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美国犹他州车祸多名中国公民伤亡 当地征集中文志愿者-very weird car accident
2019/09/22 01:08:06瀏覽92|回應4|推薦0
美国犹他州车祸多名中国公民伤亡 当地征集中文志愿者  2019年09月21日  来源:新华网 (参与记者:刘阳、孙丁)【编辑:李明阳】  
视频:中国旅游团在美国遇翻车事故  来源:中国新闻网
美国犹他州车祸造成多名中国公民伤亡 当地政府征集中文志愿者帮助
  新华社洛杉矶9月20日电(记者高山 谭晶晶)美国犹他州布赖斯峡谷国家公园附近当地时间20日中午发生严重车祸,造成多名中国公民伤亡。中国驻美国大使馆第一时间启动应急处置机制。当地政府发出呼吁,征集中文志愿者前往提供帮助。
这张犹他州高速公路巡警9月20日提供的照片显示的是美国犹他州布赖斯峡谷国家公园附近的车祸现场。 新华社发(犹他州高速公路巡警供图)
--from what i saw the marks on the road and the damaged bus(truck modified as bus) laying while the road in quite plain fields with partial 路旁护栏
it didnt tell the bus driver is serious wounded or died or else. 
i hope some reporters can make a photos to show the bus which side hit the 路旁护栏, the front head or left/right side got 护栏 scratches which can show the bus driving direction and coud be hit or avoid the other car on the left or right side(same driving direction) or 反方向.
( 社會萬象 )
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2019/09/29 10:36
脸书中国员工跳楼身亡,200华人聚集抗议 2019年09月28日 来源:观察者网 责任编辑:谢廖沙
当地时间19日中午,美国加州门罗帕克的脸书总部大楼外,38岁的华人男子陈勤(Chen Qin,音译),从公司顶楼一跃而下,当场死亡。随后,脸书发布了一份声明,确认死者是该公司雇员,并表示:“我们很遗憾,得知我们的一名员工在我们的总部去世。我们正与警方合作进行调查,并向员工家属提供帮助。”
据美国媒体CNBC 27日报道,因不满于脸书过于简单、公式化的回应,26日将近200名华人聚集在脸书公司总部外,要求“为陈勤伸张正义(Justice for Qin)”,有人甚至高呼“中国人的命也是命(Chinese lives matter)”的口号,督促脸书总部的高层回应民众诉求、公开调查此事。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-29 10:37 回覆:
CNBC 报道截图
大批华人聚集 “为陈勤伸张正义”
当地华人建立账号@Justice for Qin,推特截图
一位男子在集会现场高呼“中国人的命也是命(Chinese lives matter)”,视频截图
据CNBC 报道,在26日的集会后,该公司发言人在27日发布一份声明,称脸书对陈勤上周自杀身亡的消息“感到悲伤”。并声称:在这段时间里,“我们正在尽我们所能来支持他的家人和亲人”。脸书发言人还表示,公司将聘用一位世界顶尖的自杀预防专家指导后续工作,并“为所有员工提供心理健康和自杀预防支持”。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-29 10:37 回覆:
9月23日,刚离职不久的脸书前日裔技术主管Patrick Shyu 通过Youtube 视频,讲述了事情的来龙去脉,称死者生前日夜工作,或因绩效考评、面临开除选择自杀。
Shyu 在个人频道TechLead 发表《脸书员工自杀事件》,讲述脸书内部恶劣的工作环境
在视频中,Shyu 批评了公司存在恶性竞争文化以及和与之相伴的高度压力,认为“陈勤的上司并没有信守承诺,而是在最新的季度评级中给了他一个不够理想的评级,这样的低评级让他无法换组。换不成组,陈勤就会被放入PIP(待努力)项目,这意味着他很可能被开除。而他没有绿卡,只是持有工作签证,所以他的美国的合法身份也岌岌可危。”
Shyu 还表示:“虽然我本不想谈论此事,但是脸书员工找到我,希望我能代表他们发声,因为他们已经被公司管理层禁言。”
Shyu 曾在谷歌、脸书担任软件工程师,目前是YouTube网红,主要制作揭露程序员生活内幕的视频,目前拥有50多万订阅者。他表示自己的消息来源是著名的公司内部匿名论坛Blind,只需有企业员工邮箱能够证明身份,就能够隐匿身份发言、评论。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-29 10:39 回覆:
it is really not worth to suicide but i admit it is very difficult for chinese to accept the real usa ugly face since long time brain washed and worship
by any kind usa 神话s in china/taiwan.
my 2nd brother already been sacrified by his blindly believed in usa 神话 and all our family members pay for him for many years without ending, and also relationship fell apart because of the endless huge burdon.
we never encourage any relatives in taiwan/china come to usa/canada.
so far only one kid insist came to Canada and  working in restaurants forever. Canada BC is a place for retiring but hardly for young kids working places.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-29 10:40 回覆:
--unfortunately if only if usa rotten politicians still anti-china and endless bloody wars then no chinese in usa is safe no matter you get 绿卡/passport or not. including my 2nd brother 42?, my spouse the white 58(2004),60(2006), 65-66(2011-2012), younger brother 59, and nephew at his 37.
however 2nd brother and nephew did 选择回 taiwan also got trouble because our taiwan rotten mjd.
i really expect one china comes soon so can save my nephew not becomes my sister's burdon again.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-29 11:53 回覆:

