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5 data breaches; 83 data broker sites selling your personal info
2024/04/11 12:13:04瀏覽37|回應0|推薦0
5 data breaches
iMenu360 (3,425,860 breached accounts); Gravatar (10/2020 114 or 167 million users ); DriveSure (12/19/2020 15 million); ClearVoice Surveys (15,074,786 accounts since 2015, dates of birth, email addresses, genders, IP addresses, names, passwords, phone numbers, and physical addresses support@clearvoice.com); DaniWeb

ps If youre a ClearVoice Surveys user and havent received a notification, you may visit HaveIBeenPwned. --the problem we are none of 5 companies created account users except bought Domino ( iMenu360) pizza in local store, never created account either thats why never received their alerts that email address we still use never closed no reason cant receive their email alert or by mail. why DaniWeb... before i contacted them declared the account already deleted, because they knew we didnt on line create accounts ? so what they used the fake accounts for, ran away tax or else? how about investoigate that might burried the biggest scandal. even can catch who control our 2 cellphones and notebook.

ps other companies maynot have IT technical knowledge but DaniWeb, could it work for government, dark web... target at anti-wars? they did must have reasons.

there is a news about a student from china also found out some one control his cell phone, notebook. maybe should verify whether he also suffer data breach. we didnt know 621 events data breach 88? companies(some duplicates) except very few we did google search and clicked to read some informations but not created accounts. most of them never visited their websites such as spyfly.

we did visit whitepages.com, yellowbook.com to verify whether stranger phone number is scam but didnt create accounts.

we also occasionally visited beenverified.com; peoplesearch.com?; backgroundcheck.run? to make sure my suspects who did bad things to us not living near by us. verified who are our neighbours (spouse told me the house owner seems rent to 5? young adults). we also didnt create accounts that you pay to get others full details. we dont need that. ps 4/10/2024 i just tried spokeo.com no need login(sign in) can see general info. even opt out it didnt delete but as (1st name, initial last name). the good thing cant find ours because they knew we didnt create accounts? they knew many me-type didnt receive any 5 companies data breach alert? the worst data brokers selling our information to whom, dark web? who else pay to get our full detail information? i only knew spouse side very few relatives, my side only 1 relative family in usa who wont buy ? according to ATT forum poster told inot until collect enough our detail information as "package" then will post in dark web, i would say DaniWeb which we never visit their website and beenverified.com are top suspects.

shouldnt not so difficult to catch dark web if only if dig out how DaniWeb and beenverified collected/sold our information with malicious created accounts then DaniWeb deleted it very suspiciously.

only neighborwho.com (or similar name?) i registered that i thought can see any service and events in our neighbourhood such as mower, trees trim we need.

ps 4/10/2024 neighborwho is property website that is not i registered local website. i remember the website has local activities such as garage sale informations. im going to opt out and inquire how they create account with our email address.

--it shows: BeenVerified currently manages the Do Not Sell My Info/Opt-Out process for NeighborWho. Amazing BeenVerified sold out our information to many kind business why would not sell to dark web?

ps i n late 2015, the technology and social site DaniWeb suffered a data breach. The attack resulted in the disclosure of 1.1 million accounts including email and IP addresses which were also accompanied by salted MD5 hashes of passwords.

DaniWeb showing: Dani Wolkowicki founded DaniWeb.com in February 2002

Connect with 1,251,966 developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and tech enthusiasts.
Be a part of our friendly, industry-focused community of professionals meeting, networking, learning, and sharing knowledge via articles, Q&As, discussion forums, and realtime chats.

Why did I get an alert that DaniWeb was hacked and my information was stolen?

No personal information, passwords, or login credentials were compromised

The attack was not discovered until December 2016, by which time we had already migrated onto entirely new infrastructure and software. Our current platform has been rebuilt from the ground up with security in mind.

Unfortunately, anyone who was an active member at the time of the attack, in 2015, had their email address become known to the hackers at that time. Rest assured that the hackers did not gain any access to your email account, any social media accounts, DaniWeb account, or any passwords. There is nothing that can be done moving forward. Deleting your account will not retroactively remove your email address from the hackers database.

