悲情 莊順發醫師寫於1984年
某年某月的某一天 不曾刻意去記取 但未曾忘記 是熟悉的地點 是清晰的記憶 你的溫情 你的笑語 你的隻字片語 只是往日的回憶 為了彌補創傷的心靈 我願嚐試不斷地忘記 為了證明還有一點骨氣 今生今世永不再去尋覓 雨不斷下著 淚不斷流著 在雨中誰也分不出 是雨 是淚 試著把內心悲痛隱藏起來 試著把臉上喜悅表現出來 好讓別人永遠也看不出來 好讓別人永遠也看不出來
Rain and tears
Rain and tears are the same But in the sun you got to play the game When you cry in wintertime You can't pretend it's nothing but the rain
How many times I've seen Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears are the same But in the sun you got to play the game
Give me an answer, love I need an answer, love Rain and tears in the sun But in your heart you feel the rain, the waves
Rain or tears both rush home For in my heart there never be the sun Rain and tears are the same But in the sun you got to play the game