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大重置(The Great Reset),這個包裹著糖衣的毒藥,正在席捲著全世界
2020/12/18 09:06:00瀏覽1911|回應0|推薦0

此文是接續前文「這場新冠病毒疫情早就設計好了」,原來NWO代表的New World Order已廣為人知,無法再欺瞞人之後,改頭換面成為大重置(The Great Reset),這個包裹著糖衣的毒藥,正在席捲著全世界。



澳參議員籲抵制世經論壇 拒絕「大重構」

澳洲一國黨領袖韓珊(Pauline Hanson)表示世界經濟論壇推動的「大重構」議程將給澳洲人的經濟福祉和個人自由造成毀滅性的破壞。(Tracey Nearmy/Getty Images)

更新: 2020-11-11 3:10 PM   

【大紀元2020年11月11日訊】(大紀元記者李睿悉尼報導)11月10日,澳洲聯邦一國黨領袖韓珊(Pauline Hanson)發布新聞公告,敦促澳洲政府抵制世界經濟論壇推動的「大重構」(The Great Reset)議程,拒絕參加世界經濟論壇的所有活動。她警告說,世界經濟論壇推動的「大重構」議程將給澳洲人的經濟福祉和個人自由造成毀滅性的破壞。





她澳洲政府抵制世界經濟論壇的所有活動,以抗議 「大重構」議程。



世界經濟論壇是一個總部設在日內瓦的非營利性基金會,其成員包括世界領導人、億萬富翁、企業高管和名人。成員包括英國查爾斯王子(Prince Charles)、前美國副總統戈爾(Al Gore),以及聯合國、歐洲中央銀行、經合組織、國際貨幣基金組織、綠色和平組織和世界自然基金會的高級管理人員。


大主教:「大重構」是「地獄計劃」(infernal project)

10月25日,天主教前任駐美國大主教卡洛·瑪麗亞·維加諾(Carlo Maria Viganò)在給川普總統的第二封公開信中表示,邪惡勢力正在利用全球瘟疫大流行,實施進行「大重構」(The Great Reset)的全球議程,以健康危機的名義,封鎖世界,要求人民交出自由與財產,建立起全球暴政。

他稱這個計劃為「地獄計劃」(infernal project)。 「大重構 」的目標,是強行推動健康獨裁,強行扼殺(應對瘟疫的)自由措施,並宣稱可確保全民收入和取消個人債務的誘人承諾。

他在信中說,「大重構 」正在進行中。它的設計者是一群全球精英,他們想征服全人類,採取強制措施,徹底地限制個人和所有民眾的自由,是反上帝和反人類的全球陰謀,正在威脅著全世界的命運。

在「大重構 」計劃的背後,有一幫不道德的人物,在資助世界經濟論壇和「Event 201」(全球瘟疫大預演),推動其議程。

除了巨大的經濟利益激勵這些「大重構 」的倡導者之外,在實施疫苗接種的同時,還將要求提供健康護照和數字身分證,並追蹤全世界人口相互接觸的情況。不接受這些措施的人,將被關進拘留營或被軟禁,他們的所有財產將被沒收。

他說,在今年年底至2021年的前3個月期間,一些國家將啟動「大重構 」計劃。但他堅信這場「大重構」 在光明之子、川普總統堅定而勇敢的反對面前註定失敗。





儘管之前類似活動因新冠肺炎疫情大流行而取消,但世界經濟論壇創辦人Klaus Schwab周三(3日)稱,他打算舉行一次雙模式峰會,一些代表將前往達沃斯出席會議,來自全球400多個站點的其他一些代表將通過網上的形式出席。

會議的主題將是「大重置」(The Great Reset)。






gnewscanada 11月 21日

多倫多加喜農場 文文-自由法蘭西

校對上傳 XM

推特上爆出民主黨警告川普總統律師團隊林伍德(Lin Wood)大律師的email : 這是最後一次警告。是的,我們作弊了, 但你贏不了, 你無法阻止偉大的重置。現在停止,否則不好的事情將開始發生在你身上。你的狗救不了你。當局不會救你。做正確的事。放棄吧,放棄吧。

“大重置”( the Great Reset ) 幾個字眼,再次映入我們的眼簾。

第一次聽到這個說法,是在2020年10月25日,天主教前任駐美國大主教卡洛・瑪麗亞・維格諾(Carlo Maria Viganò)向川普總統發出的公開信上。信中揭露了世界上暗黑精英們正在密謀實施“全球大重置”的邪惡計劃。

