bank only showed one 1099-INT so called banker 4-5 times finally got the answear that even joint owner only the primary can receive TAX form. we never know and assumed one user ID and password login is enough but turned out spouse needs to create bank account as 2/3 as primary owner. i began worry thats why i felt some CDs were stolen and the psyco thief freuently stole our statements, receipts... years ago I did inquire 2 banks why on line cant see CD informations. they never told us if something they made system changes.
spouse was really upset and lost temper when the banker wanted spouse prove he is the owner. i already remind the banker spouse is old and hot temper. i also declared not moving/stealing money but asked questions about why on line only one tax form cant see the other two as all are joint account.
Nov, 2023 we visited local chase bank, and thru banker introduced "agent" who recommanded JPM manages annuity product.
He insist open new joint brokerage account that i told him we have before(joint too) but not sure whether still existing. He answeared that already closed.
i did tell him we want joint account the reason is spouse too old(this year 78) and hot temper.
it also can reduce my job load as every time spouse has to authorize me by phone call. we both sick of it for many years that we did inquire whether there is a way to make a note or fill form to avoid. but none usa company can allow.
but it turned out individual account for us after i moved money to brokerage account which i assumed is joint.
Then spouse had difficulty to register(create) login account. finally the banker who related to our agent told us she can help by recover old time spouse account (long time ago it was spouse name until my 2 brothers came needed put their accounts under us to avoid any changes they have to in person visit usa bank, spouse was not available as still working)

the agent finally called me and set appointment 2/6. i would continue write after the meeting.
2/27/2024 (continue) 2/6 it turned out my spouse last name on bank ssytem became David not his last name(however bank mailed and on line statements no such problem). so he signed banker who related to our agent requested form and annuity transfered all papers again. ps i remember the day spouse sit in the car i brought our previous annuity company annual statements let the banker who related to our agent made a copy and forward to the agent, the lady confirmed spouse name as David i corrected her wrong spelling and showed spouse driver licence if needed spouse can come inside, have no idea why she failed or freaky bank-wealth management complex system didnt fix at all.
we with agent called AIG how to solve the delay problem and signed requested papers and re-submit papers but failed again.
so we cant but visited agent again on and found out spouse last name still didnt fix and my signature didnt match AIG system. so repeatedly again.
however the agent finally gave us the another annuity company our accounts number. ps the agent and company, the another annuity company refuse to providde our new accounts contract number even the annuity company received our added new money to our 2 non-qualified annuity.
so we believed this time shouldnt have any excuses to delay and no need visit agent to call AIG any more.
agent cant call AIG, we cant call Athene without accounts number, AIG and Athene accused each other as not answear phone nor receive the other side sent emails/mails. each different excuses takes 7 days processing plus 10 days mail/email business days. whenever we with agent call AIG we did what AIG requested. but now requested NOTARY. mother fuck AIG asshole who keeps looping. not mention spouse on line account cant login.

Mother usa fuck privacy and suck complex systems became their excusese to delay and hold clients money without interest forever.
so we believed this time shouldnt have any excuses to delay and no need visit agent to call AIG any more. But...

