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2024/01/29 19:44:24瀏覽99|回應0|推薦0
我们在暗网上找到了7个可能属于您的信息--amazon credit card Fraud email again? looks like AMAZON adv.?

2/4/2024 received from "confirmation AMZ67673" about "Re: Sorry,Your Account has been locked Today (Ticket #6569685)."
i cant but run a risk to open it so can report to Amazon. as foloowing:
senders email address :confirmation AMZ67673 cant see senders email address but "From: <"
email contents: Re: Sorry,Your Account has been locked Today (Ticket #6569685).
From: < To:my-email-address
it declared "your monthly payment has failed" had to cancel your subscription.
the problem is i did report on 4/3/2022(not 2021) some one used my amazaon credit card information paied 3/5/2022 $16.16 and then 4/8/2022 $16.16. prime membership fee.i got refund and chase bank issued new amazon card which is not prime. pls. do investigate.
the email looks like scam without sender email address but "<"
ps i email to reportascam@amazon.com and i wrote as:
this is what i received. i believe it is fraud. i shouldnt open it but only open it then can forward to you--reportascam@amazon.com.
From my horrible fraud emails suffering, AI help bastards made fraud emails sent to their target victims without ending. while fxxk usa system protect bastards very well neither bank who issued AMAZON credit card nor AMAZON would tell anything what they found the bastard(s) information to their pity clients who continue suffering the unknown bastard abusing without ending.
those companys website about clients privacy wont reduce fraud emails. those allow opt out very few 10+ of 130+ some even became "not opt out". how can we stop day by day increase disallow opt out fraud emails advertisement-like ?

2/5/2024 chat with Amazon on line as:
me: Close my account
AI: ......
me:No, I just want to cancel Prime ps i knew i didnt have prime which you have to pay monthly then get shipping fee wavied. thats good for if you frequently order every month. i suspect the bastard use my email address and other personal info to order Amazon products without pay caused my credit score down.

in the end proved i didnt have PRIME in Amazon system. that means the thief didnt use my email address applied PRIME.

me; Chat with an associate now ps finally gave me option to chat real agent (Rxxx)