信中說,一場善惡的生死大戰正在展開。邪惡勢力正在利用病毒的全球大流行,實施全球“大重置”(the Great Reset)的陰謀。他們以公共健康危機為名,封鎖世界,要求人民交出自由與財產,以建立遍布全球的暴政。

說實話,第一次看到這些內容,真是覺得有些難以置信。就像路德在節目中曾說過的那樣 “有時候,因為內容本身太邪惡了,讓聽到的人很難相信,甚至會懷疑是說的人在造謠。”



澳洲Carins News10月16日報導,根據加拿大一名政府內部人士的爆料指出,作為蓋茨-洛克菲勒-世界經濟論壇推動全球疫苗接種和《21世紀議程》”新常態/新經濟”的一部分,加拿大,澳大利亞、美國、英國、和新西蘭等國的一群對權力極度狂熱和渴望的總理和州長們正在試圖推動另一次類似澳大利亞維州州長丹·安德魯斯式的第二波病毒大封鎖,並由此推進一個可怕的“COVID規劃“。

11月20日西班牙喜西社報導,本週四(11月19日),加利西亞自治區主席阿爾貝托·努涅斯·費約(Alberto Núñez Feijóo) 在加利西亞議會上提交了一份議案,該議案包含強制市民接種新冠疫苗的內容。

9月23日,加拿大總理賈斯廷·特魯多(Justin Trudeau)宣布說,加拿大已經進入第二波新冠疫情。



11月20日,加拿大疫情最嚴重的地區之一,安省政府宣布,多倫多和皮爾兩個地區從下星期一(11月23日)起實施封禁。 BC省也在18日宣布“半封省”。











20201217  21:40

【最後的警鐘】|2020/12/16 歷史性的變革即將到來

An extremely powerful network structure


The Octopus Top of the Global Satanic Deep State


13 Archon Bloodline Families run Planet Earth


Innovative Thinking


Draining the Swamp


最後的警鐘|2020/12/16 歷史性的變革即將到來

If you really wish to live in a world that is"sophisticated"enough to be run by a world government more specifically by the bloodline Deep State elite steering global bankers,then by all means,continue to read the MSM mainstream media and believe all presented information.

如果你真的希望生活在一個"複雜"到足以由一個世界政府管理的世界裡,更具體地說,是由一個血統深州的精英控制的全球銀行家,那麼,無論如何,繼續閱讀MSM 的主流媒體,並相信所有呈現的信息。

If,however,the idea of​​ a select coterie of a global highbrow-financial elite running the world does not sound like the ideal society forhumanitys future,we citizen must WAKE UP to stop the brainwashing and shine the lights of publicity on the actions of powerful individuals and institutions,bringing a critical eye to their ideologies and movements,to battle the tide of misinformation and discover the New World Order. Most people arent suspicious enough as suspicion helps you connect the dots.A little more distrust–or at least doubt,combined with scornful disrespect–would help you understand how society works.


Draining the Swamp needs to be done top-down.Already,for the awake it is noticeable the Deep State power structure is waning and starts to fail in a most spectacular manner,as can be witnessed with the election fraud in the the US.This stimulates the growing motivation for our bottom-up consensus power.The one unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain,to discover that the current strategy of globalist capitalism is failing,because it is killing the goose with golden eggs at multiple levels .Everyone is born with brains but unfortunately,many under us never use.Wake up and start question your situation and all the things that happens around you.


Now,it is important to reduce the knowledge gap between the awake in the know and the sheeple at sleep.Let your local governmentunderstand that you feel deceived by them on every level,especially with their tyrannical anti-Covid actions,which are contrary to the Constitution.Nothing is what it seemsand this must become common knowledge under the populace at large.There is no pandemic and Covid-virus doesnt exist,as no scientist has been able to locate this virus.You are being prepared to be depopulated by your own government,that is bribed and under control of the Satanic Deep State.This satanic control is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy with the purpose to establish the New World Order,based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

現在,重要的是減少知識的覺醒和睡眠之間的知識差距。讓你們的當地政府明白,你們覺得自己在各個層面上都被他們欺騙了,尤其是他們反對科維德的殘暴行為,這違反了憲法。沒有什麼是表面上看起來的那樣,這必須成為普通民眾的共識。目前沒有大流行病,也沒有 covid 病毒存在,因為沒有科學家能夠找到這種病毒。你們正準備被你們自己的政府——在撒旦深淵國家的賄賂和控制下——趕盡殺絕。這種邪惡的控制是一個非常有組織的長期陰謀的結果,目的是建立新的世界秩序,基於反對上帝和自然的路西法革命。

The super rich are surrounded by bootlickers and pretenders,among them are your government and the corrupt politicians whose continued employment demands that they do not question the ideas they are told to convey.But we the people can easily break them up,by throwing away our mask and being disobedient Let them know you are displeased with their treatment.Send them the important news items from the alternative media and ask why they are not acting to protect their citizenry?


