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2011/08/28 16:42:52瀏覽229|回應0|推薦0 | |
On November 27, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent, the Catholic Church will introduce the new edition of the Roman Missal. The Roman Missal is the book containing the prescribed prayers, chants, and instructions for the celebration of Mass in the Roman Catholic Church. On November 27, 2011, the Catholic Church will begin using a new translation of the Roman Missal in the United States and throughout the world. The Mass itself remains the same. The translation of some words used in the Mass will change. The new translation will:
The New Roman Missal will contain:
INTRODUCTORY RITES I. Opening Remarks - The New Roman Missal for Interpreters II. Introductory Rites 進堂式- The New Roman Missal for Interpreters III. Creed 信經 - The New Roman Missal for Interpreters IV. Liturgy of the Eucharist 聖祭禮- The New Roman Missal for Interpreters
VI. Eucharistic Prayer III - The New Roman Missal for Interpreters
VIII. Concluding Rite 禮成- The New Roman Missal for Interpreters
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