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此文說到神魔之戰、奴役與解放之戰、覺醒與沉睡之戰、我們都是佛的分靈、能量從高而下降到物質階段、時間非線性、這是一場多維度的劇院表演,每次的劇情都不完全一樣,現在是最後攤牌時刻,佛教徒依然不知不覺,抱著佛經說:「無上甚深微妙法,百千萬劫難遭遇」。 20210219 21:38【James Gilliland】ECETI:多維劇院 2021年2月19日 We have often referred to what is happening on Earth as a multidimensional war.In the simplest explanation it is Good verses evil or the absence of love and straying from Universal Law.This takes many forms.There is a hierarchy to the dark and the light .The dark which we can refer to as self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service to the Creator within all Creation operating within Universal Law.There is a lot of disinformation perpetuated by think tanks that evil does not exist and if you see it the evil is within you.Those in the new age community who be lie ve this will remind you when you get close to exposing the evil self-serving deeds of the dark hearts. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of both sides of the coin anything else is a half-truth. 我們經常把地球上正在發生的事情稱為一場多維度的戰爭。在最簡單的解釋中,它是正義戰勝邪惡或缺乏愛和偏離宇宙法則。這有很多種形式。黑暗與光明是有等級的。我們可以稱之為在宇宙法則之外自我服務的黑暗,與那些在宇宙法則之內運作的一切造物中服務於造物主相對應。有很多虛假的信息被智囊團保存下來,認為邪惡並不存在,如果你看到它,邪惡就在你的內心。那些在新時代社會中說謊的人會在你們接近揭露黑暗心靈的邪惡自私行為時提醒你們。覺醒、開悟,意味著同時了解硬幣的兩面,其他任何東西都是半真半假的。我說明:這是說開悟者通達了善與惡,泯除了善與惡。 The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels.The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension.The light hierarchy goes all the way back to the source referred to as Creator/God/Great Spirit. Love is the ultimate power,it is the wellspring of all sound,vibration and light,all that is,the cosmic glue that holds all things together.There is a unified field in which we all reside,the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d.Masters,Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution.These descriptions of polarities have nothing to do with culture or skin color and we are using the words dark heart due to the diminishing or absence of light which can also be referred to as higher consciousness and energy.The soul sits next to the heart.You access Creator through the heart.Those who are in self-servi ce have very little access and light.They feed off the consciousness and energy of others.They cannot create they can only manipulate and distort what has already been created.With this understanding you can see why through the heart and love you connect to higher dimensional beings.Through the intellect and ego operating from self-service you connect with lower dimensional beings.You can have a contact,see a ship yet who is on the ship and what are their intentions?The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect.Those who demand physical proof for what in most cases is a non-physical event,those who are self-serving locked in the intellect trapped in the egos and self-importance in truth are a detriment to contact.This is why disclosure has completely stalled.99%of contact is with higher dimensional beings,they are in service to Creation,benevolent and spiritually advanced.We have to rise spiritually to the occasion. 