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2009/08/11 09:34:57瀏覽341|回應0|推薦2
If you are going out for the evening, please turn off all the lights to save electricity.
Organic waste, like fruit peels and eggshells can go in the compost bucket.
My laptop computer has an energy saving mode. The screen will turn off after 20 minutes of inactivity.
Slumdog Millionaire, this year's winner for Best Picture at the Oscars, begins with a contestant being tortured because the police don't think that a poor tea server from the slums of Mumbai could know all the answers to the questions on India's version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? After the protagonist explains each question with a detailed story from his life, the police release him, and he is allowed to return to the game show to try to win 20 million rupees.
  The unlikely success of this film has brought an even bigger spotlight on game shows around the world. In America, game shows have been around since the first day of the commercial era of TV. Over the years, many game shows have made contestants jump for joy as well as bow their head in shame. The longest running game show in America is The Price Is Right, which was hosted most of its 37 seasons by Bob Barker. On the show, contestants are randomly selected to guess the correct prices of everyday objects. Other notable US game shows are Jeopardy, where the contestant gets the answer and they have to figure out the question, and Wheel of Fortune, a variation of the game hangman (猜字遊戲).
  In Taiwan, two popular game shows are Challenge 101 and Are You Smarter than a Primary School Student? Watching a game show is an entertaining way to spend an evening with your family because everyone can yell out answers and dream of becoming a millionaire.
這部片出乎意料之外地賣座,連帶使世界各地的益智節目備受矚目。在美國,自電視進入商業廣告年代的第一天起,就有了益智節目。過去這些年,許多益智節目讓參賽者高興地跳起來,或是羞愧地低下頭去。《叫對價》是美國最長壽的益智節目,該節目一共播出 37 季,大部分都是由鮑勃‧巴克所主持。該節目會隨機挑選參賽者,要他們猜出日用品的實際價格。美國其他著名的益智節目有《危險境地》和《幸運轉輪》,前者的參賽者會先拿到答案,而他們必須想出它的題目,而後者說穿了則是另一種形式的猜字遊戲。
台灣有兩個很受歡迎的益智節目,分別是《挑戰 101》和《百萬小學堂》。收看益智節目是晚上和家人一起消磨時間的娛樂方式,因為每個人都可以大聲喊出答案,同時夢想自己成為百萬富翁。

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