We the people need to move away from political ideologies and party systems,as these have exerted a denigrating influence on us.We must and can run our own local society.


An extremely powerful network structure


The Robber Barons of the past,who in turn have become the corporate owners of today,are the self-appointed globalists who believethey are more enlightened and entitled through their heritage, therefore being worthier than others to rule the world,than we could do ourselves.


Through their ownership of the multinationals,they control all governments and by extension,our food,water,electricity,and pharmaceuticals.They are extracting immense profits,even as they poison and sicken entire populations in their pursuit of depopulation.Consider yourself fo



The Deep State cabal with their cronies are an extremely powerful network of people that controls nearly everything around us.People wont read about it in the mainstream media because they are also controlled by these very same people.Politicians wont talk about it publicly as they too are complicit.




Many maintain that the Deep State is hidden,however it is hidden in plain sight.For those willing to wake up and take notice,it is unconcealed and for all to be seen.There are 12 levels or dimensions of consciousness.The majority,the sheeple,is in the 3rd.The awake are in the 4th,while more experienced are in the 5th with very few in the 6thdimension.And that is only half way up to complete the consciousness ladder!


The Hidden government or Deep State is the source of all that is negative on planet Earth.To survive the coming rough times,its essential to understand what it is all about.The Deep State is organised of top-echelon employees of powerful agencies,like Israels Mossad,the CIA,FBI,NSA,IMF,CFR,BIS,the World Bank,top generals,admirals,and other military operatives,long-term congressmen,lords and senators,directors of important supervisory agencies and CEOs of most of the big multinationals,of which the majority shareholder ownership is in the hands of Deep State bloodline cronies.

隱藏的政府或者說深州是地球上所有負面因素的根源。為了在即將到來的艱難時刻生存下來,理解這一切的意義是至關重要的。 "深層國家"由強大機構的頂級僱員組成,這些機構包括以色列的摩薩德、中央情報局、聯邦調查局、國家安全局、國際貨幣基金組織、聯邦情報局、國際清算銀行、世界銀行、高級將領、海軍上將和其他軍事人員、長期任職的國會議員、上議院議員和參議員、重要監督機構的主管和大多數大型跨國公司的首席執行官,其中大股東所有權掌握在"深層國家"血統密友手中。

The Octopus Top of the Global Satanic Deep State


The real top of the pyramid consists of the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon seated in Switzerland, which appears to be the coreof the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of"our"society.These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions.These form the ruling Oligarchy around the world.The Ruling Pharaohs,originate from Lucifers occult mystery religions,that came out of Babylon and Egypt .They now are identified and located as the Global Elite or Deep State-cabal,who see us as their slaves and property,to do with as they please.


At the top of the pyramid hierarchy sit the Swiss OCTOGON Templars,followed by the 2nd layer consisting of the Jesuits,Masonic-top,George Soros and the Nazis.Actually,the Nazis are an integrated part of the Octogon,and somewhat belong to the top too.


Their Head Quarter(HQ)is in Switzerland 6.000 metres below the surface of Lake Geneva that has one of their entries in the CERN-complex.Their name Octogon is a highly secretive Nazi organisation,founded at the end of WW2 to acquire all of its fortune from looted Nazi Gold and assets deposited into Switzerland,to use for future wars and illegal actions.

他們的總部(HQ)在瑞士,位於日內瓦湖水面以下6.000米處,他們的一個入口在 CERN綜合體中。他們的名字奧托貢是一個高度機密的納粹組織,成立於二戰末期,從被掠奪的納粹黃金和存放在瑞士的資產中獲取所有財富,用於未來的戰爭和非法行動。

Additionally,is known that Switzerland is responsible for managing and maintaining the Babylon System in the underworld.Figuratively speaking,Switzerland is the sieve of the underworld for it removes unwanted people and ideas,especially in respect to the secret home of the CIA and the fact that the Roman Empire is still alive,located in Greenland.


A mere 147 corporations which form a"super entity" have control over 50%of the worlds wealth;which is the real economy.These mega-corporations are at the centre of the global central bank economy.