人類和地球或行星解放的覺醒和療愈有許多層次。黑暗之心等級只進入第四維度的中間層。光的等級可以一直追溯到被稱為造物主/上帝/偉大的靈魂的源頭。愛是最終的力量,它是所有聲音、振動和光的源泉,所有這一切都是宇宙的粘合劑,把所有的東西粘合在一起。我們都居住在一個統一的場中,黑暗的心只能進入中低四維和三維。大師、聖賢和聖人,包括精神上和技術上先進的超自然者,他們進入更多由他們的精神進化決定的統一場。這些對極性的描述與文化或膚色沒有任何關係,我們使用的詞語是黑暗的心,因為光的減少或缺失,這也可以被稱為更高的意識和能量。靈魂坐在心的旁邊。你通過心靈接近造物主。那些從事自我服務的人幾乎沒有機會接觸到光。他們從他人的意識和能量中汲取營養。他們不能創造,他們只能操縱和歪曲已經創造出來的東西。有了這種理解,你可以看到為什麼通過心和愛,你連接到更高維度的存有。通過智力和自我操作從自我服務,你連接到較低維度的存有。我說明:這是說你可以成為一個為他人服務者(菩薩),也可以成為為自我服務者(魔子魔孫),你可以有一個聯繫,看到一艘船,誰在船上,他們的意圖是什麼?你尋找的心靈就是你連接的心靈。那些在大多數情況下是非物質事件的事實上需要物理證據的人,那些自私自利地被困在智力中的人,在真理中被自我和自我重要性所束縛,對接觸是一種損害。這就是為什麼披露完全停滯不前。 99%的接觸是與更高維度的存有,他們服務於造物,仁慈和精神上的提升。我們必須在精神上迎接挑戰。 We can apply this to what is happening on the global scale.If you go to self-serving people trapped in their egos and self-importance for your information like the main stream press and other outlets the information is limited with an agenda and that agenda is not to educate,inform and empower the individual.It is a controlled narrative,a distraction designed to control and dominate the forgotten gods through their own minds.The educational system is the same.We do not say this lightly.You have the genes of the Gods of old,the bearded Gods who actually in truth were extremely advanced off world visitors who colonized Earth on many occasions.They had to start over as primitives due to great cataclysms,wars,volcanic eruptions,tsunamis and pole shifts.This explains your megalithic structures and the prediluvian races buried under the Arctic.In truth humans,Hu meaning God,man/woman is an appropriate name.We are not talking about the big G we are talking about the little g,gods on ancient t imes and their offspring the demigods with more alien DNA than Earth Human.There is a greater consciousness and energy,higher realms beyond the bearded gods and goddesses.We have to ask the question who created them.How big is your God. 我們可以將其應用於全球範圍內正在發生的事情。如果您去尋找陷入困境的自我服務和自我重要性的人們,例如主流媒體和其他媒體,您的信息將受到一個議程和該議程的限制它不是一種教育,告知和賦予個人權力的方法。它是一種受控的敘述,一種分散注意力的設計,目的是通過他們自己的思想來控制和支配被遺忘的神靈。教育制度是相同的。我們不能輕描淡寫地說。您擁有古老的諸神的基因,實際上這些有鬍鬚的神實際上是在許多次殖民地球的世界遊客面前發展起來的。由於巨大的災難,戰爭,他們不得不從原始開始。 火山噴發,海嘯和極移。這解釋了您的巨石結構和埋在北極下的prediluvian種族。我說明:未來幾年將會發生太陽閃焰和極移,那將是大災難和大覺醒的時刻。實際上,humans,hu的意思是GOD,man/woman是一個恰當的名字。我們不是在談論我們在談論的大G關於遠古時代的小神仙和它們的後代,半神半獸具有比地球人類更多的外來DNA。有一個更大的意識和能量,更高的領域超越了大鬍子的神靈和女神。我們必須問一下創造它們的問題。你的上帝有多大。 There are fallen beings due to their consciousness that cannot return from whence they originated.They are trapped in the mid levels on down of the 4th dimension.There are other beings not part of the human experience existing there as well.This is where the stories of reptillians,greys,demons,grossly disfigured beings originate.In ancient times Marduk actually made an alliance with the reptillians for total supremacy of the Earth.He turned on his own people.For those with the eyes to see it is written in stone within ancient temples.We are in the process of being liberated from that ancient agreement and other agreements made since by higher dimensional beings residing in the upper 4th,5th,all the way to the 13thdimension.The ground crew are those who incarnated from these higher dimensions and those who are awakening to their true identities,aligned with Universal Law.There is more to this story this is the main outline. 