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  • 由於天生美色,海倫大約12歲未成年就被中年的忒修斯 TheseusIxion之子Larissa國王Pirithou擄掠,後者會得到Theseus幫助向尋找被地底冥神Hedes控制的春神波賽芬Persephone (Kore)當回報。忒修斯贏得美人,找了母親要扶養小女孩海倫等她長大,好與這宙斯的女兒結婚。最後海倫被異父同母的PolydeucesCastor救回,並把PirithouAethra當為海倫奴隸。
  • Theseus何等人也?雅典王子,那跑到克里特Crete國王米諾斯的迷宮,宰殺克里特皇后和宙斯送的公牛生下的怪物,拐跑幫他殺死怪牛米諾陶的克里特公主阿麗安Ariadne,卻把沉睡中的她丟在納索斯Naxos島上的「混蛋英雄」,可見此人從年輕就品性不端。對男人胃口不大的阿麗安,在納索斯島哭呀哭地,「幸而」最後被情史不斷的酒神「接收」,大家都說這是幸福的結局。
  • 酒神Dionysus又是誰?他與伊底帕斯王都是底比斯Thebes皇族。話說當年宙斯變成公牛引誘非尼基Phoenicia公主歐羅巴Europa,王子卡默斯Cadmus負責尋找妹妹,後來經Delphi神諭停止尋找,屠殺大蛇並建立底比斯城,成為底比斯城國王,伊底帕斯王的祖先。

誰知貪戀美色的宙斯又來引誘Cadmus女兒Semele,妒火熊熊的Hera叫唆已有身孕的Semele,要求宙斯以原形與她做愛[A1] 。宙斯無奈現出無比神的光芒真身,Semele無法承受而死亡,Hermes把腹中未足月胎兒取出縫在宙斯大腿內(史上第一個孕父喲!),最後生下有名的酒神戴奧尼修斯Dionysus,由nymphssatyrs在山林中養大。

最後酒神領著satyrs在和女信徒maenads[A2]  周游各處,回到底比斯城時,當時底比斯城國王潘塞斯Pentheus是戴奧尼修斯表弟,反對酒神瘋狂儀式,被女信徒們殘酷肢解(480B.C.)。Pentheus的王位傳給堂兄弟勞斯Liaus,也就是Oedipus之父。


  • Thesus的父親雅典國王安吉斯在與Troezen國公主Aethra上床後,埋下涼鞋寶劍當信物便落跑,以免想強奪王位有50個兒子的哥哥Pallas 害死他當時唯一子嗣。誰知回雅典後安吉斯寂寞難耐,又「接收」剛把金羊毛英雄負心漢傑生Jason殺死的美蒂亞Medea,再生一子Medus。美蒂亞在計殺年輕忒修斯不成後離去,看來希臘人男的花、女的狠哩!

忒修斯後來愛上阿麗安的妹妹菲爾德Phaedra,菲爾德又愛上忒修斯的兒子西波呂特Hippolytus,後因不被接受而自殺,並遺書陷害西波呂特非禮。最後雖真相大白,Euripidus劇中西波呂特節局是冤死後忒修斯傷心不已;又一說是月亮女[A4] 愛上西波呂特而救了他一命。無論如何,菲爾德也算抱復了老姐阿麗安被拋之仇。 這段激烈故事變成和Medea一樣,常被用來作為劇本。

忒修斯後來也因被叛變逃到Skyros,被推入斷岩死亡。在伊底帕斯王Oedipus續集裡,Sophocles 讓伊底帕斯王流浪到雅典附近的阿提卡定居,死亡時由Theseus陪伴瞎眼遜王,最後到了未知的眾神國度。

  • 宙斯又變成天鵝誘麗達Leda,麗達生下兩顆蛋[A5] ,壹顆孵出海倫與Polydeuces,壹顆孵出她的雙胞兄弟Castor[A6] (壹說還有Clytemnestra)。不管她爹知不知道自己戴了綠帽,海倫因為美貌,反而迫使父親趕緊嫁出以免變成禍根,是不可否認的事實!

■ 由於不和女神Eris以金蘋果報來復未受邀宴,三位爭最美女性金蘋果的女神只得求助當時還不知自己是特洛伊王子的Paris,這就是著名的”Paris的判決”。放牛中的Paris選了愛神,也等於選了特洛伊的命運。 奇怪的是,當年Paris之所以被拋棄山中,是姐姐Cassandra預言他將害死特洛伊,然而如果不是因此變成牧牛人,Paris選的就未必是愛情,可能是王子在乎的權勢等,反而未必會害了特洛伊呢﹗

寫《浮士德博士的悲劇》The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus作家克里斯多夫.馬羅Christopher Marlowe,是比莎翁同期稍早的名劇作家,他在劇中以詩讚美海倫之美──” The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships”(全文見下[A7])。可見是癡情還是蕩婦都不重要,當風騷美女才是重點。

馬羅的形容,來自荷馬《伊里亞特》對特洛伊戰爭的揭示[A8]  ,他在第二卷中仔細地描述各將領率領船隊的數目與陣仗,足足說了十一頁之多(484-877行),其中以阿加Agamemnon的百艘為冠,眾小國軍隊以船隻載兵至阿加曼儂屬地麥錫尼Mycenae準備發兵,並以兵力最強的阿加曼儂為最高統帥,其中大將有Achilles、Odyssus等。 麥錫尼的城門口是有名的”Lion gate",城內雕刻公牛的各種形象是青銅時代的特色!

