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2013/06/20 17:07:56瀏覽5265|回應0|推薦1 | |
引用文章Madeleine5:所以我在一團團小小的灰色泡沫中辨認出枝頭初綻的綠芽;尤其是那片圓月形的嫣紅宜人的反光...標明椴樹上哪個部位曾經“彩色斑斕” 配瑪德琳小蛋糕的是椴花茶,不是菩提花茶或萊姆茶。 菩提樹長得很像椴樹,因之,柏林的大道Unter den Linden,”椴樹下” 大街(見圖),被譯成”菩提樹下”, wikipedia上說是因為可能是由日語轉譯,椴樹在日語中也被稱作菩提樹。目前中文已積非成是。 積非成是,但是配瑪德琳小蛋糕的linden tea其實是Tilia blossom tea,萬萬不是菩提花茶。還有,舒伯特那首"菩提樹"德語為Der Lindenbaumu, 也是椴樹,翻錯了。此外,英國人把linden tree也俗稱lime tree, 但是此萊姆樹也不會長萊姆。這兩個都是誤稱,椴花茶才是正名。 linden tea 來自Tilia,椴樹種,屬於Tiliaceae椴樹科,主要是來自欧洲椴(TILIA CORDATA)花,歐洲人咸信其可治療感冒發炎,現在認為可保肝。至於佛祖的菩提樹,學名是Ficus religiosa,俗稱Peepal tree, Bo tree, Bodhi tree, Sacred tree, Beepul tree, Pipers, Pimpal, Jari, Arani,Ashvattha, Ragi, Bodhidruma, Shuchidruma, Pipalla, Ashvattha and the Buddha tree. 總之,文學作品本就常常提及這生活化的茶飲囉。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilia#Literary_references
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilia#Herbalism Most medicinal research has focused on Tilia cordata[citation needed], although other species are also used medicinally and somewhat interchangeably. The dried flowers are mildly sweet and sticky, and the fruit is somewhat sweet and mucilaginous. Limeflower tea has a pleasing taste, due to the aromatic volatile oil found in the flowers. The flowers, leaves, wood, and charcoal (obtained from the wood) are used for medicinal purposes. Active ingredients in the Tilia flowers include flavonoids (which act as antioxidants) and volatile oils. The plant also contains tannins that can act as an astringent.[10] Linden flowers are used in herbalism for colds, cough, fever, infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, headache (particularly migraine), and as a diuretic (increases urine production), antispasmodic (reduces smooth muscle spasm along the digestive tract), and sedative.[11] New evidence shows that the flowers may be hepatoprotective.[12] The wood is used for liver and gallbladder disorders and cellulitis (inflammation of the skin and surrounding soft tissue). Usually, the double-flowered species are used to make perfumes. The leaf buds and young leaves are also edible raw. |
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