由於他們的意識,有些墮落的生物不能從他們起源的地方返回。他們被困在第四維的中間層。還有一些其他的生命也不屬於人類經驗的一部分。這裡是有關爬行動物、灰人、惡魔以及嚴重毀容生物的故事的起源地。在遠古時代,馬杜克實際上與爬行動物結成了聯盟,以實現地球的完全霸權。他背叛了自己的人民。對於那些有眼睛看到的人來說,這是在古廟的石頭上寫下來的。我們正在從那個古老的協議和其他協議中解放出來,這些協議是由居住在第四、第五維度上層的更高維度的存有所製定的,一直到第十三維度。地面工作人員是那些從這些更高維度投生的人,那些正在覺醒到他們真實身份的人,與宇宙法則一致。這個故事還有更多的內容,這是主要的大綱。 There are those in high positions who incarnated to be a part of the awakening and healing or planetary liberation.Some are aware of this some are not.They still have their personalities to overcome and when the time is right they are initiated.We will talk about just a few playing pivotal roles in the highest levels of leadership.Your present leadership is on the other side of the spectrum along with most of your major institutions.By their fruits you will know them.The Pleiadians,Orion Council of Light,Sirians -felines,Arcturians,Andromedans and the Inner Earth,those who survived the great flood 12000 years ago and went inward continuing their evolution are all part of the Great Awakening.The collapse of Atlantis and Lemuria,Pleiadian colonies were the civilizations that were destroyed. We are repeating the same cycle hopefully with a different outcome. 有些身居高位的人投生成為覺醒和療愈或行星解放的一部分。有些人意識到了這一點,有些人則沒有。他們仍然需要克服自己的性格,當時機成熟的時候,他們就會被啟蒙。我們將討論在最高領導層中發揮關鍵作用的幾個方面。你們現在的領導層與你們大多數主要機構一樣,處於另一個極端。通過他們的果實你就能認出他們。昴宿星人、獵戶座光明會、天狼星貓科動物、大角星人、仙女座人和地心地球,這些在12000年前的大洪水中倖存下來並繼續向內進化的人們都是大覺醒的一部分。亞特蘭蒂斯和 Lemuria 的崩潰,昴宿星人的殖民地就是被摧毀的文明。我們正在重複同樣的循環,希望會有不同的結果。 The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians,we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old,some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu.There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution.Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface.These races,most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation.The fallen gods,and other self- serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from.This is written about in the Nag Hamadi,the Emerald Tablets of Thoth,and on the walls of ancient temples.The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years.An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here,have been here av ery long time who will be held accountable.The great war is a war between good and evil or those who are self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service operating within Universal Law.In Christianity they refer to this as the War between Satan and God or demons and angels.In truth it is a bit more complicated many shades of grey and light in between. 昴宿星人的祖先是古代古里安人,我們稱之為古代長著高大鬍鬚的神,在許多宗教中,有些至今仍然是在亞特蘭蒂斯和 Lemuria 或穆之前的殖民地。在地心地球內部還有其他人已經達到了一個非常高的進化狀態。信不信由你,大多數先進的文明都生活在他們的星球內,而不是地表。這些種族,大多數我們古老的祖先經常被稱為星族,都是地球解放的一部分。墮落的神,以及其他在宇宙法則之外運作的自私實體,是地球正在從中解放出來的。這是寫在拿戈瑪第,赫耳墨斯·特里斯墨吉斯忒斯的翡翠石板,和古代寺廟的牆壁上。現在來到地球的人是行星解放者,他們將我們從困擾人類數百萬年的消極可見和看不見的實體中解放出來。外星人入侵是你最不需要擔心的事情,那些已經在這裡的人,已經在這裡很長一段時間了,他們將被追究責任。偉大的戰爭是善與惡之間的戰爭,或者是那些在宇宙法則之外自私自利的人與那些在宇宙法則之內服務的人之間的戰爭。在基督教中,他們稱之為撒旦與上帝或惡魔與天使之間的戰爭。