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2006 Nov.-2009在美国和 2020在台湾 被感染 H1N1 or 超级战士实验室泄漏或两者甚至更多?
2023/10/24 12:47:33瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0
just reading 寻尸人 chap 401 超级战士 and seemed proved what i suspected in 2006 Nov infected H1N1, one of weird symptons that i didnt need sleep for a week, that period i suspect it was usa lab leaking weird virus or else to make usa soldiers in war zone without sleep to fight terrorists-so-called.

one of election judge didnt show up(enough election judges) but gave us free KTC chicken legs as lunch meals. i was the last one went to eat after others returned.

another i might infected from some voters came with carried oxygen bottle, some look like patients. many came out to vote the demacratic party as against Bush wars. the other possible we suffered unknown stealing serious problem who also abused my body, the psycho stole my driver licence during i worked as election judge (7? days). spouse sister worked in seniors assisted place and edward hospital(both as part time jobs) her husband and younger son(summer vacations) worked in edward hospital if one of them(unknown person) stole my driver licence and our others.

in 2020 i was infected H1N1 in taiwan matched 2006-2009 other weird symtons but not so horrified badly. even this year when i felt hungry but 5? min later dont feel any and no need to eat at all that happened in 2006-2009 too. ILL was the 4th state after NY infected. 2009 a student died in swimming pool usa medias cant hide any more then it was called different names and finally H1N1. the most strange symptons when my hands touch under arm, throat both got swellon and underarm got balls-like lumps. when i touched my lips it swellon, painful and turned black (that happened in 2020 too) doctor called it lips flu and prescribed skin use medicine which didnt work either.

this is why usa adviced H1N1 patients and other people must frequently wash hands.

no need sleep and eat thats why made me suspect usa tried to turn soldiers into 超级战士!
寻尸人 chap 401 超级战士 also mentioned 没有食欲和停止进食. to me i still can eat except when i felt hungry then very quickly feel nothing and no need eat at all. same as no need sleep (it is not cant sleep or too tired cant sleep).

2007? spouse (was ATT employee before) went to ATT company met his friend and mentioned my illness quite weird and doctor did many lab test found nothing, none medicines can cure. the employee told spouse very cautious that another att female employee went NY restaurant then got deadly infection after returned ILL no one saw her, later company forbid talking about her.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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