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● 9. 斯萬Swann, Charles
2011/08/21 21:50:07瀏覽551|回應0|推薦1

角色斯萬Swann, Charles

角色原型:朋友夏賀勒哈斯Charles Haas (曾經是Sarah Bernhardt 的情人, 一個花花公子, 第一位參加賽馬俱樂部的猶太人) / Charles Ephrussi / 普魯斯特自己

角色介紹敘述者父母之猶太朋友, 與貴族圈關係甚佳, 卻因娶奧黛特而受到排擠

Charles Haas

Charles Ephrussi

He was one of the inspirations for the figure of Swann in Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time; titled Remembrance of Things Past in the first translation). All of this changed with the Dreyfus Affair in 1894, which polarized France and caused many doors to be closed to Jews. The Ephrussi family was very prominent and thus became the target of anti-Semitic attacks.

以下來自 "Swann’s Way" by Henri Raczymow 介紹 "a dandy whose fame did not exceed his own lifetime" ~~

Raczymow’s book is essentially an exploration of Swann and the models for the Swann character, most specifically, Charles Haas. Haas was a French Jew, the first Jewish member of the Jockey Club, and a man whose reputation as a wit and a socialite was exceeded only by his pride in his own idleness and connections. There’s no doubt that Haas was the model for Swann. The memoirs of the day confirm it; Proust wrote as much in letters. From this fact, Raczymow constructs a brief biography of Haas, a dissection of Swann, and an extended meditation on some of what it meant to be a Jew in the Belle Epoque.

Raczymow’s book is best when he’s writing from the close intersections between Proust’s biography, Haas’ biography, Swann’s character, and the confusion all three exert on each other. The short sections in which he talks about Proust’s obvious failure to remember who (Swann or Haas) is fictional are brilliant and provide more than a little insight into Proust’s attitude as he wrote. The kind of confusion engendered by the shifting differences between real life and his novel clearly became overwhelming at times, and Proust would write letters in which he used Swann’s name when he should have been talking about Haas. But these moments then lead to the set of questions that are obscured at the start of Raczymow’s book, questions about immortality and time, and ultimately, in a strange way, the place of Jews in French society.

It’s impossible to read In Search of Lost Time without wondering about the hatred Proust shows to Jews and homosexuals. It’s unavoidable, and although sometimes the sentiments are offered in the mouths of his characters, at other times it seems clear that the narrator (and then Proust) is offering his own opinions. Even if we resist, as we must, the urge to reduce the novel to autobiography, these sentiments are ones with which we have to come to terms with as we read. Swann is not only tremendously socially successful, he’s a Jew, as was Proust. Swann’s Jewishness is emphasized at crucial points in the novel, as he gets sick, as he loses power (in the social sphere), as Gilberte grows up after he has died. Raczymow catalogs these moments and never fails to delicately relate them to the biography of Haas, and indeed, of Proust. What becomes most clear over the course of his short book is that Raczymow’s conception of Haas and of Swann is one radical contingency, and we’re left wondering why Proust made such a contingent figure, someone whose position and glamor rested very much on a kind of sufferance, the hero to the narrator as he’s growing up.

Raczymow’s book is also about what immortality, literary or otherwise, means. It’s clear from almost the start of this book that Haas is a person whose brilliance in life produced nothing, aside from one daughter, and who consequently is not remembered for any reason aside from (sometimes) his friends. Proust was aware of saving Haas from oblivion, of writing a character who would keep his model alive. Proust was also obviously writing a novel that would keep his own name alive. But the effect of Raczymow’s meditation on Haas, his unearthing of obscure Haas relatives, his pursuit of his hare, is to highlight how ephemeral an individual life is, even one partially preserved in a masterpiece. Haas becomes a vehicle for Raczymow to consider his own mortality, a project any decent reading of Proust engenders.

This kind of book threatens to be the worst that Proust criticism has to offer. In Search of Lost Time is many things, least of which is a catalog of correspondence between actual people and their fictional equivalents. Part of what makes Proust’s novel so difficult to write about is precisely the artistry that Proust used to distort ‘reality.’ Certainly it’s worth exploring the ways in which Proust’s life and experience informed his writing, but the temptation of reducing his novel to its constituent parts not only makes of it less than it is, it obviates Proust’s initial impetus to write contra Sainte-Beuve. But Raczymow manages to easily walk the line that separates the banal from the useful.

斯萬對新交無比殷勤,眉飛色舞地一一舉出 他們的姓名,這種態度好似那些謙虛或慷慨的大藝術家:他們在晚年也許嘗試烹飪或園藝, 為自己的拿手好菜或花壇沾沾自喜,只能聽誇獎,不能聽批評。但一旦涉及他們的傑作,他 們是樂於傾聽批評的;或者說,他們可以慷慨大方地贈送一幅名畫,可是在多米諾牌桌上輸 了四十蘇卻滿不高興。/ 當他和她結婚時,他已不再愛 她,他身上那個熱切希望與?黛特結成終身伴侶又如此絕望的人已經死去。/ 當他為奧黛特痛苦時 他多麼盼望有一天讓她看看他愛上了別的女人 現在他可以做到這一點 卻小心翼翼地不讓妻子知到自己另有新歡

電影Swann in love"斯萬之愛"_導演Volker Schlondorff(代表作:錫鼓)

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14.網誌文章創作: 有關 Marcel Proust 的《追憶似水年華》與 Georges Seurat 的《大嘉德島星期日午后》幾個私人觀察的共同點
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le14nov   知識學習/隨堂筆記   le14nov 的部落格   2009/12/08 13:58:35

16.網誌文章創作: 我已經再也不愛希爾貝特。對我來說,她猶如一位死者,對她久久哀悼之後,便把她遺忘了,即使她死而復生,也再不能在一個人生活中佔有位置,因為這個人的生命已不再屬於她了
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17.網誌文章創作: New Arrival:Marcel Proust’s Search for Lost Time by Patrick Alexander
le14nov   知識學習/隨堂筆記   le14nov 的部落格   2009/09/22 16:18:05

18.網誌文章創作: 它們只是構成我們當年生活的相鄰的諸印象中間的一個小薄片;對某個形象的回憶只不過是對某一片刻的遺憾之情;而房屋、道路、大街,唉!都跟歲月一樣易逝
le14nov   知識學習/隨堂筆記   le14nov 的部落格   2009/08/07 22:08:18

19.網誌文章創作: 每一個人都要找出他的激情之所以產生的理由,直至認為在他所愛的物件身上具有在文學作品或者談話中所說的那些值得人們愛的品質
le14nov   知識學習/隨堂筆記   le14nov 的部落格   2009/08/04 18:43:25

20.網誌文章創作: 斯萬愛情的存在,他的酷意的堅持是由無數欲念、無數懷疑的死亡和消失構成的,而這些欲念和懷疑全都以奧黛特為物件
le14nov   知識學習/隨堂筆記   le14nov 的部落格   2009/07/11 10:13:37


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