事實上,這是一個有點複雜的許多灰色和光之間的陰影 Now this is where it gets tricky,we might lose a few.In truth you are all multidimensional beings.You are not just a meat suit and a personality.There are aspects of yourself on other dimensions all the way back to source,your original conception which was the original big bang where God chose to bend inward contemplate self upon which there was a tremendous explosion of light.That was your original conception a consciousness born of and endowed with the same abilities of the Creator.This is what the enlightened masters have been telling you for thousands of years.You chose to lower yourself to explore the many dimensions of creation all the way to the physical.There you got a bit confused,identified with the base emotions of fear,survival,separation,guilt,unworthiness a whole host of baser emotions that did not allow you to return to the higher levels of consciousness and energy.More expanded states of awareness within the Unified Field .Now this is going to be a real mind screw.Those other aspects of yourself still exist.Time is not linear.From a higher dimension you can look down on any time line and choose to come in anywhere on that time line.Most choose to move forward on the liner timeline they left due to attachments,family,soul connections etc.The problem is there is a wash of identity,a new ego formed and you have to rise above the collective and environment to remember.Every existenc e is recorded in your soul,which again sits next to the heart and it is through the soul you access Creator and your many expressions within Creation.Accessing this and having this knowledge is a threat to your ego,everyone else who believes they are a body and personality and the herd or social consciousness.Before you go totally insane,we are all fractals of Creator as you expand in awareness and consciousness your identity expands and takes in your other identities on other planes and dimensions some existing simultaneously.This includes lives on other dimensions,in other civilizations some very advanced.As you expand further you realize it is all you as every enlightened Master,Saint and Sage has said throughout time.The whole universe lies within you.You have a choice to be a meat suit and a personality in reactionary mind controlled by self-serving beings operating outside of Universal Law or expand in awareness realizing you are a multidimensional being in creationary mind.You h ave a soul and a multidimensional spirit all the way back to the original conception.Some have to die to figure this out. 現在情況變得棘手了,我們可能會失去一些。事實上,你們都是多維度的存在。你不僅僅是一個肉身和一個個性。在回到源頭的所有道路上,在其他維度上都有你自己的一些方面,你最初的概念也就是上帝選擇向內俯視的大爆炸中的自我,在那裡有一個巨大的光爆炸。那就是你們最初的概念,一個意識的誕生,並被賦予了造物主同樣的能力。這就是啟蒙大師幾千年來一直告訴你們的。你選擇降低你自己去探索造物的許多維度,一直到物質層。在那裡你有一點困惑,認同與基本情緒的恐懼,生存,分離,內疚,毫無價值的一整套基本情緒,不允許你回到更高的意識和能量水平。在統一領域內提高認識的程度。現在這將是一個真正的思想螺絲。你自己的其他方面仍然存在。時間不是線性的。從一個更高的維度,你可以俯視任何時間線,並選擇進入該時間線上的任何地方。大多數人選擇在他們因為依戀、家庭、靈魂聯繫等原因而留下的班輪時間線上前進。問題在於身份的洗禮,一個新的自我形成,你必須超越集體和環境去記住。每一個存在都被記錄在你的靈魂中,它再次坐落在你的心臟旁邊,它是通過你的靈魂訪問造物主和你在造物中的許多表達。接觸這些知識和擁有這些知識對你的自我是一種威脅----其他所有相信自己是身體、個性、群體或社會意識的人都是如此。