阿加曼儂的老婆克莉坦娜絲卡Clytemnestra,是海倫異父同母的姐妹,阿加曼儂明媒正娶自Tyndareus國王。在慧慧介紹的Iphigenia片中,我們可看到希臘軍隊為等不到風起出航至東北邊的特洛伊[A9] ,以先知之名逼迫阿加曼儂殺Ipheginia[A10] 祭神的經過,也種下日後Clytemnestra的恨意與殺機。Clytemnestra自此看不起不能”維護家人”只想”家天下”的老公,她的殺夫雖狠毒,卻是弱女子想盡辦法對惡勢力的反擊!

Iliad中阿加曼儂,戰爭一開始便喜歡上剛擄掠的特洛伊阿波羅祭司之女克麗希絲Chryseis,稱”喜歡她勝於我的合法妻子”,不久卻因天神示意歸還,一氣之下又與Achilles搶其寵婦特洛伊女布麗希絲Briseis,”把你的禮物帶走,好讓你知道我比你強大” 。當時若非隱形的雅典娜在後制止Achilles,阿加曼儂早被痛宰。 由此可知,這些所謂英雄將領私下的德行如何。

許多介紹仍把海倫到特洛伊的經過,說成被Paris”綁架或誘拐(愛神背後作祟)海倫”,Iliad也提過她在特洛伊思念祖城與父母(p.67),反而電影偏好與Paris兩情相閱的浪漫版本。另有一說,是Hermes奉宙斯命,讓Paris只與海倫的幻影談戀愛,真海倫被送去埃及﹔Euripides 則寫她的幻影由Hera造雲而成,其間她一直與 Proteus一起﹔也有人說她曾色誘Paris子Corythus,使其被父殺。

至於浪漫的巴黎花都PARIS,竟有人以為城名是因這位多情王子Paris。其實,巴黎市源自古蓋爾特Celtic tribe部落”Parisii”! 而王子Paris雖然最後藉神諭射中Achilles的足跟,一般他的評價是”懦弱好色”,連Iliad中其兄Hector也如此罵他,並要他自行先與Menelaus決戰,以挽救特洛伊。這段故事於特洛伊電影作了很煽情的更動,英雄Hector要為弟弟的愚昧作必死先鋒,死後被Achilles蹂躪的屍體,為此在天上的阿波羅與宙斯對赫拉動之以理,在地上的老父Priam王在Hermes護航下哀求Achilles動之以情,而Achilles也說出難得有智慧的話──他扶起Priam,說”讓我們把憂愁儲存在心裏...冰冷的哭泣沒有什麼好處...神們給可憐的人分配命運,使他們一生悲傷,自己卻無憂無慮。”


還有壹說海倫最後被繼子放逐、或差點殺母Clytemnestra情夫Aegisthus(Agamemnon父Atreus兄弟Theystes之子),為父Agamemnon報仇的兒子Orestes and Pylades[A11] 所殺,最後一刻神秘消失──都不是太悲慘的結局,這位”沒有個性的美女畢竟得到了善終”




With this he laid the child again in the arms of his wife, who took him to her own soft bosom, smiling through her tears. As her husband watched her his heart yearned towards her and he caressed her fondly, saying, "My own wife, do not take these things too bitterly to heart. No one can hurry me down to Hades before my time, but if a man's hour is come, be he brave or be he coward, there is no escape for him when he has once been born. Go, then, within the house, and busy yourself with your daily duties, your loom, your distaff, and the ordering of your servants; for war is man's matter, and mine above all others of them that have been born in Ilius."