(i posted in mylib 随笔 today 2/27/2024)
in Nov,2023 we tried to transfer previous annuity company AIG to another annuity company till today 2/27/2024 2 of our annuity still failed because "signature" didnt match but another mine was ok(spouse qualified annuity last name was fixed but AIG just told didnt receive from Athene, my non-qualified annuity). i was really upset so called AIG what they tried to play on us... then called again why the same day with agent confirmed with their company and resubmit signature papers got different result? the lady agreed and would request their dept. used the pass signature paper for the failed one mark as urgent(3 business days, wait to see whether it is another playing game on me).
it never happened before now usa company use "signature, privacy..." hold clients money forever by this and that excuses, a very simple solution that bank notary stamp verification could solve right in the beginning.
Be careful if you invest money in usa especially long term annuity-type which we bought in 2001.
this earlier year i did read a news warn people it is not worth to transfer to another annuity company but as usual usa medias never post the detail so didnt help other new victims who read the warnning news.
the worst is fixed index annuity (variable annuity too) those based on annual issued interest type you wont get interest when you decide closed or transfered to another annuity company. even we selected point-to-point monthly interest credit option.
be alert.
ps the whole weird delaying problem i did suspect our agent either very lack of experiences or tried to hold our new money in brokerage accounts as long as possible then suspect the previous 2 annuity companies with our agent together playing on us to get their maxium benefits but we loss interests we should earn.
i can see companies use the fuck system and new rules to get what they want easily.
ps recently read a bad news about JPM weath management poor business i would say their poor on-line which merge with bank and clients have to pray they get "profession" agent because the company wont help you when the agent is too busy cant take care their system bugs and deal with annuity companies for clients.
ps 2/27/2024 we called Athene who admitted didnt email spouse corrected last name to AIG (but Allianz had correct spouse name before 2/7 and 2/19, isnt very strange?), i insist must "urgent" and was told 3/1 AIG should receive it. ps 3/1/2024 called then was told 3/5 to call again. you see it must 7 business days even mark as URGENT.

spouse non-qualified Athene did receive added new money on 2/7 and 2/19 from Allianz and going to merge together. spouse should receive contract before 3/5. (10 business days)
Athene received my AIG non-qualified on 2/21(isnt weird my ualified got signature problem?) and my added money should receive contract before 3/7 (10 business days).

Athene also told me they refused to "communicate" with AIG (without notify us), we have to directly contact AIG to fix problem by ourselves but cant give our contracts number. we will see soon how much interest we loss when receive 2 contracts manual. and those two qualified still pending.

Our agent requested not contact our 2 previous annuity company nor Athene that he would take care. did he? i deeply suspect he maynot have qualified licence so cant call AIG as our represent unless we visit him to call AIG.

Aig did expect us directly forward money to our bank account but we are afraid if didnt succeed within 7? days transfer to Athene who only deal with agents not individual then we are forced to pay tax.

you see 7+10 days processing how can avoid to pay tax? not mention "signature" or else accidents happen? Mother fuck usa suck systems but always punish innoncent clients who have no way to know the rules.

ps 4/1/2024 spouse called AIG and was told they didnt receive spouse Notary, later changed to recive on 3/15 but invalid. i worried spouse going to "break down" cant deal any more. fortunately he called Athene and was told "stamp was too light". and contract interest rate down to 4.8% in stead 5.35%.
last time spouse visited banker to sign Notary and later the agent called spouse "No worry" Athene guaranteed for 6 months if still get this and that ridiculous problems.
so i talked to Athene requested his supervisor that why Athene received Notary but didnt contact agent or us about Stamp problem? why our agent told us 6 months allowed? it is Athene and agent and AIG problem not us.
after spouse left voice message to Athene supervisor, i called bank wanted to confirm whether agent still works in baranch who didnt answear spouse at least 4 times (today Athene gave spouse his weird phone# 614-xxx-yyyy) and wanted to talked the banker who right in the beginning changed spouse last name and took months fixed now Stamp too light problem, the lady tried to transfer to bank manager but found agent available. so i inquired him are you all playing scam on us? we lose interest for many months already.
he declared this morrning just called Athene didnt hear anything wrong and stamp is fine not light. He would call Athen then call back. I wanted him make sure interest rate not down. none is our caused problem.
when Goldstone agent did bad thing to spouse i felt Allianz tried very hard not recovering original contract. spouse didnt get any interest from Allianz as fixed index annuity. AIG gave 3% as fixed annuity. Allianz tranfered to Athene but not AIG. the question is why Allianz didnt have spouse signature problem but AIG? why chase/weath management cant fix spouse wrong last name which agent has spouse driver licence copy, previous annuity companies annual statements copy and spouse signed papers.
when the agent told spouse Athene allowed 6 months i immediately warned spouse that means they would hold till the last day.