在你們完全瘋狂之前,我們都是造物主的分形,因為你們在覺知和意識中擴展你們的身份,並在其他層面和維度同時接納你們的其他身份。這包括生活在其他維度,在其他文明一些非常先進。隨著你的進一步擴展,你會意識到這就是你所有的一切,就像每一位開悟的大師、聖賢和聖人一直所說的那樣。整個宇宙都在你的身體裡。你可以選擇成為一個肉身,一個被宇宙法則之外的自私存在所控制的反動頭腦中的人格,或者擴展你的意識,意識到你是一個處於創造性思維中的多維存在。你有一個靈魂和一個多維度的靈魂,一直回到最初的概念。有些人必須死去才能明白這一點。 We are now going to get very Earthy.The multidimensional war is a war for your soul.A war to keep you trapped in the meat suit,sick,poor,and ignorant.That is the motto of the enslavers.They want to keep your nose to the grindstone with no time to be creative and explore your multidimensional self.They want to keep you in reactionary mind be lie ving you are just a body and a personality.They want to lock you into the first three chakras or power centers, survival,sex and power.Where does the news,Hollywood and the music industry take you?How long can they use the same formula,create a threat,make a victim then have a savior.Even love is a story of dependency.Where is the higher love?A love without fear,dependency,ownership,control,pure service?Why is happiness determined by an external love?Having someone of the opposite sex or any other person love approve and accept you.How free would you be if you conquered yourself,healed and released the wounds,traumas and wrong conclusions from pa st experiences and loved,approved and accepted yourself?How about accepting your multidimensional self?These are the keys to self-mastery and freedom 我們現在要變得非常樸實。多維度戰爭是你靈魂的戰爭。一場讓你陷入肉身、病痛、貧窮和無知的戰爭。這是奴隸們的座右銘。他們想讓你埋頭苦幹,沒有時間去創造和探索你的多維自我。他們想把你保持在反動的思想中,謊稱你只是一個身體和一個人格。他們想把你鎖定在前三個脈輪或力量中心,生存,性和權力。新聞、好萊塢和音樂產業將把你帶到哪裡?他們能用同樣的方式,製造威脅,做一個受害者,然後有一個救世主。甚至愛也是一個依賴的故事。更高的愛在哪裡?沒有恐懼、依賴、所有權、控制、純粹服務的愛?為什麼幸福是由外在的愛決定的?有一個異性或者任何其他愛你的人來認可和接受你。如果你征服了自己,治愈並釋放了過去經歷中的創傷和錯誤的結論,並且愛、認可和接受了自己,你會有多自由?接受你的多維自我如何?這些都是自我掌控和自由的關鍵 "The only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them and that something can be found or created from within." "任何人對你擁有的唯一力量,就是因為你想從他們那裡得到一些東西,而這些東西可以從你的內心找到或創造出來。" An awakened master cannot be controlled or manipulated which is why such an effort is made by the controllers and enslavers to keep you ignorant of your true nature,your true origin and your divinity.There is no weapon powerful enough to enslave humanity over time other than their own minds.That is why they use every tactic possible to keep you sick,poor and ignorant.They have been behind the plagues,the wars,control your health,the world economy,the educational system,and choose what is allowed in your sciences.Yet only if you are asleep,lack critical thinking,to lazy to do your own researh and depend upon them. 一個覺醒的主人不能被控製或操縱,這就是為什麼控制者和奴役者做出這樣的努力,讓你們不知道你們的真實本性,你們的真實起源和你們的神性。隨著時間的推移,除了他們自己的思想之外,沒有任何強大到足以奴役人類的武器。這就是為什麼他們使用一切可能的策略讓你生病,貧窮和無知。他們是瘟疫、戰爭、控制你的健康、世界經濟、教育系統的幕後黑手,並且選擇你的科學中允許的東西。然而,只有當你睡著了,缺乏批判性思維,懶得去做自己的研究並依靠它們的時候。 