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“最早的浙江人”,醉卧桥头8000年-桥头遗址各种完整陶器 太阳纹彩陶 酒器 卦象像坤六断卦 1米73
2019/09/08 02:38:22瀏覽122|回應1|推薦0
“最早的浙江人”,醉卧桥头8000年   2019年08月12日  来源:钱江晚报 马黎  【编辑:谷梦溪】
  台风都挡不住全国近50位文博考古专家赶来义乌,只为看看他——  “最早的浙江人”,醉卧桥头8000年
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2019/09/08 02:50

乾三连 坤六断 震仰盂 艮覆碗 离中虚 坎中满 兑上缺 巽下断 。


兑宫2  亁宫1  巽宫5
离宫3           坎宫6
震宫4  坤宫8  艮宫7


 3兑          4艮         5离 

2乾          5中         6坎

 1坤          8震         7巽


 4巽          9离         2坤
 3震          5中         7兑    
 8艮          1坎         6乾

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-19 23:54 回覆:
highly expect the young talent writers who knew 八卦 well to create good stories.our ancestors left so many priceless knowledges for us we should have more chance to create famous stories.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 00:39 回覆:
寒门祸害 is quite good story however i have a question for the writer:you saw what HK bastards did today then would you cover for British, usa master, taiwan bastards who behind HK bastards?
the same thing in Ming dynasty did have some chinese pirates cooperated with japanbastards but never should cover for those japanbastards came to china lands to kill and rob chinese people.
same as you never should because taiwan bastards cooperate with janpanbastards and usa master to sell out our chinese sea lands then cover for japanbastards and usa master malicious crimes.
indeed i am busy reading many china novels but i am careful enough not because a good story then be brain-washed or lower down me as top class.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 00:40 回覆:
i would say taiwan and HK young kids are easily brain-washed because their IQ not high then became bastards without knowing what they done. And that's why they deny themselves are chinese.
when i came to usa in 1997 and met the rotten dentists family from taiwan(not taiwanese-so-called), his father was taiwan officer in chicago as 武官. the wife 1st day told me that we were not chinese any more from her stink mouth.
indeed the rotten family squeezed out every patients from taiwan/china even the white who married chinese spouse like my spouse and another female) and sued them by usa ways.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 00:50 回覆:

if you live in usa and heard those bastards from taiwan tried hard to convince "we were not chinese" then you should immediately cut off any relation or they squeeze your money out before you find out. 

i am very carefully type and always request receipts but the rotten wife told me their assistant was on vacation would mail later. in fact the white assistant sued the rotten boss who refused to pay her salary as the man had sex with her and fired by the wife.

i spent lot time to find the assistant's phone number but she told me can't come out to help us as she signed the agreement when she got the job. 

this is why usa many rotten businessmen can squeeze out their clients without be caught.

the way usa is. so learn a lesson from us as victims.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 00:52 回覆:
HK people, schools and companies should keep n mind to kick off those HK bastards who deny they are chinese asap, don't be too late and deeply suffer like we taiwan people.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 01:02 回覆:
寒门祸害 writer very likely is 3rd/4th generation, my parents suffered japanbastards invaded china a lot, we as 2nd generation won't forgive japanbastards a bit at all, but the 3rd/4th generation might be fooled very easily. quite earlier i did warn china better study taiwan very well because what happened in taiwan could happen in china(including HK). japanbastards and usa master have lots experiences to brain-washed taiwan bastards easily, they would do the same thing to mainland china.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 13:43 回覆:

very sardonic when i tried to verify "徐海" found out all came from japanbastards as:


  • 1.    须田牧子编.『「倭寇図卷」「抗倭図卷」をよむ』:勉诚出版,2016年
  • 2.    上田信.シナ海域蜃気楼王国の兴亡:讲谈社,2013年
  • 3.    东洋文库编.东アジア会社と海贼:勉诚出版,2015年
  • 4.    第4部:粉饰太平 第十四章 强敌  .第4部:粉饰太平 第十四章 强敌[引用日期2015-05-30]

