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纽约华裔女子质疑遭店员在咖啡里吐痰 对方称是糖 --巴黎贝甜是韩国食品
2018/01/18 21:47:12瀏覽232|回應2|推薦0

纽约华裔女子质疑遭店员在咖啡里吐痰 对方称是糖浆 【编辑:吴合琴】

中新网1月18日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,一名华裔女子日前在美纽约法拉盛一间知名连锁面包店买咖啡,怀疑被店员“加料”,吸出像痰的浓稠物。当事人倪Candy当地时间1月17日指出,店家坚称异物是糖浆,不肯公布店内监视录像,她会继续向市府相关部门投诉;该店员则在网上回复,根本未吐痰在咖啡里,而该店经理与公司总部暂未对此事置评。
39岁的倪Candy,18年前从中国移民赴美。她指出,1月16日上午约11时在法拉盛39大道的“巴黎贝甜”(Paris Baguette)买两杯咖啡,染金发的亚裔店员问小杯或大杯,她没听清楚,对方就大声再问一次。倪Candy说,“我想店员态度怎么这么差,也大声回她‘大杯’”。
  金发店员Effy Lee在社交媒体指出,根本没人在倪Candy咖啡里吐痰。“巴黎贝甜”分店经理表示无法对此置评,必须联络总部公关部,但店家直至1月17日晚仍未回复记者询问。

ps 巴黎贝甜是韩国艾丝碧西食品有限公司旗下品牌,隶属于在韩国有着65年历史的食品集团SPC。
--I do believe it happened and not just 韩国公司, japan too. my sister eldest son part time worked in japan rstaurant in Canada, he in person saw one of the worker's stink mouth spit on client's plate, and told them the client(the white canadian) always gave little tips. my nephew was shocked and never broght his friends, relatives(including us when we visisted my sister) to the restaurant since then.

 he was the only one as chinese-canadian worked in the restaurant, the others all  japan-related. he got an japanese female(his teacher?) 推荐信, a better pay. 

in here one of 韩国店员态度比较差, one day when i shopping in H-mart and the female 店员 forgot returing my receipt (when i returned the product she went to office made a copy) , she denied and i insist the manager verified their fax/printer and found it. she made no appology at all. unfortunately nearby small chinese grocery didn't have china-made dumpline(三全品牌, much better than others).

quite earlier another 韩国 store near by our old house. one day i brought my mom visited the store, when we checked out the male boss very unpolite to examine my mom's wrist(left hand, she wore jade-made jewery) and found not what he suspected. we never visited that store again.

( 知識學習其他 )
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2018/01/19 00:27

被轟向華裔女顧客咖啡吐痰 韓裔女店員網上喊冤

....市警109分局17日指出,此事屬於民事糾紛,可去商業信譽局(Better Business Bureau)投訴。至於上州曾發生類似事件,有一對夫妻飲料裡出現痰,由警方從店員唾液做DNA採樣後罪證確鑿,但109分局稱市警不會照做。

--喊 what 冤? the store right in the begining to show video to prove it, but so many days past not even has guts to offer evidence for chinese reporter. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-01-19 00:40 回覆:


--better find out the store is one of a big chain or just small store then can find out whether can't tell reason behind. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-01-19 10:59 回覆:

a bit far we have marianos grocery store and the traffic police always there, the only reason i can think of is the fancy store donated money to police organization. 

our old house also some residents donated (including my husband till the  so freuently police cars passing to scare bad bastards. i was told by my husband the reason why our neighbourhood is quite safe than others.

however still one of female was raped and didn't catch the raper because no one see him.

2018/01/18 22:16

we also suffered some from taiwan, HK restaurants and grocery store serious problems.

the earliest was 顶好 which frequently broadcast 台獨-related and less and less clients visited, then worse and worse that frequently the 架子 price tags not matched cashier's receipts. it was the only one biggest near by our old house, in the end we also stop but visited the small one from china.

another restaurant from taiwan got quite fancy chiese-style, from beginning to the end(they kept changed owners) never had good quality at all(we ate cold fish, 北京烤鸭.. unbelivable). 

the one from china they forgot put rice couple times when i ordered home.

other 3 restaurants from HK if i ordered home, the rice were rotten (or from other clients left junks...), including the one near by our current house couple moths ago and we never visited since. 

only one big from taiwan Yu's and one small from china 老四川 are better quality, but recently yu's amount/content reduced caused by Trump's policy. i can see quality worse and worse in many stores.

Last time my husband bought ear phone($15?) only for 5 days then broken, now he bought $57. i bet $15? ear phone must be from recycled.