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2022/11/27 03:47:33瀏覽40|回應0|推薦0
马斯克:FTX创始人给民主党“献金”或超10亿美元 2022年12月05日 13:12 环球市场播报
  推特(53.7, 0.00, 0.00%)CEO埃隆·马斯克表示,FTX创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德(SBF)支持民主党竞选的捐款可能超过10亿美元。
  马斯克是在回应医疗保健人工智能平台ScienceIO首席执行官威尔·曼尼迪斯(Will Manidis)的一条推文时发表上述言论的。
  较早时,马斯克暗示SBF应该进监狱。他说,这位FTX创始人应该“在大房子里有一个成年人的休息时间”。(美国俚语中“the big house”是指监狱)
  美国要求起诉SBF的呼声越来越高。Galaxy Digital首席执行官迈克·诺沃格拉茨呼吁起诉这位加密货币企业家,罪名是长期实施大规模欺诈。
--also welcome any related to the Republican 丑闻, dont forget our taiwan rotten MJD "DONATED" to usa 2 rotten party politicians 丑闻 for long long time.
on line order with no size description for $18 Arthritis Gloves and NO return policy

on 11/26/2022 we received our ordered packages but one of items was too small so i had a chat with the company service as following:
ME: i ordered glove size small which is too small can i change it?
lady: good afternoon, xxx, our gloves is a one size fits all. We also have a no return policy for our over the counter items. I do apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.
ME:sorry. it is $18 #565 - Arthritis Gloves - S and have L,M options.
lady:I see, yes this item does come in different sizes. Item #565 is for a small, 363 is a Large and 364 is for a medium.
ME:: could i change to M? the S is not for adult that i didnt have kowledge.
lady:We have a no return and exchange policy for our over the counter items.
ME: in the future is any way we can verify the Size before order? how we know ?
lady: Yes, the size will be listed with the item number.
Item #565 is for a small, 363 is a Large and 364 is for a medium for the arthritis gloves.
ME:can you tell me the small size 3 1/4" M 3 1/2" how to measure my hands?
lady:The width or inches are not specifed in the description for this item.
ME:usually i bought small zise in (regular)stores.
it shows in the glove box. and thats why i inquire the question.
lady:I undertand, there is no descriptions about actual size for this item.
ME:can you report to your company see whether can help?
lady:What I can do is forward your feedback to the appropriate department about the inches are not displayed about this item.
ME: ok. let me know your company response.
lady:We are unable to keep you updated about the feedback that will be sent. Again, I do apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you

Later i answeared the feedack and wrote as:
i ordered (OTC)$18 #565 - Arthritis Gloves - S, but your website "the width or inches are not specifed in the description for this item" and usually i bought small zise in regular stores. but yours for kid not for adult. And no way to switch, that is not fair.

ps this winter i may work too hard in yard(the final yard job i did on 11/21) and/or notebook typing which cause my fingers frequently swollen and pain after wake up. if i wore gloves ovenight it seemed better so i wonder whether Arthritis Gloves could help,
the on-screen keyboard and malicious disable notebook some certain keys increased my fingers job load maybe i should sue MS and its on-screen keyboard app. haaaa
ps 11/29/2022 after wear gloves all day long fingers almost back to normal, our heater set 60-64F (15-17C) maybe cause fingers problem too.

our internet service got serious problem for 2 weeks frequently no service, yesterday the worker came by and wanted entering our house, spouse turned down because years ago the previouss company charged us even it was nothing wrong but their outside line problem, since then we always inquired their phone service lady whether charge for that. the company sold out this year but same charge innoncent client if let their worker in. that is usa companies ways without notify clients if any rule changes.
finally the worker told us their box hangs in the electricity pole caused it. another worker would fix it. finally today seemed recovery. would the company refund 2 weeks loss? definitely not.
12/7/2022 亚马逊产品评论近一半是虚假的 如何识别? 时间: 2022-12-07 11:10:55
亚马逊产品评论近一半是虚假的 如何识别? 时间: 2022-12-07 11:10:55
【侨报纽约讯】网上购物比以往任何时候都要火爆,尤其是每年的这个时候,今年网络星期一(Cyber Monday)的销售创下了历史新高。特别是亚马逊(Amazon),从感恩节到网络星期一的五天内,销售额打破了记录,亚马逊声称这是“有史以来最大的一次”。
国会参议员布卢门撒尔(Richard Blumenthal)引用了检测网络欺诈性评论公司Fakespot的一份报告。
与此同时,联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)提供了一些识别虚假评论的建议。
--it reminds me in DEC-Jan my health insurance agent recommand the clinic and was told high score. i did double check on Humana website also showing good score(4 or 5 stars).
i visited doctor on 12/5/2022 i was shocked when i saw another new male doctor. i supposed to do annual wellness examine but very 随意的(i asked the nurse should i took off sweater(inside wore 2 underwear top) she answeared no need, my spouse female doctor did more items than mine. i dont know the definition for "annual wellness examine". when i returned home to verify but this time i googled search one of website all showing bad criticised. today (12/12/2022) tried to post here they were gone. due to humana lady told me free colonscopynscreen next year i decided to keep same in next year.