my parents have 5 kids, only my eldest brother in taiwan sucessfully retired at 65 this year and 2? months after the consultant company cut down outside workers benefits because lack of jobs. but he is the one takes any kind projects including the finally one in very bad smelling site. 

i allured my spouse worked till his 69. before we married he told me his grandfather worked till 90. fortunately i never believe he can work that long but did plan retire at his 62 while Bush's bloody wars destroyed my plan until he told me can't work after 69.

my brother-in-law in taiwan should shut down his tiny company earlier but ran out their cash savings. Last year when i saw my sister didn't make hairs i was surprised. she used to make herself looking quite good.

my younger brother and his wife are smart and saving as much as they can but also enjoy trips, and 2 excellent kids got jobs. maybe 5 years later can tell without job.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-10-19 12:20 回覆:
被脸书开除的华人工程师:在硅谷,不敢失业两个月  新京报 10-15 新京报社官方帐号
--quite earlier i inquired my spouse: did he ever join 工会? he told me NO, unless you don't want to be manager and higher level positions.
one time i inquired him would he 加班 or bring works home? he said NO unless the boss told him.
ps 陈勤 didn't know usa is quite different from China/taiwan, the boss won't be appreciated his frequently 加班. if he understood then won't over work too much and then very frustrated to suicide.
after he became contractor, his boss tried hard to hire an experienced senior then my spouse warned him the HR care about health insurance cost and he better not against the can't tell rule if he want to keep his manager position. the boss listened.
when we had problem and wanted my spouse together to visit psychologist he turned down and told me better not have such records or very hard to get manager-level job.
for our retiring life consideration i can't but listen to him.
sometimes i thought we should apply social benefits, once again he seriously warned me never leave any bad records. even when he was qualified to apply unemployee benefits he was forced by me 3 months later.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-10-19 12:21 回覆:
According to his opinion the best way is the little records the better and stay away any usa government involved.
how usa police disarm anti-wars in usa? threaton them either quit or police would write "comments" in their police records and then can't borrow money nor get decent jobs.
before you are hired most companies would verify your police records as background checking.
--it is called "神话", won't happen to you.
usa hardly can be changed nor improved. it is called the way usa is.
i fought for "神话" many years but last couple years i accepted my spouse advice--the way usa is.
it is not easy for chinese, even today when we received a letter from my spouse eye doctor which should be free exam but forced to pay $55 and showing the scan photo was failed. i wanted him to call doctor office whether it is free or have to pay again.
my spouse got upset and answeared the incapable technician won't be responsible so no need to call just ignore.
we both are exhausted and no more fighting for "神话s".
my another advice is : never bring everything to usa, the best way is you have 2nd low-end skills such as house maintainence, car reparing, cooking, nurse-related, truck-driving... can bent down to take any kind jobs for surviving.
Last time my sister expected me to move CA nearby her son, i didn't and this year he lost job and returned taiwan.
this year my younger brother adviced me again to move CA or NY nearby his 2 kids.
I won't, because no job is secured in usa by endless wars especially powerful rotten politicians anti-china by all kind liars.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-10-19 12:35 回覆:
美国这个动作 让世界看清它就是香港骚乱背后的黑手
--i would say usa rotten politicians themselves turn usa into un-safe places so no other countries can be allowed "safe". ths is why the whole world is worse and worse.