me:i suffered some one used my amazon credit card to pay prime membership fee $16.10 x2 mon in 2022. i did report and got refund. but 2/3 received weird email. and
couple min ago i did try close prime account it showing "No Prime management or cancelation option available for this account."
agent: I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Please do not worry,
I can assure you that I will help you with this in best possible way.
me: my question is why the person used my amazon credit card paied pirme membership fee. and the werid email i received delcared ps he transfered to Agent1(Rxxx)
my account would be cancelled as didnt pay some orders. can you verify who else use my email account.
Agent1 :Im sorry to hear that you have an unknown charge on your account.
Could you please help me.... ps I repeated what happened in 2022
me: ... i did get refund but received the weird email that worry me a lot.
Agent1:May I ask if you can check the charge ID for this amount on your bank statement?
me:it shows amazon prime 1W6A56HO0 Amzn.com order# D01-9428929-2176268
Agent1:Thanks for the details.
Just to confirm that you are not connected with the original purchaser of this Prime Membership?
me:i have no way to know who is the thief and i did chat with your people who cant tell me but your system has the thief info. and 2 person names S and C and their address but he cant tell me more.
Agent1:Thanks for the details.
Do you have a family member that starts with that letters?
me:without their full names i cant tell however i also requested chase bank investigated they wont tell me anything either. due to i received refund the police station we visited wont take the case. not even can help us to request your company release the thief information.
Agent1:Oh I see. In this case, I suggest you to have a bank dispute ....ps obviously he didnt review my conversation with previous Agent
me:you didnt get what i meant. i already got refund. but received werid email sent by your company. so i want verify whether your system has some one use same as my email address.
Agent1:Oh I see.
me: i am equifax and 2 other companies data breach victim .
i got information 7 people use my email address at same time with differnt password.
Agent1: Upon checking here on your email this concern regarding the information on your account.In this case also I suggest you to change your password for this Amazon account.
No worries I will submit a form to our account specialist to investigate this concern and rest assure that this will be taken care of by our Specialist Team.
Rest assured that this will be taken care of as I will forward this to our Team to be able to investigate on this.
me:great. i did report to your company but afraid would be ignored so chat with you make sure your company do the investigation before too late.
Agent1:Yes I will make sure that this will be taken care of as I can see here that I have checked the email we sent to you and this is to warn you to change password on your account.
But nothing to worry I will forward this to our Team to investigate this also.
Our Team will get back to you within 2 business days regarding this.
In the meantime, Is there anything else I can assist you with?
me:may i ask you i should change amazon account password or chase bank password?
chase bank issue the amazon credit card.
Agent1:Amazon account also please to make sure that your account will not be used or hacked.
No worries, for the chase bank I have already forwarded this to our Team to check this for you.
They will get back to you within 2 business days.
Is there anything else I can assist you with?
me:is it possible i can have a listing about amazon account password changed history? ps i wonder whether the thief (maybe more than one) use my Amazon account by forgot password(the theif got my email address and personal info can reset my password)
Agent1:I will send a link on your email.
You can change your Password using that link.
Reset Password Email successfully sent.Kindly check please.
ps before i can copy the rest he typed, screen quickly closed.
do i believe either Amazon or bank would pay attention and contact me? i dont think so.
but i will monitor my credit score whether drop down again.
the weird email i marked SPAM then wont allow block sender so i deleted when i check "trash" folder the sender became me-type in stead "confirmation AMZ67673".
a NEW type fraud email would auto change sender name to me using victim email address
AT&T报告泄露事件 7300万用户信息被发布暗网 时间: 2024-03-31 03:46:38 来源: 侨报网综合
编辑: 江塔
--AT&T is not the 1st data breach(数据泄露) but the 1st one showing 当前 and 前客户的数据被泄露到暗网. our suffered 暗网 found on 2022-12-16 06:12:05 not sure caused by which company data breach. however if master didnt blockade Russia Kaspersky since 2014? we might not become victim.
--重置当前用户的密码 can solve problem? i did change user ID and password still suffering endless fraud emails. the good feature as sub file folders, link other email accounts function became hacker favourist invaded tools.
--could be 2014(? not sure when tax software offered) after we got from tax software offered free? didnt usa hackers attacked our notebooks very hard because we installed Kaspersky then treated us as enemies?
网络安全专家Troy Hunt对此次事件发表评论称,尽管这些数据在近两周前才出现在黑客论坛上,但它们与2021年发生的一起类似数据泄露事件具有高度相似性。值得注意的是,AT&T从未公开承认过2021年的那起事件。
--多年来未通知受影响的客户--2021年 or 2019年或更早? we were at&t 客户 frequently internet broke till Sep/2013?. we assumed caused by that year many roads construction.
earlier AT&T did on line survey about Bush wars then monitor clients for government.
could be government-side hackers did 泄露数据, and put on 暗网? didnt many americans were on black list must be punished forever?

ps 卡巴斯基公布“暗网”数据最终调查结果, 25%涉及欧洲企业 2023-07-02 18:14:15 来源: 创作者_3ID7 河北
据意大利安莎社 6 月 30 日米兰报道,网络安全公司卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)在周五公布了 2022 年进行的一项关于监测隐藏网络(俗称暗网)上传播和出售的数据的结果。
卡巴斯基发现,其中 25% 的数据涉及欧洲企业。全球共有 258 家公司收到了卡巴斯基数字足迹智能团队的事件报告,其中 66 份报告与欧洲公司相关。

1/29/2024 i found what equifax and 2 others data breach caused serious problems as:
We found information on the dark web that may belong to you.
Email address password Date information updated Compromised website
my-email-address 7 不同的密码 2022-12-16 06:12:05 unknown
--what does it mean? on 2022-12-16 06:12:05 same time(06:12:05) 7 fraud teams tried to login my-email-address by different passwords or used my-email-address did bad things such as stealing money, spread their fraud emails to others...?
it caused my credit score 1/2-1/29/2024 down -3pts even myself credit report no bad records same as before (5/26/2022-1/1/2024) ? how can i stop bastards using my emails?