ps 4/2 2024 Scare me to the death when very weird i cant login my account then reset password found 2 bank accounts with quite tiny money disappeared. 3/12 just received the bank rejected another fraud charge voice message(877-242-7372). i logged spouse account didnt find problem. so i called bank who verified the 2 disappeared accounts didnt set "hide" and i still cant see the 2. in the end he provided another userID and temporary password to solve problem. i decided check spouse account then cant login happened.
i called and Notify the company problem might caused by original it was joint account for spouse annuity spouse has to create his userID and password so if changed either one then the other cant login. the man finally solved problem. ps fortunately i made online statements copy or cant request to recover disappeared 2 accounts.
that remind me spouse AIG account disppeared last year that took many months recovered this year and 4/1 cant login happened again. if AIG transfered to Athene earlier no need to recover.
once usa company got problem it will continue happen.
ps Chase Says This Is Phishing? from https://www.reddit.com/r/phishing/comments/qgdsy2/chase_says_this_is_phishing/?rdt=58456
This is super frustrating because I got this exact same email and they know the last 4 of my card and that the card is locked, so clearly they know what’s up. I went on chase app and there’s no notification of a rejected payment or anything....
So I just checked my mobile app, so if you have an email address that is associated with your chase quickpay and you didnt use that for 12 month, they will unlink the email and sent you this email notification.
But I also went to chase branch and they say its a scam... So i changed the pin number of my debit card since i called 8772427372 and typed in my debit card info ....
--we are not the only victims (my chase-amazon credit card twice in 2022 and spouse debit card in 2023) then 3/12 bank left voice to call 877-242-7372 just found tonight thats why tried to verify on line. i suspect banks requested frequently updated userID/password but did bank closed previous userID or password and even their previous version websites after updated ?
i wont use the voice message phone link but typed then hanged off because requested personal information including pin number.
usa is totally a mess, this is not Russia or China did but usa itself. very likely punished those anti-wars innoncent people in usa then spread all over. the worstis more and more seniors retired the young generation cant take over freaky complex system.
frequently updated userID and password wont help but made worse.
why cant catch 7 dark website but knew 俄罗斯袭击 even guaranteed isis not 乌克兰 related before Russia did investigate who got evidence now ?
2/27/2024 mylib got 500 - �ڲ�������� ��� �����ҵ���Դ�������⣬����޷���ʾ�� 服务器应用程序不可用 --not sure caused by my freaky anger wrote "mother fuck usa systems" or complaints usa AIG, Athene and JPM wealth management agent did lousy jobs. cant figure out how to fix web.config set or internet option->browsing-> unchecked "show friendly Http error messages" but same error , no help
just remember our bank link with investment company has same problems over a week the problem still existing that from bank on line website clicked investment company symbol (no need log-in) the screen showing Market index data is not available (failed) then click "current account holdings" which fixed problem can see datas then click "summary"(that is previous screen got error) the problem gone, but every day didnt see recovery.
But mylib already recovery now(same day 2? hours recovered). job well done..

ps very surprised, THANKs. it recovered what i wrote. very APPRECIATED.
i was writing "can JPM weath management take care client annuity as their "advisor" told us ? or Agent, AIG, Athene playing on us?"
i did try use "screen shot" then download but failed which showing error message not what i typed. hoping 360mylib can provide function so can retype the paper i wrote.

