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8 種常見的錯誤英文語法!(轉載)
2020/11/21 14:20:14瀏覽104|回應0|推薦0
1. PPT vs. slide
(X) Could you go back to previous PPT? I don’t really get the point.
(O) Could you go back to previous slide? I don’t really get the point

2. What is your job? / What do you do?
(X) What is your job?
(O) What do you do?

3. My job is… vs. I work as…
(X) My job is a web designer.
(O) I work as a web designer.

4. You are too over! vs. You’ve gone over the top!
(X) You are too over!
(O) You’ve gone over the top!

5. There has… vs. There is…
(X)There has a laser pointer in the drawer, you can point out the key point with it.
(O)There is a laser pointer in the drawer, you can point out the key point with it.

6. loading vs. workload
(X) Due to the large quantity of order, our loading has been really heavy recently.
(O) Due to the large quantity of order, our workload has been really heavy recently.

7. bad rate vs. defect loss
(X) The bad rate of the new product is less than 3%.
(O) The defect loss of the new product is less than 3%.
新產品的不良率在 3% 以下。

8. cost down vs. lower the cost
(X) We’ve decided to downsize the company in order to cost down.
(O) We’ve decided to downsize the company in order to lower the cost.
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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