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戴琦 definitely drag down Baiden and Nov election...主子一直用错人 这就是物价持续上涨的原因
2022/05/05 10:51:09瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0
5/17/2022 戴琦 didnt care whether Demacratic party and Baiden lose Nov election, if only if Trump still target at China. as i said she came from taiwan has 立场 problem. will Baiden listen to 耶伦? wait to see. He is old and quite stuborn very likely only wants to hear what he wants not economic professional 耶伦 who has plenty experiences.

美股市场情绪持续低迷,纳指十年来首次录得周线五连阴 2022年05月07日 10:10 来源:第一财经参与互动参与互动
  *纳指周线六连阴,为十年来的首次 -- not undersatnd 周线六连阴 means; 5 days continue down or else(Friday only?). 5/2 10:07 PM NASDAQ12,536.01+201.37 Up +1.63%
05/04/2022 12:36 AM ET(local 5/3 11:37pm?) NASDAQ12,563.75+27.74 Up +0.22%
5/4 12:29 AM ET (local 11:30pm?) ASDAQ12,964.85+401.09 Up +3.19%
5/5 07:26 PM ET(local 6:29pm?) NASDAQ12,317.69-647.16 Down -4.99%
5/7 05:55 AM ET(local 4:56Am?) NASDAQ12,144.66-173.02 Down -1.40%. these from our investment company and i knew werid number changed after 收盘. still searching history recording if baidu keeps.
2022年5月4日美股开盘吗?美国股市劳动节可以交易吗? ...(5/4) 截至收盘,道指涨0.19%,标普500指数涨0.21%,纳指跌0.01% which obviously different from usa 11:30pm Dow34,061.06+932.27 Up +2.81% NASDAQ12,964.85+401.09 Up +3.19%
S&P 5004,300.17+124.69 Up +2.99% 10 Year T-Note2.93+0.02 Up +0.73% Real-time quotes
ps just login investment company our account and shows Mxxxx Investment Accounts As of 05/07/2022 04:19 PM ET however different time zone so our notebook showing 5/7/2022 3:22pm, when i back and return it shows 05/07/2022 04:25 PM(it stays wont change until screen changes), our 3:25pm i have no idea why investment company time so much different when i saved data and marked with local time. i would pay more "attention" about time tag in case usa hiker steal our money. only insider knew the system well can without clients notice money was stolen.
-- didnt see 10 Year T-Note which we didnt buy just try to catch our investment company weird "numbers changed" about Dow,NASDAQ and S&P after each day 收盘
5/7/2022 4:56Am that i was busy didnt copy 5/6 after 收盘. 5/7/2022 4:56Am should be 5/6 after 收盘
Dow32,899.37-98.60 Down -0.30% NASDAQ12,144.66-173.02 Down -1.40%
S&P 5004,123.34-23.53 Down -0.57% 10 Year T-Note3.13+0.01 Up +0.38% Real-time quotes
  巴克莱策略师伊曼纽尔·考(Emmanuel Cau)在一份报告中表示,美联储在4日议息会议后的表态不如预期鹰派,令美股和债市一度经历反弹,但这一备受期待的反弹只是短暂的,“尽管75个基点的加息可能不在联储官员的讨论范围,我们预期,在未来的货币紧缩周期中,美联储仍会非常鹰派。除非物价飞涨的态势得以迅速逆转,这需要留意下周出炉的CPI数据,否则各国央行可能别无选择,只能以放慢增长为代价,为通胀降温。“
  个股方面,美国运动服饰品牌安德玛(Under Armour)披露财报后,股价重挫25.9%。今年一季度,受累于成本上升和供应链干扰,该公司意外录得每股亏损1美分,市场预期为每股盈利6美分,期内营收13亿美元,同比仅增长3%。分区域来看,北美地区营收增长4%,亚太地区营收显著下滑14%。该公司全年盈利指引也不及预期,预测每股盈利区间为63~68美分,市场预期值为86美分。....【编辑:程春雨】