--no wonder 寒门祸害 gave me the weird feeling that 俞大猷 fight against chinese pirates not japanbastads. no wonder it happened in taiwan that rotten mjd beieved voluntary chicks bbecause 资料 also from japanbastards provided which beautify what japanbastards done when invaded other countries. 

certainly did exist chinese pirates and chicks tried to survive during japan invaded but more were sex abused by japanbastards. 

no wonder usa made terrorists-so-called in middle eastern to cover for bloody wars because usa master learnt lots from japanbastards.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 14:03 回覆:
our ancestors wouldn't call "few" chinese pirates as 倭寇 but "most" are japanbastards.
寒门祸害俞大猷倭寇胡宗宪正没得好结局 has nothing to do with 报应 about 徐海 王翠翘.
as for 康熙年间,有人据此铺写成一部长达二十四回的长篇通俗白话小说《金云翘传》,流传广泛。这个故事甚至流传到了日本和越南。越南有一部著名的古典长诗《金云翘传》就是讲述王翠翘的传奇故事,风靡一时。这部长诗对越南近代文学的发展产生了深远的影响。
--that's possible but keep in mind it is novel and writer can random say say just like 秦时明月, 寒门祸害.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 14:11 回覆:
even 水浒传 was found out 历史上明朝永乐年间(公元1403年—公元1424年)的阳谷县县令武植,并不可能是洪武三年(公元1370年)就病死的施耐庵所写的武大郎的原型。
ps 武大郎本名武植,河北清河县武家那村人。武植虽出身贫寒,但聪颖过人,崇文尚武,中年即考中进士,出任山东阳谷县县令。潘金莲乃知州家的千金,住在清河县潘家庄(后改名黄金庄)。史载,武、潘二人和睦恩爱,育有四个孩子。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 14:32 回覆:

haaa my sister family live in BC, Canada more than 20 years, nearby their house has taiwan bastards church and she has no place to make friends so join it. 5? years ago when she told me it were 外省人原罪 in taiwan that's how rotten mjd is today. i was very shocked when did my sister is barin-washed to believe the liars? and how many years in church succeeded brain-washed her?

i can tell you yes it did happen that old Chiang killed some taiwanese-so-called when he tried so hard to kill all communists in taiwan as he did in china before came to taiwan.

it is politic event not  外省人原罪. And don't forget most taiwanese-so-called living much better than japanbastards invaded because old chiang stole lots ran to taiwan. old chiang did wrong thing is not you taiwan bastards excuses  to cover for denying you are chinese, wipe off all chinese history and cultures. you taiwan bastrads did is because you know very well you for your filthy politic benefits willing to be 卖国贼, nothing else.

my sister is quite shrewd but can't sense every time she visits church been told "you are sinner" then she really believe  外省人原罪 liars.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 14:39 回覆:

did rotten mjd done better jobs than old chiang in taiwan?

i met taiwanese-so-called 2018-2019 in taiwan (including the 3rd generation senior woman) they prefer one china for their kids future. .

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 14:51 回覆:

by the way usa master using "freedom, demacrtaic" to cover its endless bloody wars crimes and love/support those pity countries 卖国贼s very much so can be the unique usa empire forever.

this is usa master real face, the rotten 2 parties never did for americans but their filethy politic benefits. that's why usa indoors millions serious bugs never fix/improve. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 15:14 回覆:


罗贯中(公元1385~1388年间) 主要作品 :

小说:《隋唐两朝志传》、《残唐五代史演义》、《三遂平妖传》、《粉妆楼》、施耐庵合著的《水浒全传》、《三国演义》 [3]  等 [3]  。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-09-20 15:34 回覆:
correct:倭寇胡宗宪正没得好结局 has nothing to do with 报应 about 徐海 王翠翘.