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遗体疑在沙漠中发现 快要破案? 粤女来美见网友失联案例 聪明的前夫雇私家侦探
2023/11/03 16:03:59瀏覽20|回應0|推薦0
i visited "https://www.reddit.com/r/MissingPersonInCA/" and wrote down my opinions as slove_puzzle: i would say 7/21/2023 after 10pm the suspect drived toward MCAGCC CMA military base , Twentynine Palms Commissary -Defense and marine corps exchange and warriors club thats very suspicious especially he could a bit earlier turn left on 62 (29 Palm Hwy) toward to Joshua Tree , Thermal - truck photo. the weird is from Twentynine Palms, California 92277-Joshua Tree, California 92252-SureStay Plus By Best Western Yucca Valley Joshua Tree, 56525 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA 92284-Morongo Valley, California 92256 takes 45min 32.9 miles. there are motels nearby . the pity victime very likely raped and died already.

when i watched the 7/21 Last video sent after 10 pm i heard the suspect saying "hang on" and the camera (mounted on car? or used her cell phone camera? )moved left->right->middle-left like drunker or sleepy driver(the worst was drugged?). i would say she was neurvous tried to record where they went. i thought strange why she didnt go to nearby hotel that she carried thousands cash.

i wonder the suspect did same thing before, the dead Lauren Cho was found in Yucca valley and more victims disappeared or dead body found. the suspect lives less than 7 miles 10min(Morongo Valley) from the dead body. a serial killer or multiple killers?

ps i read other people opinions but they were not directly talking way so i posted mine i knew it might irritate website manager especially pointed to soldiers related.

8/20/2023 (if the victim was alive after 7/21) they definitely needed foods to eat if not in any restaurants then must be grocery stores and very possible paied by cash. the man might have money problem that he seemed tried to sell his house which listing on 04/07/2023 ? did he have credit card and use it this year? did he have loan or utility bills etc needed to pay?


if this is the suspect living place (51063 29 Palms Hwy Spc 48, Morongo Valley, CA 92256, mobil Manufactured) then he bought it on February 28, 2017 $9,100. he tried to sell 04/07/2023 Listed $20,000; 05/22/2023 Price Changed $17,500
06/15/2023 Price Changed $12,500 08/14/2023 Listing Removed

ps no guarntee the information is correctly which i would say caused by addresses.

that he might have money problem and caused his weight down and he tried to make girl friend to solve his financial problem or else. this is why court or police dept about his photo looked quite different from the victim photoed him. if he has money prolem and tried to get something from the victim but didnt succeed or himself sensed impossible then bad things triggered.

many chinese knew little about the poor americans, and many got mental problem. the worst is they want to be survived would kill victim which including relatives, grand parents who helped but cut off.

our old lady eldest son after the mom decided to sell house he bought Mobile Manufactured too. it caused by masters endless wars they cant offer to live in the house any more. the son began to buy cigarettes. He has some savings, SSR if foods, oil ,utility.. not jump so high he could balance for years and if not much medical expenses. the suspect not yet 62-65 got much more pressure.

ps the neighbour tried earlier 62 retired i warned him health insurence quite expensive and i didnt buy when Trump allowed no penalty(Obama plan was paied for nothing as junk i told him my horrible experiences that ILL Lincon insurance company fell down i paied whatever hospital charged without notify me already cut off in-network relation) , he verified then told me work till 65. i suggested him till 70 applied SSR that can get 8% increase after 65 he cant.

his car got problems before moved out the repairing was too expensive so he tried by himself (he was mechanic then became truck delivery) , one day i helped him and lucky him it works then he negociated with car dealer to lower down price.

--before Obama healthcare i can buy($300+), because the lousy "yes, we can change" the fee jumped over double($700+). the rotten politicians try very hard to terminate middle-low income who disqualified any social benefits. I hate to hear any social benefits because middle-low income would become the poor very fast including rotten politicians print paper money such as Baiden waived tuition and donate to the actor. americans complaint Baiden ignored 夏威夷大火, they didnt know all masters have no interesting to manage indoors business(such jobs cant make them richer but exhausted), usa medias forgot China chairmen always care people 1st whenever nature diaster happened.

ps 11/3/2023 from usa Victorville Daily Press news ....Morongo Valley的福利检查
侦探们走访了Fitzpatrick的移动房屋,发现前门开着。调查人员进入查看这对夫妇是否在里面,但没有发现任何人。ps 这对夫妇? should be friends not married. quite weird 前门开着, and why so late till 8月1日(July 22 lost contact, Jin’s friend filed a missing person’s report on July 26)

法庭文件称,侦探们确实在家中发现了金的物品和“腐烂的气味”。--what kind 腐烂的气味-dead body related ?

警长还发现并带走了一个红色手提箱,里面装着金的财产。ps the suspect didnt use victim cash money? hoping victim relative can verify any missing.

代表们还发现了海军陆战队交易所的收据。--what dates on receipts paied cash?

ps from youtube "Attorney David Schmidt talks with CBS 8 about new developments in the Fang Jin missing person case" CBS 8 San Diego

Oct 30, 2023 Interview with attorney David Schmidt about the possible discovery of the remains of Fang Jin on Saturday, Oct 28, 2023 in the Anza-Borrego desert.