What is the dark web?
The dark web is a network of unsafe websites where people can trade and sell your data anonymously.
--shouldnt post 暗网 websites to warn innocent victims?
i cancelled all alerts email to my-email-address and considering no our related utilities companies/clinics/hospitals/banks... email to us. because i can see many infected including fraud banker.
we were told not by mail because bad guys stole mails. but now stealing emails and faked them. banks frequently remind clients change password but obviously it wont help either.
why? usa government wont tell anything about what they knew those bastards, 暗网.. and telemarkets names.

How did my info end up on the dark web?
Identity thieves can use a variety of methods to steal your personal data including hacking into corporate websites. If your information shows up on the dark web, it means that someone may have taken it without your permission and posted it there.

How does this impact me?
Getting a dark web scan result doesnt mean youre a victim of fraud. But, having your personal information exposed on the dark web can make it easier for others to find it and use it to open accounts in your name.

What should i do if my identity is being used to open accounts?
Check your credit report for errors and dispute them. Consider placing a credit freeze as well as a fraud alert with the three bureaus. You can also use our free identity restoration services to help get your credit back on track.
-- i deeply doubt "身份恢复服务" if Compromised website are unknown and cant catch who use my-email-address in 暗网 and why my credit score down.

Change your email password to make it more secure.
更改您的电子邮件密码以使其更加安全 ps already did, didnt stop tons fraud emails

Create different passwords and change the security questions on any accounts that use your email.

For extra safety, continue checking your ID monitoring alerts to keep track of new activity or changes.

Review your for any activity you dont recognize.
--there are some small amounts ($30-50) transactions quite suspicious. because bank didnt provide detail but "merchandise purchased". very weird. im going to review from 2022-12-16 06:12:05 till 1/29/2024 all small amoumt trasactions.
we were told not open suspicious emails whether thats how stealing small amount money?

​the worst is our related companies cant verify what emails addresses they would email to clients, what phone numbers they use to call clients.

me: can you verify is "https://click.xxxinvestments.com" your website that i received email on 1/22/2024 sender "xxx.investments@mail.xxx.com"?

it is about 2023 1099 tax form notification but cant find tax form in company website nor pension management website. but "Server Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied."
TAX season due on 4/18/2024. most should receive before 1/31/2024. but so far we didnt receive by mail, very scarely. usa system only works for simple case, once some bad thing happens it takes many months/years to fix it especially IRS related.
we were chased by IRS 3 years for bank made mistake due to the BANKER quit after we bought that year IRA-related.

1/30/2024 Every time you browse a website, accept cookies, or download an app, data brokers seize your name, address, and phone number, subsequently selling it to third parties. This alarming reality results in unsolicited spam emails, targeted ads, and pesky telemarketing calls. Even more concerning, scammers and identity thieves can exploit this treasure t...
--i never 接受cookie for couple years from companies related to us such as hospital/clinics/banks/utilities.... never 接受 cookies not related to us any website.

i did report the phishing attempt to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. and
the Anti-Phishing Working Group at reportphishing@apwg.org which request forward phishing emails (the question you have to one by one open then forward, so i wrote similar letter showing partially blocked senders email address and i visited some companies what i saw their adv. in the end asked whether i can email over 600+ fraud senders email address.
i dont think will receive response. they collect pity victims fraud emails but not feedback or post those fraud emails on websites. then you have to pay certain company which not 100% guarantee solve problems totally, but continue pay...
the weird 1/30/2024 spouse and my email addresses cant receive BxxBxx customer service sent emails but my new email address received.
i blocked atmmarket.com thecentersquare.com
and block (637 1/30/2024) senders, earlier the space was full (1000+ blocked senders)cant but one by one manual deleted. many returned back.
1/30/2024 tried to reduce as many junky emails as possible not related to us, didnt subscribe any (all deleted already). one of them is receiving "start daily" every time login, in stead once per day. suspect it is infected sent by the bastard. so found got same problem and scary to open it as me. as below:

FFSparky Start Daily <*** Email address is removed for privacy ***>
I started receiving daily emails from "Start Daily <*** Email address is removed for privacy ***>"
#1 is this legitimate??
#2 If it is legitimate, I never subscribed and I wont click on "Unsubscribe" so how do I get this stopped ?

