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2010/04/27 02:01:24瀏覽378|回應0|推薦2




李玟 《月光愛人》英文版

If the sky opened up for me  And the mountains disappeared  假若山無稜,天地合

If the seas run dry turned to dust  And the sun refused to rise   假若滄海桑田,再無白日

I would still find my way  By the light I see in your eyes  我仍會憑藉在你眼中所見光輝繼續活著

The world I know fades away but you stay  就算我放眼所及物換星移、冰銷瓦解,只要有你在 

As the earth reclaims its due    即便世界告終

And the cycle starts anew  或是重啟輪迴

We'll stay. always  In the love that we have shared before time  我倆在昔日相愛中不渝不移

If the years take away  Every memory that I have  即使我擁有的全部回憶隨歲月磨滅

I would still know the way  That would lead me back to your side.  我仍能知曉如何回到你身邊

The North Star may die  世無恆久不毀

But the light that I see in your eyes  但我在你眼中所見光輝

Will burn there always  會永遠地燃燒

Lit by the love we have shared before time  在我倆往昔相愛中閃耀

When the forest turns to jade  到了下個季節

And the stories that we've made  Dissolve away  我們的故事煙消雲散

One shining light will still remain  那唯一閃耀的光輝始終留存 

When we shed our earthly skin  當我們脫胎換骨

And when our real life begins  重獲真實新生

There'll be no shame  將再無遺憾

Just the love that we have made before time   只餘我倆前世糾纏的愛



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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