13 Archon Bloodline Families run Planet Earth


Rothschilds,Rockefellers,Warburgs,and Schiffs are a part of the main actors of in total 13-Archon bloodline families. They own the private USFederal Reserve and almost all other,except in Russia,Central Banks in the World,in which The Bank of England and the German Deutsche Bank serve with money laundering to the Octogon Bank of International Settlement–BIS in Basel Switzerland.


The Bilderberg group,the Counsel of Foreign Relations,the Trilateral Commission,form an integral part of the banking cartel which also is a complete fraud.



The Bilderberg group and the CFR are charged with the implementation of the New World Order agenda being their command over de-and population control,food,water,vaccinations,chemtrails spraying,and air poisoning,by running the drug cartels.


All together these groups encompass the global swamp that is now rapidly being drained by the TRUMP–TEAM.With the help of The Earth Alliance,the Patriots and every awakened citizen.–Be aware,all countries and even all individuals,like you and me ,are incorporated in Companies by the cabal and subsequently being bankrupted by the banking cartel,that also includes the thirteen archon bloodline families.

所有這些團體包含了全球沼澤,現在正在被特朗普團隊迅速抽乾。在地球聯盟,愛國者和每一個覺醒的公民的幫助下。 -請注意,所有國家,甚至所有個人,像你我一樣,都被陰謀集團合併到公司中,隨後被銀行卡特爾(也包括十三個執政官家族)破產。

It is important to note that most of the malversations have been accomplished through the corporate banks and government services corporations,fraudulently presented to the people as being legalised banking institutions and so calledelected governments,which,instead of serving the people,are simply hired contractors of the British Crown in the City of London,to oppress everyone.


It is of the greatest priority to root out all these criminals and imposters responsible for all of todays and past misère in the world.These banks and governments are all foreign Khazarian controlled corporations,contractors,and agencies that are accountable for the mismanagement of the greater part of the world.


This colossal affair must only be addressed as a global issue and resolved in favour of we the people,because we the people have never authorised,nor benefited from these criminal activities caused by Central Banksters and their corporate affiliates.All people throughout the world have been victimised through misconducts and fiduciary trust fraud on an inconceivable scale.


The global financial market correction could begin during the coming weeks,as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.–All people should now be waking up to the realisation that they are mind-controlled by the establishment.

全球金融市場的調整可能會在未來幾週內開始,因為全球各地正在進行更多與GESARA相關的調整。 -所有人現在都應該意識到,他們是被權勢集團控制的。

This centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its end,and must be destroyed forever.No more lies and manipulations.All markets will be freed,all aspects of live are being freed from oppression and suppression.People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.There is no overpopulation,no global warming,there is enough food for everyone.


All future generations,their children and upcoming generations must be informed about the history long repression of people to avoid that new similar criminal evils will return in the future again.Only continued civil vigilance can prevent the return of these criminal money thieves.The easiest way to achieve this is to purchase,read,and study the book The Great Awakening,written specifically for this purpose.Being a guarantee for ourselves and future generations continuous well-being,happiness,health and joy,this book should not be missing in any bookcase.


Innovative Thinking


To see all this from another perspective.Light can only be shown and seen once people understand that they live in the dark.It is already 30 years my duty to awake people.People can be shown the open door to walk through.But,the walking over the threshold,has to be done by themselves.–If not 50%or more of the populace is awake,the TRUTH cannot be presented.The danger of rioting and looting is too great to run the risk of breaking down society.

從另一個角度看待這一切。只有當人們明白他們生活在黑暗中,光才能被顯示和看到。喚醒人們已經是我30年的職責了。人們可以通過敞開的大門走進去。但是,跨過門檻,必須由他們自己完成。 -如果不是50%或更多的民眾是覺醒的,真理不能被呈現。暴亂和搶劫的危險太大,以至於無法承擔社會崩潰的風險。

The masses for a great part are still in denial.The ruling class is fully complicit in the subversion of civilisation.People,adapted to their enslavement are too venal,craven and dumb to face reality.Many have neither an idea nor perception of the restraint that is eventually going to be put on them.They would rather ignore the obvious and go into denial of a truth that has already become reality and among themselves they prefer to reassuring each other thatgovernment would never take peoples freedoms away and make them serfs,that they already are!


Humanity has on a large scale given away its mind and its responsibility–consider the broader consequences of this behaviour for human existence.When we give away our mind and responsibility,we also give away our freedom and in essence,our lives.