12/2/2022 finally got a call for colonscopy screen on 1/30/2023, this year the 1st time visited primary doctor i mentioned my colonscopy screen history that i had 3(4?) times pulps removed and diagnosed as pre-cancer. i kept complained didnot receive the order, until June(May?) i was told she left, then i told the next female doctor. Aug(Sep?) i was told she left too, and only male doctors available. i mentioned colonscopy again until today finally arranged appointment available but in next year.
however when the lady inquired questions then warned me about i have to call insuarance company and hospital whether my insurance covered.
due to the unknown person stole my medical documents, spouse cant but do the painful calling jobs for me.
he didnt have trouble did 2 times colonscopy screen in last 4 years. i had very bad experiences in the past so i googled as:
How often does Medicare pay for colonoscopy?
Once your physician accepts the assignment you typically should not have to pay any costs for the procedure itself. Medicare will cover your colonoscopy every 2 years if you are at an elevated risk for colorectal cancer. Those not at a high risk for colorectal cancer are covered every 10 years.

How much does a colonoscopy cost without insurance?
You have to keep in mind that a colonoscopy results in the patient being billed by 3-4 different entities. A patient should expect bills from: Without insurance, a patient should on average expect to pay $2500 - $3000 for a colonoscopy. A considerable savings can be achieved if you schedule through ColonoscopyAssist.

What is the average price for a colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy costs vary depending on a number of factors. Colonoscopies can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 for patients without health insurance. On the other hand, those getting screened with health insurance typically have $1,000 deductible on average.

Can you get a free colonoscopy
Unfortunately, if you are uninsured you do not qualify for a free screening colonoscopy. The Affordable Care Act mandated that when being screened for colorectal cancer, insured and Medicaid patients qualify for a free colonoscopy.

--in the end we were very confused because my insurance service man told spouse i need to pay $150 copay, the hospital doctor-related office didnt call back as usual.
my question is: i did remove pulps 3 times before 2013(2006? 2times, and 2008?). i did screen in 2015?(or 2013?) not sure any pulp removed . most times my doctors left their clinic without knowing or quit contract with our insurance companies. so this year my doctors have trouble to get medical history records. i crossed my fingers for the coming screen. very scary unknown charges.
i always keep receipts, statements... but suffering psycho thief stealing everything from us. 3 weeks ago found the psycho stole all my winter top underwears again.(ps 12/19 one of 3 stolen underwear top ureturned then found spouse all top long shirts and some long pants gone till 12/22 returned when we back home from old house.)

after 2015(in 2017?)one day i opened bedroom side table drawer found stolen black plastic bags roll returned that i suspect the psycho playing "seek and found game" or it is a certain place to let the thief get/return certain things. since then the drawer didnt happen again.

12/4/2022 i throw away empty eggs shell that i put them in old eggs box on the counter above oven, found out 2 is not opened, so i showed to spouse and saying "good news..."
i put them in refregerator, later i warned him that I dont know when they returned. he answered he would eat. ps the eggs colour are different from current box(spouse ate 6).
i bet in the future the returned eggs wont put in opened eggs shell box because its "me" (not spouse) found out.(ps 12/7 spouse told me he ate returned 2 eggs one totally rotten black, another was ok. later i checked both smelt stink. and warned him the one he ate not good.12/20 when i cooked breakfast for us, Spouse warned me another rotten egg before i break the egg shell)

12/10/2022 2:00pm i called humana and was told $0 copay for my Jan/30/2023. then i inquired why my spouse was told copay $150 then she explained if i do this year would be charged $150. my spouse did tell the humana man when is my appointment.
that day i didnt feel confortable because his accent is not the white may not know enough or correctly.
the lady wont answear but i am prety sure even medicare advance has same 10 years rule applied to get free screen. i would text my agent in case soemthing went wrong and got wittness to prove what i was told by humana.
12/14/2022 1:08pm got phone call (1-8335900924) asked for donation declared from nation fireplace, i tried to ask more detail the man hanged-off. when i google search shows:
833 - Toll FreeToll unknown numbers service, 21. page
833 5900924 telephone number was registered to our Unknown Number Inquiry Service on 2022-09-19 and was searched 12 times.--obviously i am not alone and suspect fraud.
Lastest lookup: 2022-11-19 11:34:09
There are many reviews that dont know 833-590-0924 when they receive a call. You should find out more before contacting this number again.
833-590-0924: There are 0 comments
--if google search and pop up any "fraud comments" or Unknown Number i would assume they all are fraud phone callings.
ps 12/15/2022 1:39pm got another phone call 1-8889106618 donation for american police officers, the same male voice(the white accent) thru google search:Police are warning of scam phone calls from someone seeking donations for the American Police Officers Association. Columbia police said the callers claim their organization provides training and equipment for police officers and needs funds “to keep our officers safe”.
Charity Navigator, a popular website that verifies the legitimacy of charities and nonprofit organizations, does not have a listing for the "American Police Officers Alliance" on its website.
Police reminded people to be cautious with phone solicitors and never give personal information over the phone. This was the most recent fake number they used, 831-708-6333. Rotten scum.
I think it happened caused by the news that the white police killed the black irritated residents so cut down budget and reduce police numbers then killing rate jump top.
ps 12/22/2022 ph# 1-7082602018 but the white female accent declared National Association.. when i inquired a little more detail, she hagned off, thats a good way so not waste my time.
ps PScam Alert: Dont Fall for Phony Firefighter ... - AARP from Phony Firefighters Scam
by Michelle Diament, April 2008 ...Ask to have information about the organization mailed to you. And ask how much of your donation will go directly to the charity....That way, you know every penny is going to your local firefighters or police, not to the guy who interrupted your dinner.
--i bet they would immedaitely hang-off when they hear that have to mail to you.
it is really the best way, but they wont quit even blockaded their phone number so forever interrupted your dinner. your ph# already in their scam groups forever.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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