The Great Awakening is the knowledge of who you really are,who they are and what they have done.That is the war for your soul,the war in consciousness,freedom verses continued enslavement.Those that operate in service aligned with Universal Law verses those who are in self-service,the controllers and enslavers operating outside of Universal Law.Considering the fact that the Masters,Saints and Sages,Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Extra and Ultraterrestrials,advanced civilizations all the way up to the 13thdimension are behind the Great Awakening ,how do you think this will turn out?God wins.At most the dark hearts can create minor delays,they are on a downward spiral and will loose everything.Step into creationary mind,expand your awareness,know that love is the ultimate power and shift your energies into service to others.An open mind,loving heart and pure intent are mandatory in the days to come.Which brings us to the children,the real masters.Take care of them. 大覺醒是關於你的真實身份,他們是誰,他們做了什麼的知識。這就是你們靈魂的戰爭,意識中的戰爭,自由和持續的奴役。那些與宇宙法律一致運作的服務者與那些在宇宙法律之外運作的自我服務者、控制者和奴役者相對。考慮到大師、聖賢和聖人、精神上和技術上先進的超級和超級文明,一直到第13維的先進文明都在大覺醒的背後,你認為這會是怎樣的結果?上帝贏了。最多黑暗的心可以創造小的延遲,他們是在一個向下的螺旋,並將失去一切。進入創造性的思維,擴展你的意識,知道愛是最終的力量,把你的精力轉移到為他人服務。在未來的日子裡,一個開放的思想,愛的心和純潔的意圖是必須的。讓我們來看看孩子們,真正的主人。好好照顧他們。 Godspeed, 一路順風, James Gilliland 詹姆斯·吉利蘭 ECETI Stargate YouTube 下面是他另一篇佳作: 20210326 20:39【James Gilliland】(ECETI):面紗正在落下,洋蔥正在剝落,你從不孤單,無論是積極的還是消極的 2021年3月25日15:41:41 摘要 歡迎來到瘋狂三月。最近的春分和即將到來的超級月亮以及日冕物質拋射,”太陽耀斑”超出舒曼共振的規模將使三月成為值得記住的一個月。這將持續到4月份。現在是時候治療,結束受害者的循環,並取回你的力量。我們正在剝洋蔥,一層又一層,現在我們正在處理我們的核心問題。所有機構的核心也都暴露在外,這種脫落正在發生。我們正在意識到合同和聯繫不是在我們的最高和最好的利益。 The Veils Are Coming Down,The Onion Is Being Peeled,You Were Never Alone Both Positive and Negative. 面紗正在落下,洋蔥正在剝落,你從來都不孤獨,無論是積極的還是消極的。 Welcome to March madness.The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs,"solar flares"the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember.This will continue through April.It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back.The onion is being peeled,layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues.The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well.We are being made aware of contracts and connections that are not in our highest and best good.These contracts or agreements need to be broken and the connections seen and unseen that are not in our highest and best good need to be severed.No more psychic bonds,vampirism or connections based on dependencies.This desire for freedom and self-authority or individual empowerment is being amplified by the higher consciousness and energy pressing in on the Earth.We have spoken about this as far back as 1980 in the books on the ECETI.org website.Now it is here. 歡迎來到瘋狂三月。最近的春分和即將到來的超級月亮以及日冕物質拋射,"太陽耀斑"超出舒曼共振的規模將使三月成為值得記住的一個月。這將持續到4月份。現在是時候治療,結束受害者的循環,並取回你的力量。我們正在剝洋蔥,一層又一層,現在我們正在處理我們的核心問題。所有機構的核心也都暴露在外,這種脫落正在發生。我們正在意識到合同和聯繫不是在我們的最高和最好的利益。這些合同或協議需要被打破,看到和看不見的聯繫需要被切斷,而這些聯繫並不是我們最高和最好的利益。不再有精神束縛,吸血鬼或基於依賴的聯繫。這種對自由和自我權威或個人授權的渴望,正被地球上更高的意識和能量所放大。我們早在1980年就在 eceti 網站上的書中談到過這個問題。現在它就在這裡。 