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Letter from Joan 卓夫人來函 《Wishing and eager to share our good fortune and wonderful teach with all.》 《衷心並熱切祈盼和大家同享我們的好運和青雲師的無上妙法》 In my 30s, western MDs told me, nothing is broken, nobody getting any younger, or learn to live with it, or gave me pills, which of course came with side effects. Acupuncturists and chiropractors helped, but the relief was just temporary relief. 當我三十來歲的時候,西醫告訴我說:「妳沒毛病」,「沒有人會越活越年青的」或「學著認命吧」,或者給我西藥,當然會伴隨而來的是西藥的種種副作用。針炙師和脊椎按摩師有些用,但是也只能暫時的減輕症狀。 At 60, I could not stand or sit, or even sleep for long without feeling pain; self help exercises caused more problems. I blamed my pillows, my mattress, my shoes, the weather… I was sure I was wheel chairs bound, popping pills, paying even higher medical bills and suffering through the rest of my life. When my wonderful chiropractor was contemplating retirement, I become desperate. How dare he retire? What would happen to me without his kinesiology adjustments? But, of course, I know he could, and he would, retire. 當我六十歲時,既不能站也不能坐,甚至不能夠好好的睡一覺而不感覺疼痛;自助式的體操只會增加更多的問題。我怪罪我的枕頭、床墊、鞋子、天氣──當時我認定了我這輩子離不開輪椅,離不開西藥,付越來越貴的保險費,就這樣在病痛的折磨下度完餘生。當了不起的脊椎按摩師決定退休時,我急了。他怎麼可以退休!失去了他的服務後我會變成什麼樣?但是,理智告訴我,他當然可以,也必然會退休。 It wasn’t until then that it downed on me how throughout my life I had been depending on others to take care of me, to give me good health. Suddenly I remembered what my mother always said: “it's better to help oneself than to rely on other for help. This was how I finally found Qi practice. 一直到這之前,我並沒有意識到這一生我一直都倚靠著別人來照顧我,「給」我健康。突然我想起了母親告訴我的話:「自助好過於靠人幫助」。是這種概念的啟發讓我終於找著了練氣的法門。 As what Chinese knows: when practiced properly, Qi practice heals where it is needed; otherwise, Qi practice strengthens and builds up one's immune system. 如同中國人普遍的瞭解:當練習如法時,練氣可以康復有毛病的地方;要不然,練氣可以強化並鍛煉一個人的免疫系統。 I started with Taichichuan, then Qi Gong with form, but these last 6 years, my husband, Frank, and I have been practicing Wuji Qi with Master Qinyun. Unlike other Qi teachers, Master Qinyun is able and willing to guide us along our learning path, and when necessary help us over a hurdle. In time, our friends and relatives marvel of the changes they see in us. 我首先練太極拳,然後練有招有式的練氣功,但這過去六年來,我與我的丈夫Frank都拜在青雲師的門下練習無極氣。與其他的氣功老師不同,青雲師能夠並且願意在我們的學習過程中引導我們,並且在必要的時候助我們一臂之力。自從跟著青雲師練氣之後,親友們都贊歎在我們倆身上看到的改善。 Frank's overall health has improved greatly. He is in greater shape now at 80 ( in spite of his arterial fibrillation and slight emphysema, etc.) than he was at 70 or even 60. Frank的整體健康大有改善。他現在80歲了,身體狀況比他70歲、甚至60歲的時候還要好,雖然他有動脈硬化和輕微的心律不整等等毛病。 For me, the spontaneous healing power of Wuji Qi has not only done wonders for my physical health (it corrected my crooked misshapen spine, oiled my joints, etc.) but it also changed my mental attitude and outlook on life and it quickened my spiritual awakening, bringing me in my Wuji Qi practice closer to, for lake of a better term, dare I say the Devine? 對我來說,來自於無極氣的先天康復力量不但對 我的健康有神效,(它矯正了我變形了的脊椎,給我的關節「上了油」,等等。)而且還改變了我的心態與人生觀,並且還加速了我靈性上的覺醒,在我練習無極氣的時候帶領我更接近了,(因為沒有再好的字眼來形容了)容我大膽說一句,上帝之光(道初之光)? There is always unbelievable joy and awe in practicing and allowing Wuji Qi to heal myself. Qi has pinpointed all my meridian points and has uncanny means of reaching them, with my fingers or knuckles or even elbow! During every practice Wuji Qi manifests itself in different ways, according to the condition and needs of my whole person on that day. 在練氣的時候永遠伴隨著令人無法置信的喜悅和敬畏,並且允許無極氣來康復我自己。氣可以找出我所有的穴道,並且透過神秘難知的方法,用我的手指、指節甚至手肘在上面做工。在每一次練習之中,無極氣用許多不同的方式顯示它自己,依哪一天我個人的身體狀況及需要而定。 Wuji Qi is so powerful, and the practice (with my eye closed) so amazing that 16 months ago in Oct. 2000, after my years of faithful daily practice, the efficacy of Wuji Qi manifested itself. Led by Wuji Qi in my spontaneous movement, with my eyes closed as always in practice, I found my hands touching Frank’s body and my fingers started working on Frank. These sessions not only help Frank greatly; they give me such a good workout. We both reaped unimaginable benefits helping each other! 無極氣的法力是那麼的大,而且練氣時(閉眼睛)又那麼的神奇,在一年半前也就是兩千年十月,在多年有恆而且認真的練習之後,無極氣的神效顯靈了。我在無極氣引導的自發動作之下,就像平常練氣時一樣的閉著雙眼,我發現我的手去觸摸Frank的身體,並且用手指開始替他治療。這樣的治療帶給Frank巨大的幫助,同時也給我自己一場暢快的體力活。我們倆練氣時的這種彼此幫助,帶給我們無法想像的利益。 Master Qinyun has given us this priceless precious gift of Wuji Qi practice and its healing power. Words fail to express adequately our feeling of good fortune and gratitude to Master Qinyun. 青雲師賜予我們「無極氣練習」和「它的康復法力」這樣無價的珍貴禮物。言語無法表達我們對好運的感受和對青雲師的感激。 Wishing and eager to share our good fortune and wonderful teach with all, we will be happy to supply more details or information to anyone interested in learning this wonders Wuji Qi cultivation of oneself. 衷心並熱切祈盼和大家同享我們的好運和青雲師的無上妙法,任何人如果有興趣學習這個有如神跡的「無極氣修練法門」我們非常樂意提供各位更多的細節或資料。 Joan敬上2/14/2002 編按:卓福來先生夫婦當初透過台灣前行政院長孫運璿先生的妹妹孫慕婉女士的介紹,跟著青雲師學氣,雖然他們二位來學氣時的年齡已經頗大,身體狀況不好,但在他們的用功與恆心之下,幾年下來,都有了奇蹟般的康復成果。 卓先生出自天津書香世家,三十年代於燕京大學畢業後留學美國,得哈佛大學MBA學位,畢業時日本侵華戰爭爆發,因而滯美,轉眼竟過了他的大半輩子,將近一甲子,如今已是八十高齡。 卓夫人來自於香港的中醫世家,自幼習畫,後留學美國得藝術碩士,在美國大學教繪畫藝術直至退休。 回導讀頁 |
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