MichalMichalko : A recent (simple) solution:
1. Login to your account on microsoft.com
2. Go to https://account.microsoft.com/profile/communications
3. Uncheck "Start Daily" checkbox
This way you dont need to input any email information,
-- 1/30/2024 12:23pm i did it and showing "We’ve updated your communication permissions". we see whether it works or must repeatedly "uncheck" everyday.
-- 1/31/2024 exactly what i thought, didnt work but uncheck every day.
but today showing "You are not subscribed to any communications." so why i received "Start Daily" email from microsoft.start@email2.microsoft.com again?

RoyalRedRooster : I recently started receiving these irritating emails also. Hesitant to even open them, let alone click an Unsubscribe link, I did some digging, and found they probably are legit. To check if you are subscribed to receive these emails without even opening the email, do the following steps:
Go to the following (an official Microsoft website): https://www.msn.com/en-gb/personalize/newslettersignup
Note it mentions the "Start Unfold" and "Start Daily" emails (dont click them though). Instead, click the link at the bottom of the page in small text: "To withdraw consent or manage your preferences, visit the Promotional Communications Manager"
Enter your email address. Theyll send you an email with a link.
Click the link in the email you receive (funnily enough this actually went to the Junk Mail folder of my Hotmail account - Microsoft even flags their own official email as spam which I find quite comical)
Then select/deselect the emails you want to be subscribed/unsubscribed to.
--1/31/2024 finally figured out (win10) it is "https://www.msn.com/en-us/feed/personalize/notification" which hided in privacy on bottom "news community" so i disabled "get all notifications". then check others especially health, autos marketplace.... hoping it really solve tons fraud emails.

after i did above then found 3 "auto subscription" happened again as:
1. Medellia transunion@express.seal.medallia.com 1email weekly
ps called x8338061627 x8006807289 8556813196 ->supervisor but mother fuck didnt answear that already spent half hour. i told the lady if their website provide "unsubscribe" i would do by myself. the lady answeared until receive their emails click unsubscribed so i told her many fraud emails "unsubscribe" bounced back didnt work.
so why usa court cant force banks, 3 credit unions, utility companies.. websites must allow clients unsubscribe those fuck auto-subscribe without clients knowing/authorized.
ps 1/31/2024 received transunion@express.seal.medallia.com "how was your experience with transunion?" i cant but marked SPAM and click "unsubscribe" then got the same bounced back "opt-out-400877.e23362f...." we see whether it auto-unsubscribe or still return back in my email "subscriptions" folder.

2. chase chase@e.chase.com & 1 more 2email weekly
ps just called (8888688618) chase and would remove my email address/ph# from their "commercial & market" system. i told the person because cant tell whether are fraud emails/calling or not and i dont want share any my personal info. be shared which turned out limited sharing personal info. the man proved once we were client it is auto trigger subscribe commercial & market must call to unsubscribe. no wonder earlier i unsubscribed but bounce back as "chase-hp2v600000..." and 1/31/2024 auto-subscribe again.
to unsubscribe the man has to ask many questions spend 20-30 min. auto-subscribe immediately issued but so difficult "unsubscribe", very sardonic and ridiculous.

3. Qualtrics experian@qualtics-survey.com & 1 more 2email weekly
earlier i contacted the japan company related and received their repsonse :
Qualtrics Support From:support@qualtrics.com To: my-email-address
Sun, Jan 21 at 1:07 AM

For your security we disabled all images and links in this email. If you believe it is safe to use, mark this message as not spam. ps i marked as SPAM

Thank you for reaching out to Qualtrics support!
Could you provide me a screenshot of what type of emails you are receiving?
Kind Regards,
Qualtrics XM
Masakazu Takeda/ 武田 将和
Product Specialist/ プロダクトスペシャリスト
Visit Support // Join XM Community // Learn on XM Basecamp
gradient separator
Support Ticket ID: CS_A20C030B8CBF4DA0
--the question is why 1/31/2024 "auto subscribtion" happened? we never know/visit the fuck japan company website at all.
the same 2 fraud emails as:
Mut-ual-OF-Omaha-Rev Reverse-Mort-gages Get Extra Cash and Improve-your-Quality-OF-LIFE
(2 sender emails)email@reunionresort.co info@eatyourbooks.com
--you can see why we receieve tons fraud emails without ending. who gave those fuck companies umbrella can hold clients email address sending unknown tons emails and auto-subscribe repeatedly ?