The Sun is conscious,the photon belt is conscious,the mountains becoming volcanoes are conscious,the Earthquakes as the Earth expands are part of the process,all form is conscious and it all is responding to the higher consciousness and energy entering this solar system. The bioelectric fields around our bodies,the physical body itself,our DNA and even the fields that hold our past life memories are all being affected.It is called the Great Awakening and it is multidimensional.As the veils lift,we are going to see Masters,Saints,and Sages,Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World beings,our Ancient Ancestors,the Star Nations,even the mythological people such as Gnomes,Fairies,Elves,Big Foot etc.will start making appearances.We will also see shadow people ,astral beings,regenerate ETs,demons a host of low level entities that have been operating unseen with impunity all along.It all comes with expanded awareness and ascension. 太陽是有意識的,光子帶是有意識的,山脈變成火山是有意識的,地球膨脹時的地震是這個過程的一部分,所有的形式都是有意識的,它都是對進入這個太陽系的更高意識和能量做出反應。我們身體周圍的生物電場,物質身體本身,我們的DNA,甚至保存我們前世記憶的場都受到了影響。這被稱為大覺醒,它是多維的。隨著面紗的揭開,我們將看到大師,聖徒,甚至是保存我們前世記憶的場。這被稱為大覺醒,它是多維的。隨著面紗的揭開,我們將看到大師,聖徒。仙女、精靈、大腳怪等將開始出現,我們還將看到影子人、星體存有、再生的外星人、惡魔和大量低級實體一直在不受懲罰的情況下運作,所有這些都伴隨著擴展的覺知和提升。 Then there are the normies who despite their struggle to maintain the status quo will have experiences they cannot explain.If you go with the status quo know their true agenda.It will lead to loss of freedom,enslavement,pain,suffering and eventually death. The polarities are being amplified,one is on a downward spiral the other will continue on the upward spiral.To spell this out the global elite,C*P,the corrupt politicians,the corporate owned mainstream and social media,big pharma and those who follow or participate with them are on the downward spiral.Unfortunately the ignorant,those who willingly and in ignorance participate with the downward spiral,the socially engineered,critical thinking,research impaired who have chosen denial will experience what has been planned for hundreds of years .Read the Rockefeller Agenda and listen to the words of the eugenicists,Gates,Fauci,etc.all participating and funding gain of function research,owning the patents on the test kits and the Cov1984 vi rus five years in advance.They are making billions.They also control the WHO and the CDC private corporations also making billions on the pandemics.Biological,psychological and cyber war has been declared on the people.Do you actually be lie ve these people are humanitarians?They have lost all humanity and are driven by another force.Puppets for the dark side.This is not a war between parties,cultures or religions.It is a war on humanity,a war between good and evil. 還有一些正常人,儘管他們努力維持現狀,但他們的經歷卻無法解釋。如果你保持現狀,你就會知道他們真正的目的。它將導致失去自由,奴役,痛苦,折磨,最終死亡。極性被放大,一個是向下的螺旋,另一個將繼續向上的螺旋。為了讓全球精英們明白這一點,C*P、腐敗的政客、企業擁有的主流和社交媒體、大型製藥公司以及那些跟隨或參與其中的人都處於下降的螺旋中。不幸的是,那些無知的人----那些自願和無知地參與到惡性循環中的人----那些社會工程學家,批判性思維的人,那些選擇否認的研究受損的人,將會經歷數百年來計劃好的事情。閱讀洛克菲勒議程,聽聽優生學家,蓋茨,福奇等所有參與和資助功能研究獲得,擁有專利的試劑盒和 Cov1984病毒提前五年。他們賺了數十億美元。他們還控制著世界衛生組織和美國疾病控制與預防中心的私營公司,這些公司在流行病上也賺了數十億美元。生物戰、心理戰和網絡戰已經向人民宣戰。你真的相信這些人是人道主義者嗎?他們失去了所有的人性,被另一種力量驅使著。黑暗面的傀儡。這不是黨派、文化或宗教之間的戰爭。這是一場針對人類的戰爭,一場善與惡的戰爭。 