--how did DaniWeb get our information and created account, from BeenVerified, before 2013 or after ? obviously in 2015 we still as active member or monitor.firefox.com wont show " my info DaniWeb data breach on 11/30/2015 Email 1 IP Address 1 Password 1. hackers did get our email Password and IP Address why? and even as "active member" why we didnt recive any alert? when did you delete the account?

ps 2008 before Christmas spouse was foreced earlier terminated contarct(he was inoformed earlier due to the dept made fortune he woud become pemanent employee), spouse applied many jobs as he could but no DaniWeb because he only applied companies he knew never heard DaniWeb till today(4/10) i confirmed with him. [beofre 2008 i would find out when 1st time lost job then contract expired looking jobs, i would update here]

before 2013 the only thing i can think of is spouse lost job we went to Unemployment Insurance - IDES got jobs trainning and registered to look for jobs. even after he retired in 2015 still received HR-agents sent emails. my 1st visited BeenVerified was many years after 2013.

ps Illinois unemployment data breach leads to ID theft, class-action lawsuit claims June 18, 2020...Julius is from St. Clair County(IL,Michigan,Missouri, Alabama). She is suing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois....

ps IDES DATA BREACH Illinois to notify 32,000 unemployment claimants of data breach out of abundance of caution’JERRY NOWICKI Capitol News Illinois May 22, 2020 Updated Jun 27, 2020

-- none we received any data breach companies alert even our account might still "active" in IDES 2020 or we wont receive HR agents sent emails. convince me we were no likelihood our“personal information was improperly used or is likely to be misused,”all the years but end in Dark Web on 2022 detected by bank-related ? ps it even might earlier it is we transfered our annuity then the bank-related offered the free security service in 2023 and got informed in Jan 2024. then monitor.firefox finally release the free report.

ps bank-related: We found information on the dark web that may belong to you.
Email address password Date information updated Compromised website
our-email-address 7 不同的密码 2022-12-16 06:12:05 unknown

--did we suffer 7 不同的密码 more than other victims whose info also found on dark web such as .Julius who from St. Clair County, IL ? by the way should we sued 5 companies especially DriveSure, ClearVoice Surveys, DaniWeb without notify us hackers stole our password must change password ? so far bank-related caught one email old password, 6 still unknown. whose fault? Illegal created accounts then to protect yourself cant tell filthy benefits wont notify us? or the hackers already control our ATT (became ATT-Yahoo) email account what and when emails we can receive, those alerts emails and others all forbiden but tons fraud emails?

As iMenu360; Gravatar; DriveSure (12/19/2020); ClearVoice Surveys we have no idea why we suffered their data breach problem and didnt know them at all even iMenu 360 just found out is Domino pizza ps except purchased in store, we did call to delivery less then 5 times before 2013 that we received their menu at home mail box or front door (post deliver or door deliver put adv.) after 2013 spouse bought frozen pizza, very few time purchased in store, no called to delivery as retired income was fixed plus endless wars foods keeping higher and higher.

83 data broker sites
publicrecordsnow.com; beenverified.com; backgroundcheck.run; centeda.com;

clubset.com; councilon.com; dataveria.com; findrec.com;

gladiknow.com; golookup.com; inforver.com; kwold.com;

newenglandfacts.com; people-background-check.com peoplesearch.com; peopleswhizr.com;

peopleswizard.com peopleswiz.com peoplewhized.com peoplewhized.net

peoplewhiz.net peoplewhizr.com peoplewhizr.net peoplewin.com

people-wizard.com peoplewizard.net peoplewiz.com peoplewizr.com

propeoplesearch.com pub360.com searchsystems.net publicreports.com

radaris.com thatsthem.com thatsthem.com thatsthem.com

trustifo.com verecor.com vericora.com veriforia.com

veripages.com virtory.com wellnut.com 411.com

411.com 411locate.com advancedbackgroundchecks.com advanced-people-search.com

advanced-people-search.com backgroundalert.com bumper.com callercenter.com

cyberbackgroundchecks.com familytreenow.com fastbackgroundcheck.com


findpeoplesearch.com idtrue.com mylife.com neighborwho.com

numberguru.com open-public-records.com ownerly.com peoplefinders.com

peoplelooker.com peoplesearchnow.com peoplesmart.com peoplewhiz.com

privateeye.com quickpeopletrace.com searchpeoplefree.com smartbackgroundchecks.com

spyfly.com telephonedirectories.us telephonedirectories.us truepeoplesearch.com

usa-people-search.com usatrace.com usphonebook.com whitepages.com

whitepages.com yellowbook.com spokeo.com publicrecordsnow.com
4/16/2024 received qualtrics survey email and provided Unsubscribe which i did and got :
Unsubscribe successful
You will no longer receive the following email.

Click here to unsubscribe from all mailing lists.
--i also did. but to make sure i did both 2nd time. both showed:
Successfully Removed
You were successfully removed from this panel and should not receive future survey invitations.
ps we received survey by mail(with $1) and free mailed back. later the man declared didnt receive, duedate soon so we did on line with our email address. we didnt know we had account auto built. Any way at least opt out easily.
4/16/2024 Aother is nextdoor.com that i did register, not neighborwho.com (property), also received.

the others still waitting beenverified.com the company
email allow "Unsubscribe". I did showing succeed.
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