2/1/2024 now spouse received "Got an email from “Best of MSN” the email tied to this is msn@email2.microsoft.com" but no others.
from Patricia Yu Microsoft Agent | Moderator 16 Sep 2016
Hi Harvey,
To stop unsolicited mails from MSN, follow the steps below:
Sign in your account.
Go to Other options, and then click on Marketing preferences.
Uncheck all options and click on Save.
--haaa i am really confused now, didnt i already did? i loged in again and lucky me found spouse account "your information" under account information click communication preference un-checked all except the last one then finally showing "You are not subscribed to any communications. "
ps i also stop onedrive sent emails as:
To stop OneDrive from sending emails, you can follow these steps123:
Log in to your OneDrive account on the OneDrive app or OneDrive.com.
Go to Settings > Options > Notifications.
Uncheck "People make changes to files we’re sharing" and "On this day memories are available".
Click Save to save the changes.
Note that it may take up to 48 hours for the changes to take effect2.
--i hate onedrive a lot that many my HD saved data files disappeared.
any new free this and that wont allure me any more but try very hard to stay away.
the most plain the best.
as my mom told me "hold money in your hands not others", ie hold my data files on my hand not trust M.S. onedrive completely. one of the deadly problem is when we went to old house which has no internet service and cell phone hot spot most time cant connect. and data files i modified, created would be gone after returned home due to auto sync incorrectly caused? i never did any sync.
what did M.S. expect the seniors to deal their more and more freaky complex O.S. plus many unknown new app rules?

MSN email address stopped receiving/sending mail
Why cant I send or receive email?
To troubleshoot this issue, you can use the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool. This tool can help you identify and fix most issues
--from what i saw it is
A. M.S. tries to kill other competitors caused M.S. login conflict with others email providers including itself (outlook.com).
B. onedrive sync with itself (outlook.com) deadly problem, why users would know when, what should sync except exercise-related watch must use sync and upload (for humana health insurance rewards purpose)?
C. a news delcared outlook.com be terminated in 2024, same as ATT any *.net terminated in 2023 but allow send/receive function
D. i did test used my-email-address sent test-email to spouses but he didnt receive however my new email address received, very unbelivable and astonished. the only common is my notebook which was spouse used 2-3 years ago after he bought new one. i just bought a new one $310(opened box) that decide only money-related and data files not for any entertainment related to internet, email, my blog, onedrive...
the less link the more safe.

the diaster is tax season cant receive money-related emails such as property taxes, Income related tax notification, utility/internet bills... the worst in 2023 Turbo Tax updated caused the messed up serious bugs.
--i told spouse we are not the only one, NO Worry. (as Bush wars the lady confort me if we pity middle class in trouble that means the whole usa in trouble.)

2/4/2024 received OneDrive email again,
How to Disable & Uninstall OneDrive on Windows 10... didnt i already did? the only question is very confused me that i can see c:\Users\me\onedrive\documents
in my HD does it mean i didnt Uninstall OneDrive succeed ?

Heres how to permanently wipe OneDrive folders from your PC if they keep recreating themselves from PC Gamer(not magzine, cant guarantee is not bad website) https://www.pcgamer.com/onedrive-default-folder-location-fix-disabled-keeps-recreating/