美股暴跌:道指跌超千点,纳指一度跌逾6% 来源:中新网 2022-05-06 08:48
中新财经5月6日电(记者 谢艺观)美东时间5月5日,美股三大股指遭重挫,道指和标普500指数盘中一度跌超4%,纳指一度跌超6%。
热门中概股普跌,叮咚买菜跌超21%,蔚来跌超15%,小鹏汽车、爱奇艺跌超13%,拼多多跌超11%,哔哩哔哩、虎牙跌超10%,理想汽车、贝壳跌超8%,阿里巴巴跌超6%,京东跌达6%,网易、百度跌近6%。纳斯达克中国金龙指数跌逾7%。(完) 责编:魏少璞
--our investment company 5/3 11:37pm, 5/4 6:09am showing :
Dow33,128.79+67.29 Up +0.20% NASDAQ12,563.75+27.74 Up +0.22%
S&P 5004,175.48+20.10 Up +0.48%
10 Year T-Note2.96+0.00 Up +0.23% -->2.95-0.00 Down -0.09% 5/4 6:09am Real-time quotes
5/4 11:30pm,
Dow34,061.06+932.27 Up +2.81% NASDAQ12,964.85+401.09 Up +3.19%
S&P 5004,300.17+124.69 Up +2.99%
10 Year T-Note2.93+0.02 Up +0.73% Real-time quotes
5/5 6:29pm and 11:49pm
Dow32,997.97-1,063.09 Down -3.12% NASDAQ12,317.69-647.16 Down -4.99%
S&P 5004,146.87-153.30 Down -3.56%
10 Year T-Note3.04-0.02 Down -0.77%->3.06 -0.00 Down -0.13% 5/5 11:49pm Real-time quotes
ps 4/28 6:08pm i cant see any data which seemed their system down.
i frequently saw after 收盘 which i assumed 5pm central time(here one hour later) but every 指数 seemed would change in differnt time after 收盘, i have no idea why when i decide to "monitor" it seemed only 10 year T-nopte changed. i dont know Real-time quotes means 24 hrs changed? i did think i should report but then i assume they would tell me its delay because this and that reasons. so gave up. did i trust the investment company? NO, but what else i can do that spouse was cheated by agnet "solidate" and promised wont change any our mutual funds symbol 神话. ps in the end i always was forced to do what spouse wanted ie in 2018 after tired of his complaints. some our original mutual funds were replaced by new that without our permission and we dont know whether the contract hided terms and agent certainly wont tell us.
i really hate to talk about 2024 usa election, if i didnt read 戴琦 real opinions hided.
She forgot some problems she cant solve such as property taxes and investment market deeply down which from last year 09/sep to today(5/5) we lost over $100,000+ which not included any interest, dividends generated were wiped off between 09/09/2021-05/04/2022.. i dont know who is the bastards random say say that in Feb? Baiden believed and declared foods, restaurants taxes would be waived till May the taxes cant drop at all. And spouse quit buying milk, dispauted with grocery store for $2 reward or digital coupon $2 didnt apply to bread... and now he didnt buy chicken eggs. the fresh bread is not same delicious, fresh as before going to give up.
why? we just on line paied old house property taxes $3,356.19. total 4 months/year for 2 houses income less than expense ($3101.63+$1xxx.xx empty lot; $3,356.19; $3101.63 less +$1xxx.xx empty lot; $3,356.19) not mention the horrible renting business not yet completely recover because all appliance serious damaged, others need repairing... i dont think we can find normal renter easily.
ps 5/8/2022 i planed retiring savings RMD(MRD?) for prepay IRS/state taxes, renting house to pay 2 houses property tax and if we get cancer each one sell the house for medical and funeral expenses. my 未雨绸缪 for medical expense plan destroyed by usa government Baiden again.