[A1]她先要宙斯賭咒聽從她的要求,再提出使宙斯無法拒絕。[A2]maenads (“raving women”), bacchae or bacchantes (“mad women”), or thyiads (“ecstatic women,” with a sexual connotation) [A3]希臘之阿緹蜜絲Artimis或羅馬之戴安娜Diana或埃及之Isis [A4]One version says that Helen was daughter of Nemesis, goddess of retribution, who in the form of a goose was ravished by Zeus in the form of swan. Nemesis laid a blue and silver egg, which somehow came into Leda's possession. When the egg hatched, Helen was born. Leda brought the girl up as her own daughter. / Helen was born from one of several golden eggs lay by Leda. This would make her, the sister of Polydeuces and half-sister of Castor and Clymnestra, whose father was Tyndareus (Tyndareus), king of Sparta. She was also half-sister of Timandra, Phlionoe (Phlione), and Phoebe. [A5]Twins, Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux) were the most famous Spartan heroes. Some recorded them both as sons of Tyndareus (Tyndareus) and Leda, daughter of Thestius, while others say that they were sons of Zeus. But most writers say that Castor with his sister Clytemnestra were Tyndareus' children, while Polydeuces and Helen were Zeus', by Leda. [A6]Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships, / And burnt the topless towers of Ilium? / Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. / Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!/ Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again. / Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips, / And all is dross that is not Helena. / I will be Paris, and for love of thee, / Instead of Troy, shall Wittenberg be sack'd; / And I will combat with weak Menelaus, / And wear thy colours on my plumed crest; / Yea, I will wound Achilles in the heel, / And then return to Helen for a kiss. / O, thou art fairer than the evening air / Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars; / Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter / When he appear'd to hapless Semele; / More lovely than the monarch of the sky / In wanton Arethusa's azur'd arms; / And none but thou shalt be my paramour! [A8]Prince Paris from Troy, a Zarahite Prince had returned home to Troy with Helen the wife of Menelaus the King of the Danaan city of Sparta, in Greece. That began the 10 years of the Trojan Wars, when the King launched a thousand ships of Dan to attack Troy, to get his wife back. [A9]經德人謝里曼Heinrich Schliemann 1871-90之考據, Troy應在目前土耳其西北海岸愛琴海與達達尼爾海峽附近的Hisarlik;Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) A pioneer in field archaeology, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann is best known for his excavations at ancient Troy and Mycenae. Schliemann was largely self-educated. Because his family was poor, he had to leave school at the age of 14 to earn a living. He continued studying on his own, however, showing an exceptional ability in mastering foreign languages. He soon began to exploit his remarkable aptitude for business dealings, which enabled him to amass a large fortune early in life and to retire at the age of 41. From then on, he devoted himself to archaeology. He began to dig at Troy, his most famous excavation, in 1870. Schliemann has been criticized for using methods that seem crude by comparison with the techniques of today. He also has been criticized for being a treasure hunter rather than an archeologist. The moment he found the so-called treasures of King Priam, he left the excavation with the treasures. According to some he deserves great credit, however, for creating methods where none had existed previously and for demonstrating that excavation can be more than a mere treasure hunt that it can, in fact, restore a knowledge of lost civilizations. [A10]Some say Helen was mother of Iphigeneia by Theseus, but Clytemnestra, Helen's half-sister, brought up Iphigeneia as her own. (Usually Iphigeneia was considered to be the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra). [A11]伊蕾特拉Electra與奧瑞斯Orestes特姐弟為父報仇的傳說,是現存唯一曾被古希臘三大悲劇作家作為題材的復仇故事,除了Aeschylus的《祭奠者(Libation Bearers)》以Trilogy演出,索佛克里斯和Euripides《伊蕾特拉》都只有單一劇本。是阿格曼儂Agamemnon之子奧瑞斯與好友Pylades與老師Paedagogus到亞格士Argos,為阿格曼儂復仇。伊蕾特拉因自己的遭遇悲傷、和妹妹母親爭執,聽到奧瑞斯特死訊後,則決定自己復仇。


考據一下"Troy" 電影與希臘文學的比照忠實度 1) 服裝武器--> 查過後還o.k., 雖沒看到方型盾 http://www.mwart.com/xq/ASP.store/cat.66/qx/Armor.htm 2) 故事 --> ●Trojan Priest of Appllo "Chryseis"之手, 但Chryseis被抓卻變成Achillis愛人, 角色與Achilles情婦 Briseis混淆, Achilles 是因為後者被Agamemnon佔據而拒絕幫 Agamemnon出征, 非前者 ●穿Achilles盔甲被殺的Patroclus是在Achilles同意下出征 ●希臘統帥Agamemnon竟改死在Troy , 其實希臘悲劇中他死於返回希臘之後, 妻子為報復他殺女Iphigenia偕情夫殺死他 http://mail.tku.edu.tw/120335/proust/moviepic/iphigenia.htm ●Achilles之死雖為Paris所為, 卻與他跑回Troy 尋找Chryseis無關 ●當然, 書中也沒說過Achilles如喜歡光身體睡覺, 以及三人行....

當初電影院中便一直念念不忘, 可惜沒有辦法像莫札特一樣背起來

當尤里希斯在喪禮焚燒Achillis的屍身時, 如此默禱著...

"If they ever tell my story,

let them say that I walked with giants....

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat,

but these names will never die.

Let them say I lived in the time of Hectorr, Tamer of Horses.

Let them say I lived in the time of Achilles."..

一個可能不存在的英雄世紀, 以死亡與血腥為主軸的世代, 竟能如此迷人

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