If we dont awaken en masse,we will soon be totally degraded until humanity is completely lost.Then soon before 2030 our culling under some false pretext will seem like Divine Retribution.And that is how Satan works.Luciferians detest all of Creation and Life itself,while they embrace Destruction and Death.It is a Death Cult.THE GREAT AWAKENING must now arrive in full force as it is our plight to save humanity for future generations.


FWC has spend much time,energy and money waking up as many people as possible.Even though not yet finished,the struggle has to go on,for which your help is requested to unite as many awake people as is possible,and have them informed about the progress made.We are close to the finish line;the historic change is imminent.

FWC 花費了大量的時間、精力和金錢來喚醒盡可能多的人。即使還沒有結束,鬥爭還要繼續,為此,我們請求你們的幫助,團結盡可能多的清醒的人們,讓他們知道所取得的進展。我們已經接近終點線,歷史性的變革即將來臨。

The tide of history has decisively turned to our advantage,now we have the opportunity to defeat the ancient evil force from Planet Earth.We the Patriots part of Trump Team are winning the secret war to liberate all of humanity its full completion is now certain. This is the greatest turning point in history.For the first time ever this month people will watch history unfolding in real-time,as an ancient Satanic ruling class is overthrown.History will be totally rewritten when the dust finally settles.


Keep your mind on;this moment in time,is our only one opportunity to defeat the hidden satanic government,the criminal Deep State and their political and civil service puppets,who have no hesitation to destroy mankind and planet Earth.It is clear that the awakening human race is not going to let this happen just like that,but more importantly,to fight now for the future of our younger generations.


All people are urged to stand up and fight for their country and their civilisation.To take back both.None of the criminals should be left without having been prosecuted and convicted.Our country belongs to us and our vote must be counted fairly.Real freedom will be the result of our courage and initiative to fight for it and to help to drain the Deep State swamps around the world.Our revolution has now begun and will continue until the truth,our true freedom and free markets are established!We will build on completely new foundations to establish a people economy and innovative self-governing community structures together with fellow citizens.


If you found this information interesting,explanatory,valuable,and/or insightful,please share it with everyone you know to help awaken and prepare them.And dont forget to put up your national flag showing the world you are awake,and motivate the silent awake majority to follow suit.The more flags out show the cabal is losing their grip of power over us.There is much more enlightening information to follow!You are invited to subscribe free of charge as well as participate in the discussion on the Final Wakeup Call website at http://finalwakeupcall.info/ .

如果你發現這些信息有趣、有解釋性、有價值和/或有洞察力,請與你認識的每一個人分享,幫助他們覺醒和準備。不要忘記升起你的國旗,向世界展示你是清醒的,並激勵大多數沉默而清醒的人們也這樣做。越來越多的旗幟顯示出陰謀集團正在失去他們對我們的控制。還有更多有啟發性的信息可以跟進!你可以免費訂閱,也可以參與最後喚醒 http://finalwakeupcall.info/ 網站上的討論。

Unity is Power


Our liberation process cannot be stopped anymore.Uniting with others who are like minded people creates and shapes our best reality.Worldwide networks of awakening people are being created,such as in Spain in the Marbella/Malaga area,which attracts an increasing number of participants.In just a few months of existence,the group has grown to more than 390 members.If you would like to apply or learn how to start your own regional or local group,please contact FWC via email. Our future lies in our own hands specifically in small communities that become the foundation of our self-managed society.

我們的解放進程再也不能停止了。與其他志同道合的人一起創造和塑造我們最好的現實。正在建立世界範圍的覺醒人民網絡,例如在西班牙的馬爾韋利亞/馬拉加地區,吸引了越來越多的參與者。該組織成立僅僅幾個月,就已經發展到390多名成員。如果您想申請或學習如何開始自己的區域或當地團體,請通過電子郵件聯繫 FWC。我們的未來掌握在我們自己手中,特別是小社區,它們成為我們自我管理的社會的基礎。

Stay tuned there is more to follow…


我說明:明瞭影子政府的運作是覺醒的第一步,地球母親已經揚升到第5維度,我們必須跟隨她的腳步,讓地球成為一個伊甸園。下面是一位已經覺醒且有遙視能力的美國女性Teri Wade,收錄她從2020年4月至今的文章內容,她能告訴大家地球最新的狀況,在無上甚深微妙法的佛教中,都無人能夠瞭解這些內幕。

一位不經修行就覺醒的美國女性Teri Wade


一位覺醒的美國女性Teri Wade



有遙視能力的美國女性Teri Wade



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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