马斯克喊话微软CEO:请允许Windows用户跳过创建微软账户 2024年02月27日 13:04 环球市场播报
  当地时间周一,特斯拉(199.73, 0.33, 0.17%)CEO埃隆·马斯克在X平台上直接向微软(407.48, -0.06, -0.01%)CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉喊话,请求他允许人们在设置新的Windows电脑时跳过创建微软账户的步骤。
--very good, we are very confused about 微软账户 which is one account for one user or one user can create different 微软账户 for each notebook? we got login problem caused by from 1 user same 微软账户 for 2 notebooks change to 2 users for 2 different 微软账户 but failed. why do we need 微软账户 for if we wont buy any product from M.S. ? we are so regret installed OneDrive which caused many data files disappeared? but cant uninstall one drive from HD which still exist onedrive subdirectory.
--i would say AI-spy control our notebook can delete our data files and messed up file explorer.
--i suspect because without internet connection it wont install.
ps we saw the news this year M.S. terminate M.S outlook email accounts, why? i would say too much control/monitor users.
if Musk succeed 不连接Wifi still can install completely, why not post it to rescue pity users especially last month we just bought new notebook can wipe off and re-install Windows 11 then Windows 10 in my current use notebook. i want skip all not use app such as X-box, gamebar, Camera, light media player, M.S Edge, MS money plus, MS store, People, Phone Link, Remote Desktop connection(definitly hacker use it disallow unintall)

ps 马斯克批评微软Win11系统 公开表示太失望了!2024年02月26日 09:00 ZOL中关村在线
据最新报道,马斯克在社交媒体上公开批评微软的Windows 11系统。他提到,在安装Windows 11时,微软强制用户使用Microsoft Account(微软账户)进行登录,这一限制性举措引发了他的不满。
马斯克解释称,他购买了一台新笔记本电脑,并期望能够轻松地升级至最新的操作系统。然而,他惊讶地发现无法在没有MSA的情况下使用Windows 11。对此现象,他表示失望,并认为此举导致微软的AI工具Copilot可以访问用户的个人数据。

除了要求用户必须拥有MSA账户之外,Windows 11还设置了其他一些限制。例如,在安装过程中,该系统强制要求用户保持联网状态。尽管相关教程已经流传于网络上,帮助用户在网络环境不理想的情况下完成安装程序。然而,请注意:此处仅提供修改后文章,请阅读原文以便获取更全面的信息。
--it proved what i said 安装过程中用户 must 保持联网状态 not just Windows 11, Windows 10 too.

为什么会有那么多的程序员都排斥微软呢? 2024年02月11日 16:11 创业者李孟
--i am one of hate MS windows more and more as senior and was System Integration SW engineer, project leader over 10 years.
SI strongly request the whole system must stable, bugs free or can external solve clients request reporting. any MS added functions made worse and worse not even maintain data files well.
--i wont waste my time to use M.S. Edge and outlook email accounts. ps 2/28/2024 the worst about M.S. Edge is after closed the task manager still showing MS edge wont end unless manually end each one. what a painful every MS created app.
--when i found those earlier data files cant use any more because they were not cooperate M.S. or M.S. kick off those app. i really 非常抵触. when outlook email account came out i thought M.S. tried very hard to kill ATT and others.
--exactly, as i said to kill others existing competitors ignored those users data files cant open/use any more.
3、开发环境:在微软的早期版本中,其开发环境如MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)存在一些设计缺陷,这些缺陷给开发者带来了诸多困扰,从而在一定程度上影响了程序员对微软的评价。
--exactly. for MS 商业 force users cant uninstall not need APP, not mention sents lots fraud emails to keep pity users busy dealing with fraud emails every day.
-- all i can usa is very lack of 同理心 but for itself 商业 benefits to abuse pity users.
--never should only one MS OS be allowed. i deeply expect China made OS coming soon.
--the very basic functions such as file explorer, data files safety cant give to pity users why would have any 正面观点?
然而,我注意到微软随着时间的推进也在不断调整自身,以适应新的技术趋势。例如,他们推出了Visual Studio Code和Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)这样的优质产品,这些都被视为非常开发者友好的工具。对此大家是怎么看的,欢迎关注我创业者李孟和我一起交流!
--i only expect MS allow no need app can uninstall. Again the very basic function.

ps after i logged out from att-yahoo, the company popped up "survey" that i really wanted they can help innocent users like me-type about lots fraud emails received then the screen shwoing "leave screen open"..." i assumed it took sec. to pull out survey questions but it didnt and auto closed. mother fuck asshole might come from the fraud hacker. never should click any pop screen.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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