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『狂琴難了』的憂鬱, 2003.6.26
2011/10/16 00:04:33瀏覽447|回應0|推薦0

Gloomy Sunday -Original, Hungarian Version

如果不是曹老與清榮,我大概永遠沒有機會得知,手中Billie Holliday 那曲哀怨委婉的”Gloomy Sunday”,竟然別有來頭,且有著來自東歐的血統。這樣的苦楚,由Billie 唱來,似是女性對愛情絕望的讚頌,卻另外融入猶太民族與美洲黑人的歷史傷痕。夾雜著「性別上、種族上、人性上」三種層次的哀怨,使得旋律簡單的”Gloomy Sunday”,穿透了各種不同背景的人深藏於心的渴望。  

 Rezso Seress

這首歌1933( 一說30, 35 )由匈牙利作曲家Rezso Seress寫曲,詩人Laszlo Javor譜詞,由於引發歐美連續自殺效應多達150 多人,被稱作「魔鬼的邀請書」"hymn of suicides",使得Rezso Seress在1968 跳樓(?)自盡前,滿懷愧疚痛心。據說,他寫曲的對象聽後不久自殺,而心理學上,自殺本就有「模仿效應」,其實我以為,這150 多個年輕人,原本早已與魔鬼簽約,不過在聽這首歌時,腦中產生履約的念頭罷了,或可引用Laszlo 的話,「讓他們的告別更加愉快」。該責怪的,是那個氣氛凝重的年代,而非一首恰巧現身的佳作,否則,禁唱13 年後重現,為何魅力依舊,而魔力不再?”Gloomy Sunday” ,應該得到合理的讚賞與翻案才是。  

至於由尼克巴可(Nick Barkow)1988小說改編的電影『狂琴難了』,由電影可看出小說的結構嚴謹,不只是前後細節上的呼應,更意圖將這首歌意義的深沉之處引至時代背景( 1930之布達佩斯) 、人性尊嚴之上。於我而言,目光如果僅止於「奇女子」、「四角戀情」,著實可惜了原著作者當初的寓意。

( The film leads right into the middle of Budapest during the 1930s. Laszlo Szabo and Ilona Varnai run a reustorant which becomes famous due to a song. Gloomy Sunday opens the hearts of its listeners, but the melancholy within also skirts along darkest depths. The Young house pianist Andras Aradi composed the ballad for Iloba - out of love. But Ilona's heart tgorbs for both men - for Andras and Laszlo. A triangular relationship develops between them in wich they all find thei happiness, more or less, until the German Hans Ebrhard Wieck falls entirely under the spell of the song, and Ilona's beauty as well. He even propose marriage to her, but she turns him down. A few years later Hans returns as an SS officier to Budapest, which meanwhile has been occupied by the Germans. A man with power to decide over life and death. A man who threatens to destroy the fragile balance between Ilona and her two men... A tragic and beatiful love story, wonderfully produced and played by excellent actors http://www.oneworld.org.yu/gloomye.htm )  


在此,你可以把Ilona當成是「美麗的匈牙利」的象徵,她餵養流浪至此的猶太民族、滋潤匈牙利人的心靈、也使庸俗的德國青年Hans Wieck都想占為己有。當匈牙利受到納粹逐步吞噬時、當自由與尊嚴被蠶食鯨吞之際,對這塊土地的熱情、真正患難與共的情感,才真正的浮現。這三個布達佩斯男女,彷彿是為了理想與彼此而活著的。  
Andras 的憂鬱,表面看似無法完全擁有愛人,時則兩個男人發怒一場後又合好,惺惺相惜的合作關係使三人很難自行解「結」。每回一見德軍就亂彈波蘭舞曲,他的自殺,一開始是在德軍脅迫時拒彈”Gloomy Sunday”,並瞄了眼對方槍套,視死如歸;而待愛人為救他小命,終於開口唱詞時,他更覺畢生心願已了--她果然愛我、了解我。精神上的滿足,與不願再被凌辱的決心,慨然自盡。他,生於憂鬱,死時倒可能坦然自得。  

這是導演Rolf Schubel (1942年生)的第二部影片(TV film),得到1999巴伐利亞導演獎與Coachella Valley Festival of Festivals觀眾獎,攝影得到巴伐利亞獎,劇本得到德國劇本獎,德國電影獎也提名最佳影片與飾Laszlo 的Joachim Kro,並得到Prix Europa Television programme of the Year,都屬實至名歸。個人讚許中歐一貫熟練而惟美的運鏡,惜室內打光太「明亮」得不真實,兩位年輕演員的演技亦屬平平,但扮相的確俊美,相信讓許多影評都要手腳酸軟。導演審慎掌握演員情緒,尤其Laszlo由全心經營餐館與幫Andras經紀的實事求是、豁達--「凡事都有一面好、一面不好」,逐漸面對納粹軍官的侮辱、毆打、乃至德國好友Hans的背叛,他被迫了解”Gloomy Sunday” 所要說的「那種向人訴說著他不想聽的真相」的意境。他開始嚴肅思索--尊嚴的死亡。Laszlo的演技收斂、細微而豐富,值得注意。  


於此再度深感,Billie Holiday 的歌聲,十倍百倍於電影最後那個平庸的流行音樂版。凡走過的,才留得下真實的印記。

GLOOMY SUNDAY , Music by Rezso Seress , Original Text by Laszlo Javor , English Text by Sam M. Lewis   
Sunday is Gloomy,
My hours are slumberless,
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday   
Death is no dream,
For in death I’m caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I’ll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday   
I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you
Asleep in the deep of
My heart
Sunday is gloomy
with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there’ll be flowers and prayers that are sad,
I know, let them not weep,
Let them know that I’m glad to go  
Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday    

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