--haaa i would say any crimes link with military-related would be "sealed"

ps from 赴美失联广东女子遗体疑在沙漠中发现,发给家人最后视频曝光 来源:羊城晚报·羊城派综合  发表时间:2023-11-02 23:06



有美媒披露,金芳给家里发送的最后一个视频,是7月22日晚在海军陆战队基地附近拍摄的。--7月22日晚? should be 7/21/2023(Friday) after 10pm the suspect drived toward MCAGCC CMA military base , Twentynine Palms Commissary -Defense and marine corps exchange and warriors club. the key point did he (or they if victim still alive) buy something after 10pm(海军陆战队交易所 opened after 10pm?) receipt found in suspect home ? ps Pacific Views MCX store open Daily 7am-8pm from https://29palms.usmc-mccs.org/shopping/marine-corps-exchang Building 1502 5th Street Twentynine Palms, CA 92278



加州圣伯纳汀诺县警方发言人在回复当地媒体的邮件中称,这起失踪案件仍在调查之中,目前没有任何新的进展。我们确实从圣地亚哥县治安部门得到了消息,周末时在安沙波利哥沙漠区发现了人体遗骸,然而目前还未确认遗骸的身份信息。....来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派综合红星新闻、南方都市报 责编 | 吴瑕

ps 根据圣贝纳迪诺县高级法院发布的搜查令,7月16日,监控录像显示,这对夫妇在二十九棕榈岛海军陆战队空地作战中心的海军陆战队交易所内购买化妆品。7/21/2023 after 10pm the suspect drived toward MCAGCC CMA military base , Twentynine Palms Commissary -Defense and marine corps exchange and warriors club, did he (and her if still alive) buy something with receipt? i wonder 海军陆战队交易所 still open after 10pm? if not that suspect drived to there quite weird. MCAGCC Condor Gate 9pm close(3118-3198 Condor Rd, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277), MCAGCC Front Gate(Adobe Rd, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277) Open 24 hours inside has Robert E Bush Naval hospital(1145 Sturgis Rd, Twentynine Palms, CA 92278 Civilians need to check in at the visitor center and have an Id and car registration papers)

from https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1nYsrLv6o02AI74pHzJ9hdD2O7CHHs-4&ll=33.32522439064696%2C-116.47550985&z=10
we can see the suspect and victim dead body in 安沙波利哥沙漠区. the question when did she die, 7/21?

ps 中国女子网恋赴美奔现失踪:遗骸被发现!细节诡异,疑曾求救 温哥华港湾 2023-11-02
...案情疑点 据知情人士崔女士透露,7月21日深夜,菲茨帕特里克驾车载着金芳向内陆行驶,来到二十九橡树地区,那里有个岔路,一条路通往美国海军陆战队的军事训练基地,另一条路通往露营地。调查显示,菲茨帕特里克进入训练基地,而金芳不太可能获准进入。

加州警方发现人体遗骸 疑为来美“见网友”失联中国女子 时间: 2023-11-02 07:56:14
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 江塔

ps just searched "OMG!又一亚裔女孩被爆神秘失踪!细节惊人相似!环球网
2021-09-29 13:06 环球网官方账号"

i tried to know about the victim Lauren Cho previous boy friend Cody Orell (the news only mentioned Orell in stead Cody Orell) and found "ecnoparket.dixiesewing.com › entertainment › who-is Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell? Was The Missing Teen ..." was attacked(black out) and another"Who Is Cody Orell? Age, Family, Missing Lauren Cho Boyfriend ..." got bad racist accused which website forbid copy function. Cody Orell got protection like has quite mystery life--hardly find anything about him. suspect he has very powerful family behind.

the only one responsed from NO 11/11/2021 wrote: 你现在需要修复你的图像。这些是丹尼尔·罗宾逊(Daniel Robinson)的照片,他是一位失踪的地质学家,而不是科迪·奥雷尔。这是不可接受的,也是种族歧视。你需要立刻把它取下来。修复你他妈的照片,做更好的研究——这充满了种族主义的味道

ps "New details emerge in the car crash related to Daniel Robinson’s disappearance"

By Aya Elamroussi and Amy Simonson, CNN Updated 5:45 AM EDT, Thu November 4, 2021

--i wonder whether the writer ("Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell..." 10/12/2021) forgot mention "another 24-year-old geologist Daniel Robinson missing" or mistake(very likely 2 cases happened same year, posted same period) or misguided reader(haaa frequently master groups medias did the same thing to black China)

ps some one in Twitter mentioned Cody Orell quite briefly.

ps 8/17/2023 can read "Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell? Was The Missing Teen Found? and 5 Quick Facts You Should Know" Published on 11 October 2021

...Where is Cody Orell now? His private details are kept confidential now. We failed to find Cody’s IG page at the moment. ps Cody still in confidential status 8/17/2023?

There are not enough details released about Cody at the moment. We only knew that he was the former partner of Lauren. They are moving on a roving bus to explore different places and pursue a change in their life.

Although Cody was the last person to see Lauren, he has not been a prime suspect since there is no particular evidence against him. We’ll keep you updated, stick with us.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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