When the complications from the vaccines which are experimental gene therapy and operating systems escalate you are going to see the real agenda.If people have not figured this out by now they have chosen not too.Their denial will be their demise,there just might be some truth to the Darwin Awards where people remove themselves from the gene pool.It is said the meek will inherit the Earth.The meek are the wise ones,the discerning ones,those slow to anger but steadfast in what is highest and best good for themselves and their loved ones.Might be a good idea to listen to them,the real healers and scientists,those without a hidden agenda. 當疫苗的並發症是實驗性的基因治療和操作系統升級,你將看到真正的議程。如果人們到現在還沒有弄明白這一點,那麼他們也沒有選擇。他們的否認將導致他們的滅亡----達爾文獎可能有些道理,人們將自己從基因庫中剔除出去。據說溫柔的人會繼承地球。溫柔的人是有智慧的人,是有見識的人,是那些不輕易發怒的人,但是堅定不移地為自己和他們所愛的人做最高和最好的事。聽聽那些真正的治療師和科學家們的意見也許是個好主意,他們沒有什麼不可告人的目的。 As the veils become thinner,we are going to have to learn how to heal unseen negative influences,cut cords,psychic bonds,maintain our self-authority.This includes any contracts and agreements past and present that are not in our highest and best good .We are going to have to take personal responsibility for our attitudes,emotions,beliefs clearing any thought forms or limiting mental concepts.Ascension is not about eating gogi berries,facebook spirituality,turning your body into a pretzel or living a half-truth ignoring the shadow side within and without.It is all about brutal honesty with self,ending the denial.Self-Mastery is all about mastering all dimensions of self,Self-Awareness is being aware of the multidimensional world in which you live.Self-Authority is maintaining a frequency,knowing your own unique purpose for incarnating.Personal Responsibility is owning your wounds,traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences,stop making others responsible for your happiness,your su rvival,your love,joy,and acceptance all internal choices rather than externally driven.You came from the Creator,children of the most high.As Meister Eckhart said,"If nut seeds produce nut trees,and pear seeds produce pear trees what do God seeds produce?" 當面紗變得越來越薄,我們將不得不學習如何治愈那些看不見的負面影響,切斷連接,心靈連接,維持我們的自我權威。這包括過去和現在的任何合同和協議,它們不是我們的最高和最好的產品。我們將不得不對我們的態度、情緒、信念負起個人責任,清除任何思想形式或限制心理概念。揚升不是吃 gogi 漿果,facebook 靈性,把你的身體變成椒鹽捲餅,或者生活在半真相忽略內在和外在的陰影面。這一切都是關於對自己殘酷的誠實,結束否認。自我掌握是關於掌握自我的所有維度,自我意識是意識到你所生活的多維世界。自我權威是維持一個頻率,知道你自己投生的獨特目的。個人責任就是從過去的經歷中擁有你的創傷、創傷和錯誤的結論,停止讓別人為你的幸福、你的生存、你的愛、快樂和接受所有內在的選擇而不是外在的驅動負責。你們是從造物主那裡來的,是至高者的兒女。正如梅斯特·埃克哈特所說:"如果堅果種子產生堅果樹,而梨子產生梨樹,上帝的種子產生什麼?" The choice is up to us.Universal Law is coming,best to be on the right side of evolution.Are you going to be a god/goddess or a victim?Remember the only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them.That something comes from within.Be what you desire.Live as if you already own it.Shift from reactionary mind to creationary mind. 這取決於我們自己。宇宙法則即將到來,最好站在進化論的正確一邊。你將成為神/女神還是受害者?記住,任何人對你有影響力的唯一原因是你想從他們那裡得到什麼。那些來自內心的東西。做你想做的事。就像你已經擁有它一樣生活。從反動思想到創造思想的轉變。 PS,Healing techniques,meditations for world and self-healing,connecting with the higher dimensions and clearing unseen negative influences is all available in the books and on the website,www.eceti.org 治療技巧,世界的沉思和自我治療,與更高維度的連接和清除看不見的負面影響,這些都可以在書中和網站上找到,www.eceti.org Be well, 保重, James Gilliland 詹姆斯·吉利蘭 ECETI Stargate YouTube 星際之門 YouTube 來源:
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