my planed for spouse 62 retired plan destroyed by Bush cant but 69 retired, finally we can eat delicious chinese foods at restaurants killed by Trump and Baiden, not even can buy china made delicious and safety frozen foods in grocery this year. racial bias hatred abusers every where it is called 美国噩梦. all these caused by master bloody wars not from Russia nor China.
in fact both countries made americans like us can from broken status to be without relying on social benefits and plenty cheap foods before Bush wars. spouse is lucky married me in time paied off huge creidt cards debts. such $0.10 sweat corn, free eggs ...living $1/day are gone forever. spouse just returned home with $0.99 milk botlle and full of people so only got the last 3 chili bean cans for today lunch(2 cans needed), cant get grapes $0.99/3lbs. he forgot check potatos price.
ps April is IRS and state taxes this year due to lots loss in rental house we paied $2xxx IRS and $0 state Tax but not know how to reduce tax that renter left lots things until Nov. 24 we paied tickets to get rid of their things. that is another 3 months renting loss. (ps another one month didnt pay renting fee)
戴琦 must be very rotten rich so cant but miscalculate, it already happened to food/restaurants tax wrong calcualated.
it happened to Obama health insurance because Obama became too rich wont know and ignored my warningss, this is why Trump won.
i would say Trump might be elected again. my spouse wants to vote Baiden if Trump comes out but he cant buy milk, eggs, ... i dont think he would go to vote at all to save oil.
ps i did see to attract young people voting Baiden delcared waive the student loan. if i cant see who are going to cover for student loan i definitely vote for Trump side by walking. unless Baiden points out the Republican together agree it. according to what i saw loan companies are very hungry because all banks want clients apply loan in stead of deposit more money this is why interest is very low. one of our bank didnt give interest at all even our CD expired and transfered to checking/saving account.
ps spouse very hyper just told me one of grocery store with digital coupon $0.99/gal milk. the 2nd bottle to buy this year.
戴琦 may have her books theory but please looks at usa the pity middle-low income people which most run a renting house business like us. the fucker let renters stay without pay, and owner cant force them move out who created? YOU, the foolish demacratic party never did a good thing but squeeze out pity middle-low income people.
I heard many owners as me cant find better renters but worse and worse.
You terminate middle-low income people by killing small rental business.
did you ever figure out why so many mental problem, drugs addiction americans?
all our renters are either their kid is abnormal or wife are depression/anxiety and/or 大麻 additction. when they have to move out they destroy our house floor (can you believe we installed completely new vinyl floor, the woman cut a piece off) and the worst is last one who illegally let her 大麻 addict brother? living in the basement and collect fee, she also most time not looking right very likely 吸食大麻 too. they destroyed everything.

