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Times Online, UK
Sep. 27, 2005
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent

這研究是拿大部份國民相信是神創造世界的美國,與非宗教化(即較世俗化)如英國這類相信達爾文演化論的國家的社會表現相較; 研究顯示,這類基督宗教信仰不但不能促進社會道德提高反而是禍害的根源!
這報告在美國的 『宗教與社會Journal of Religion and Society』學術期刊發行。許多美國人相信,會上教堂的國民是最優秀的,會受上帝的祝福; 他們在愈來愈多的宗教懷疑論者前,就像一座會閃閃發光的小山城!
一般而言,愈相信與崇拜基督教的富有民主國家,愈有高比率的~『殺人犯、青少年與初為成年人的死亡、性傳染病例、十幾歲少女懷孕與墮胎』 美國幾乎是已開發中國家最多不正常現象的,特別引人注目!
保羅葛列格里Gregory Paul是社會科學家與這研究論文作者,他引用國際間的蓋洛普與ISSP (the International Social Survey Programme) 與其他研究單位資料,參考社會指標如謀殺率、墮胎、自殺、少女懷孕。得到這結論!

這研究結論是基督徒多的民主美國有較高謀殺率,而愈是信教不虔的民主國家愈少社會不正常。又以淋病而言,美國青少年的發生率是信教不虔的民主國家 的300倍,同時梅毒在美國的青少年與成人感染率、與少女的墮胎率也是最高的!
保羅說如英國這較世俗化國家,在社會指標方面,較美國這基督教國家好太多了 。同時法國、日本、斯堪的納維亞(Scandinavian)等世俗化國家更是成功的減少 謀殺率、早死、性病傳染、墮胎。
他說依這些不同研究累積來的証據,顯示基督宗教勢力實際促成社會病態; 歐洲人也察覺他們愈來愈被不正常社會現況的基督教美國排斥。
除非達爾文的演化論在美國被推翻,神的存在能被証明,基督教才有可能更宗教 化,同樣,除非美國宗教信仰退燒,演化論才會受多數人支持。

   現這非宗教性,支持演化論的世俗化的民主國家已能提出反駁論証,表明社會不 需信仰基督宗教,狀況反會更好!  

Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies
Societies worse off ‘when they have God on their side’
Times Online, UK
Sep. 27, 2005
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Religious belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.
According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.
The study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.
It compares the social peformance of relatively secular countries, such as Britain, with the US, where the majority believes in a creator rather than the theory of evolution. Many conservative evangelicals in the US consider Darwinism to be a social evil, believing that it inspires atheism and amorality.
Many liberal Christians and believers of other faiths hold that religious belief is socially beneficial, believing that it helps to lower rates of violent crime, murder, suicide, sexual promiscuity and abortion. The benefits of religious belief to a society have been described as its 
spiritual capital. But the study claims that the devotion of many in the US may actually contribute to its ills.
The paper, published in the Journal of Religion and Society, a US academic journal, reports: 
Many Americans agree that their churchgoing nation is an exceptional, God-blessed, shining city on the hill that stands as an impressive example for an increasingly sceptical world.
In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies.
The United States is almost always the most dysfunctional of the developing democracies, sometimes spectacularly so.

Gregory Paul, the author of the study and a social scientist, used data from the International Social Survey Programme, Gallup and other research bodies to reach his conclusions.
He compared social indicators such as murder rates, abortion, suicide and teenage pregnancy.
The study concluded that the US was the world
s only prosperous democracy where murder rates were still high, and that the least devout nations were the least dysfunctional. Mr Paul said that rates of gonorrhoea in adolescents in the US were up to 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. The US also suffered from  uniquely high adolescent and adult syphilis infection rates, and adolescent abortion rates, the study suggested.
Mr Paul said: 
The study shows that England, despite the social ills it has, is actually performing a good deal better than the USA in most indicators, even though it is now a much less religious nation than America.
He said that the disparity was even greater when the US was compared with other countries, including France, Japan and the Scandinavian countries. These nations had been the most successful in reducing murder rates, early mortality, sexually transmitted diseases and abortion, he added.
Mr Paul delayed releasing the study until now because of Hurricane Katrina. He said that the evidence accumulated by a number of different studies suggested that religion might actually contribute to social ills. 
I suspect that Europeans are increasingly repelled by the poor societal performance of the Christian states, he added.
He said that most Western nations would become more religious only if the theory of evolution could be overturned and the existence of God scientifically proven. Likewise, the theory of evolution would not enjoy majority support in the US unless there was a marked decline in religious belief, Mr Paul said.
The non-religious, proevolution democracies contradict the dictum that a society cannot enjoy good conditions unless most citizens ardently believe in a moral creator.
The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.


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