-- i should keep MS-DOS like smart Putin did. very 后悔 didnt keep old version and notebooks active(they are still in house). to buy the new expensive notebook but millions fraud adv emails and auto install lots unknown app over 100+ but only 10+ can opt out.
maybe if i were younger i may spend time to study onedrive manual(i dont know whether there is a manual) but i am senior already exhusted to fight this and that frauds.
老实说,我不记得它是否给了我一个选择,但我想在更新Windows 10时,微软偷偷地把它放了进来,我没有找到我需要的隐藏复选框,把它扼杀在萌芽状态。所以我让OneDrive进来,它接管了我的文档和照片文件夹,迅速填满了它的云存储,并开始催促我购买更多的存储空间。“立即让你的产品变得令人讨厌”在我看来并不是最好的策略,但也许我在这方面缺乏远见是我没有经营一家万亿美元公司的原因。
--exactly what i felt. uncarefully without knowing well let OneDrive in we already lost our data files control totally. same AI in usa made me felt "some one" control us from cell phone, notebook, email accounts,... not just onedrive, email block senders/SPAM too all have space full problem and you either to pay buy larger and largest space pray no need one by one deleted to free space or those deleted senders forget me wont return back but they always come back. so i wont pay its not solution but an opium addiction.
ps when block senders up to 1000+ the email account behaved very strange i cant but manually one by one deleted 1000+, it took a long time and afraid some of KB keys would be worn out any time. why would i pay then one day have to delete over 100,000+? this is why evryday fight against tons fraud emails by calling companies stop sending emails as today found mutual of omaha contact ph#. this wont stop at all.
--those fraud emails too i called as 打不死的蛊母.
尽管我告诉OneDrive停止同步我的所有文件夹,然后将其卸载,但在Windows内部的某个地方仍然存在残余。当我安装新程序时,它们通常默认将配置文件存储在C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive \Documents中。尽管我已经删除了那个文件夹。他们只是不断地重新创造它!
--exactly happened to me and didnt see this pc has ONEDRIVE but till search data file then showing the file in C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive \Documents中
--it became worse and worst file explorer, notepad behaved like virus invaded,
1. Press the Windows key and type "Regedit" to search for the Registry Editor. Click it to open it up.
2. Copy/paste this string into the address bar at the top and hit enter:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
Once there, you should see a fairly short list of default folder locations. If your system is like mine, most of these entries are in plain English, e.g. "My Music" and "Programs," while a few are longer bits of gibberish in {}. What you want to look at is the Data column, which indicates where Windows is by default directing new programs that want to set up shop in your Documents/Photos/etc. folders. Here I found my culprits.
--she got 3 i got 5 as: ...\OneDrive\Pictures;Documents;Desktop;Pictures; C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive \Documents
ps it didnt work. This PC->Desktop searching one of the file in Desktop folder the file still shows C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive\filename
same as some one found how to kick off MS new app, the 1st and few succeeded the later followed always wont work. i plan to reinstall O.S. wipe off all in notebook HD. another is to opt out microsoft account which One drive account has the same user id and password
thats why still receive One Drive email (not space full warning because i deleted a lot data files. however i can see OneDrive on purpose take control and put my data files in OneDrive again. the whole purpose is to force clients to buy onedrive larger and largest space.)
(Image credit: Future)
3. The fix is simple. Right-click on each entry in the Name column and hit Modify. Delete "OneDrive\" from the address string and hit OK. Do this for any and all entries where OneDrive shows up.
--the question will it also deleted data files in onedrive and HD or just deleted OneDrive(just a copy of HD data files ?) but HD data files survived ? Aynway i did it, already lost lots data files and a messy.

(Image credit: Future)out
And thats it: youre freed from the OneDrive curse. Breathe deep of that fresh, clean air and enjoy knowing that new programs will put their files just where you want them.
--i really hope so. this is very good writer. 打不死的蛊母 so far didnt see a good solution yet. hope soon some one can provide the solution.

we dont know when did your company use Citrix a vulnerability in one of its products. our 2 email accounts cant receive emails normally(xxx@sbcglobal.net in 2023 and one completely receive no email (xxx@outlook.com) since Dec 2023 till today but tons fraud emails, if needs full email address we can offer to you. we also received tons fraud phone calls. i did call today 2/7/2024 and inquired whether can tell whats phone number you use that should contact us 02/13/2024 so we know its not fraud but the lady didnt know either.
our credit score kept down and got information 7 (same as ours) xxx@sbcglobal.net with different password found on the dark web 2022-12-16 06:12:05 if you need we can provide the information.
its horrible that felt some one monitor, control our 2 cell phones, notebook, 2 email account...the bastards can do anything to our machines. we are afraid to open any emails, pick up phone calling us, suspect "virus" hide deeply in our 2 cell phones and notebook.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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