during Bush bloody wars, i disputed with investment/financial expert-so-called who lost job cant but went to taiwan that i warned many houses selling or auction because i saw post signs on the streets every where. She insist according to Fanne Mae reporting no bad happened.
ps 美国房利美公司(Federal National Mortgage Association,简称:Fannie Mae)成立于1938年,公司业务主营房屋抵押 and others. Later 房利美 admitted didnt do jobs right and got punishment(?).
This is why many seriopus problems in usa wont be solved.

ps 美国禽流感持续恶化 鸡蛋价格飞涨 时间: 2022-04-06 23:29:58 来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 滕柠壹
5日在旧金山湾区米尔布雷一家超市拍摄的鸡蛋。(图片来源:新华社)$7.99 on sale $4.99

ps 戴琦 came from Taiwan, i suspect her 立场 and 观点 are not in correctly position. i mentioned why would i go to far chinese grocery store to buy not-trusted taiwan products especially pork meat related? myself visited taiwan 3 years always got sick.
next time i would talk to the employee why we hardly come since cant find China made frozen foods.

制裁中企后,美国这一产业“一团糟” 来源:环球时报新媒体 2022-05-07 12:19
有知情人士表示,美国光伏企业界一直在与商务部进行沟通,并向众议院少数党领袖麦卡锡及美国总统气候问题特使克里表达他们对相关调查的担忧。 环球时报-环球网记者李天阳 责编:王怡
--the real problem i can see is those made this and that 制裁中企 decision makers are very rotten rich such as Trump, Baiden, 戴琦 so they never did jobs right but continue made americans suffering. except those made a huge fortune from bloody wars such as oil companies, Baiden son and usa lab companies.. every one been hurt by no matter who is usa president. “一团糟”already happened that spouse cant get his diabetti shoes since last year, we cant but order a lot mice traps from amazon because need to pay extra mails fee and hardly can find Menards, ACE, grocery stores available.
ps it might help post office(monday to saturday) and fedex business. last Sunday 1st time spouse got his order from humana pharmacy delievered but that item is expensive as extra by mail cost($5?). did rotten rich 戴琦 know it how much pressure americans are suffering to pay extra fee?

戴琪称美方正为对华加征关税复审收集意见 时间: 2022-05-07 04:26:54 来源: 侨报综合
编辑: 李明
--trading is you buy what you need and sell what you dont need. the top class is you dont have enemy, the most stupid is to turn friend into enemy. neither Russia nor China want to be usa enemies but usa respect others so can get others respect usa in return. I bet our 戴琪 didnt inherit our chinese over 5000 years history IQ at all. 戴琪 didnt know 1 + 1 can > 2 if you are top class. only the stupid would make 1 + 1 < 1. unfortunately that is usa always 损人不利己 got self less than 1. IQ too low cant perform 良性竞争 but disgusting and malicious blockade 中国. it is all because dont undersatnd 成功不必在我 功成必定有我. who can do the job best let the most capable do it, and all usa need to support the right one so the whole world is better and better.
风水轮流转 no need so freaky jealous and red eyes at 中国 but verify whats wrong and improve it. no big deal at all.
--master dont understand chinese, 戴琦 has wrong 立场. i cant see there is a hope in usa but let it rotten to the death. master wont care, look at americans suffering.
澎湃号·媒体 吃个饭还要给乌克兰“买单”?美网民血压上来了 环球时报 环球时报官方澎湃号 2022-05-07 21:49
下馆子还要帮乌克兰“买单”?看着账单上白纸黑字地印着“为乌克兰支付1美元($1 for Ukraine)”,美国小伙顿时无语。
--gladly to see some smart americans knowing Baiden did wrong job, and 数十亿美元的军事援助乌克兰 the new Narzi groups in stead of help 乌克兰 people but be killed more, ever get americans permission? Obviously Baiden blockade RT usa didnt work because americans are not that stupid.

美国无权让世界为其战略私利埋单 2022年05月05日 11:19 来源:人民日报海外版参与互动参与互动
  美国自身也难逃反噬。今年3月,美国通胀数据再创40年新高。美国独立企业联合会最新调查显示,在高通胀情况下,大约40%的美国小企业打算将售价提高10%甚至更多,3月美国小企业信心指数也连续3个月出现下滑,降至疫情暴发以来最低水平。美国全国商业经济协会表示,乌克兰危机可能会打击全球包括美国的经济增长。--indeed every usa president kills pity small bussiness from chinese restaurants(Trump), small rental business(Baiden) and wow, import from china products related companies. even the white examined receipt and upset at $1 donated to 乌克兰.
  解决乌克兰危机,当务之急是推动当事方对话谈判,长远之道是摒弃冷战思维,真正构建平衡、有效、可持续的安全架构。让各国人民为美国的战略私利埋单,世界不答应。 严 瑜 【编辑:于晓