2019/09/23 21:27
the driver is alive that can tell more what's the problem. the "restroom" is in front and turn right. i wonder whether driver knew or he can see when he saw "->restroom" sign. from the photos can't see there is right turn road until yesterday chinanews post more clearly.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-23 21:37 回覆:

in taipei train/mrt station in certain place the signs also confused me everytime  and went wrong direction till inquired. in new taipei city mrt staions few of them also confused me.

the worst is some buses complex signs either waiting for the wrong direction or can't find. that spent me 4 hours because of that totally exhausted. 

2019/09/22 16:06

中国旅游团在美翻车大巴系货车改装 低价团常用 扬子晚报 09-22 (宋世锋)







蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 16:06 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 16:22 回覆:


--that means what we saw the bus, police already turn the bus back that 车轮 on the ground. and just next to the sign "-> restroom" that can explain why looks like 护栏? bus the sign 护栏 and obviously the bus didn't hit  护栏 right in the beginning.

however the "mark" on the road ground from different photos i saw also not the same shape which quite strange either.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 16:28 回覆:
i wonder wheter reporters can get before police moved the bus photos which 倾覆后车身和车轮朝上 that can prove what i thought the bus didn't get  护栏  scratches.

2019/09/22 01:14

my spouse told me  in usa truck can be modified as bus and is legal that usaually much safe than normal bus in certain dangerous area or special road condition.  

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 04:11 回覆:
  反方向 方向^
|     |     | car accident    
|     |   scratch mark   by 车顶? roll over?
|     |   dcratch mark
|     |   scratch mark
|     |      tail
|     |  left "-> restrooms" sign
|     | head|路 stop
|     |     |旁
|     |     |护
|     |     |栏
--didn't looks like that but car accident then 滚动? scratch the road then stop by 护栏 and the sign "-> restrooms" which no damage
the "-> restrooms" is very confusion and
very easy cause car accident.
LEFT SIDE DAMAGED BADLY didn't see the 护栏 caused scratch or dent
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 04:19 回覆:


--can't see what possibly caused it but some heavy "stone" from up hit the top of bus.

nearby driver seat door the left side has a bit dent caused by 撞上 or scratched by 护栏? not convince me.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 05:02 回覆:
    方向 反方向^  曲线
路|       |        |
旁|       |        |
护|       |       |
栏|       |       |    
护| HEAD hood poped up, driver seat on the road 
 RIGHT SIDE no scratch  车顶严重塌陷  
  |合 mark|     |
  |并 mark|     |
  |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 05:15 回覆:

very bad design that post  "-> restrooms" sign and 2 lane merge into one lane too close.
not surprised if car accident also happened before.

it could be the bus did turn right to restrooms, after the driver and tourists done restroom, the driver came back to road then accident happened so the car back moved till the sign.

didn't look like the bus 撞上护栏 then turned around.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 05:31 回覆:

very bad design that post  "-> restrooms" sign

--if the front of  "-> restrooms" sign still have 护栏 then the design is very badly and make the accident even more weird.  

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-22 17:05 回覆:

i expect reporters tell us where is the restrooms? that  "-> restrooms" sign  then right lane split into 2 right lanes (方向^).  could the bus turn over cause the top in middle deeply dent? from the mark on the ground didn't match.

another if the driver still alive (seems not) whether he made mistake that tried to across right lane to left lane(反方向) ?