美国一夜倒退50年?最高法院草案泄密,可能引发新一轮骚乱 2022年05月04日 04:49 市场资讯
原标题:美国一夜倒退50年?最高法院草案泄密,可能引发新一轮骚乱 来源: Jenny88zz 大洛杉矶LA
  据Politico报道,泄密的意见草案长达 98 页,其中包括一份 31 页的历史州堕胎法附录。该文件引用了以前的法院判决、书籍和其他权威,并包括 118 个脚注,该草案的出现和时间安排与法院惯例一致。 大法官塞缪尔·阿利托在意见草案上写道:“罗诉韦德案裁决从一开始就大错特错。”
  “罗诉韦德案”(Roe v. Wade)是美国联邦最高法院于1973年对于妇女堕胎权以及隐私权的重要案例,对于妇女堕胎的问题,美国联邦最高法院承认妇女的堕胎权,受到宪法隐私权的保护。
  案件是由于达拉斯一名女生(化名Jane Roe)意外怀孕想要堕胎,于是以遭到强奸为由要求堕胎,但因为没有警方报告而无法进行。1970年,Roe起诉达拉斯县检察官亨利·韦德(Henry Wade),指控禁止堕胎的法律侵犯了她的隐私权。
共和党参议员乔什·霍利(Josh Hawley)在没有证据的情况下表示,泄密很可能来自法庭内部的自由派。“法官们不能屈服于这种破坏程序的企图。要坚强,”霍利在推特(50.935, 1.88, 3.82%)上说。
  这次最高法院史无前例的泄密事件,使得这个判决的走势不明朗,将撰写裁决报告的大法官塞缪尔·阿利托成为自由派人士攻击的目标。最高法院博客(SCOTUSblog)在一片文章中指出,这次泄密事件破坏了最高法院数百年来的信任,对最高法院造成的地震影响怎么夸大都不为过,是最严重,罪不可原谅的罪行。 责任编辑:刘玄逸
--i really have no interesting in usa news, but i created "戴琦 definitely drag down Baiden..." so decide to post the case and what is my opinions.
if i were in taiwan i might still supporting womem can decide abortion or not.
if it still were before 2001, again i am not against abortion, because company insurance covered and premium not expensive to pay.
during spouse became unstable contractor(2004-2015) and very lousy expensive insurance. i support only those be raped with report police record can get insurance covered because i realized usa officers are incapable and miscalculated, the rotten rich wont pay decent taxes in the end punish those did nothing wrong, hard working, save pennies me-type to avoid social benefits people to pay more taxes and porperty taxes but got lousy insurance with half salary down as contractor. why continue spent money but huge debts to offer this and that benefits while SSR, medicare toward falling down soon.
Any benefits issues i want to know who are going to pay 1st. i would suggest the demacratic party to make sure the rotten rich agree to pay before announce.
before i got medicare (01/2015-01/2022) as lousy Obama (paied for nothing), Trump lousy travelling-like health insurance, i didnt buy when no penalty forced which thanks to Trump. i really thought middle-low income are killed by 2 rotten parties. the low income got free insurance, the rotten rich refused to pay decent taxes.
this year i only wish no more burden on SSR and medicare to stop broken coming earlier and earlier. i dont against abortion if they pay by themselves unless been raped and report to the police. Americans have to learn be responsible by themselves not squeeze out pity middle-low income people who did nothing wrong.
its quite shame that i assume Baiden squeeze out every penny of Russia so americans dont need to pay taxes but guess what? Baiden donates huge money to 乌克兰 continue the bloody wars without ending. ps the republican declared rotten rich would pay decent taxes, did they file in 2021 tax, or when they begin to pay?

what the fuck usa doing? whats good for americans since Bush bloody wars?
ps after we married and found out spouse was broken and paied very high interest for credit cards,house and car morguages. i made him a lot changed by forced the sister family moved out, living with budget while me and mom $1/day till she got SSI we can eat better to pay off his huge credit cards debts,
in 01/2000 i forced him to invest company 401K (invest $1 and company gave $1 match with limit amount allowed) he was very un-reluctant and told me 2 times his investment screwed up(usa market fell down twice so he quit any investment or save money) better spent all money enjoyed life and social benefits if needed in future. he promised would work till 90 like his grandfather which i never believed as myself exhausted as IT-related jobs in taiwan.
me as smart chinese inherited over 5000 years history IQ definitely believe our ancestors adviced 未雨绸缪. when he lost permanent job in 10/2003 still refused to apply unemployee benefit because he believed no such record would help him got decent job as always IT manager(he told me he knew better as manager involved HRS hiring dept) until i forced him and got 1st time IDES 2/2/2004 paycheck in his life. i also suspect whether he lost job caused by company internet service polling investigation about Bush bloody war related, i was too naive and honest against it. because earlier his boss gave spouse hint that his wife from French applied citizenship, so for spouse job i cant but apply it that i didnt want so earlier to be citizen as not knowing usa well (same as the boss wife). not mention during Iraq war i posted my opinions to dispute. years later the company monitored phone... for Bush government exposed.
in 2008? he told family consultant i saved his life or living on the street and cant get job.
i did plan his retired age at 62 if not Bush bloody wars destroyed my plan for him that he cant but worked till 69 by my allured him "one more year can prove you are Senior VP" which he just promoted in his 68(he really didnt want work any more) but salary didnt increase? (05/2013 $4250/bi-week as VP became employee, 02/2014 $4350 SVP 02/2015 he immediately resigned in case i changed mind force him work till 70, haaa since then he wont believe i planed his 62 retired even i explained his contractor jobs caused my plan failed)

曾叫嚣“制裁中国”的他,麻烦大了 来源:环球时报新媒体 2022-05-07 12:20
但没多久,考索恩的故事就被“打假”了:早在他车祸前,美国海军学院就因为成绩太差等原因拒绝了他的申请,而且他成功当选并非如他所说是“白手起家”,而是很大程度上得到了曾任白宫办公厅主任梅多斯的支持。--maybe they are slept together or same kind? i heard many usa cosex, molested young boys or girls rotten politicans scandals. hardly believe as 白宫办公厅主任梅多斯 didnt filter the 考索恩 real background especially very easy to verify with 海军学院.
但在最近外泄的视频里,考索恩被爆出抱着一名年轻男子在床上调笑,而在另一张照片里,考索恩身穿女装,以非常暧昧的姿态和眼神躺在另一名女子怀里。这些照片不仅和他以往的“硬汉”形象背道而驰,还导致大家质疑起了他的性取向。--照片 were before his 18岁严重车祸无法站立 or after? i would say after and he seemed can play both 0 and 1 roles same as Hillary,黑心蔡?
考索恩自己辩解称,他当时“把另一名男子按在身下”的举动只是在“和对方闹着玩”,但这个说法显然没法挽回他的人设崩塌,另一名反对考索恩的美国大V就嘲讽道:你做出这样的举动却还要狡辩,难道说,你为了辩解自己不是同性恋的方法,是承认自己对别人进行性侵犯吗?--i wonder the other man how young was.
除了舆论的批评和支持者的反噬外,美国共和党在众议院的领袖麦肯锡也发声斥责了考索恩,他表示考索恩已经失去了自己的信任,他需要用行动重新赢得自己和大家的信任。 责编:王怡
--what kind 行动 can 重新赢得麦肯锡 and 大家的信任? didnt he 辩解“和对方闹着玩”? shouldnt 麦肯锡 and 梅多斯 investigate? obviously 美国大V knew better.

ps 5/12/2022 亚裔移民堕胎面临巨大障碍 专家吁细化数据 时间: 2022-05-12 03:01:27 来源: 侨报网 编辑: 杨雅乔....这些女性表示,自己在家中遭遇了性暴力,其中许多是低收入的新移民。通常她们只能提出请求,但无处求助,“她们要求我们帮助她们避孕”。....
--comparing with 堕胎 cost, i would suggest 结扎避孕, the question is will their spouse or themselves take the operation? especially if their spouse are 性暴力, can have law to force 性暴力, rapers to do 结扎避孕 that help a lot?
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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