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2008/11/20 05:54:50瀏覽236|回應0|推薦1
Class Registration!
在選課之前,對學校及系裡所開的課程和要求都需充分了解。有些課程的選擇彈性較大,除在秋季班開授之外,在春季、夏季亦排課講授﹔而有些課程可能是一學年只開一次或兩次,對於這些選擇彈性較小的課程,如是必修的,就必須把握時機,以免影響修業年限。註冊的過程,最好也能事先向學長請教,要不然就是寫MAIL問該科系的辦公室,才可以拿到最正確的資料喔。A. Two of the classes I took last semester haven't appeared on my transcript.
B. Have you tried looking on the second page?
(A. 我有兩門上學期修的課沒有出現我的成績單上。 )
(B. 你有沒有試過在第二頁找一找 )

A. Are you taking this class for honors?
B. No, I'm not an honors student.
(A. 你修這門課是為了要爭取榮譽學分嗎? )
(B. 不,我可不是榮譽生。 )

A. I need to get the instructor's consent to take Creative Writing 332.
B. That's Professor Jones' class. She's pretty demanding.
(A. 我需要得到授課者的同意才能選修創意寫作332。 )
(B. 那是瓊斯教授的課。她的要求很高。 )

1. transcript 成績單
2. honors student 榮譽生 
3. instructor's consent 授課者的同意       
Sincere apology : 誠心的道歉!

Travis:Listen, Ann. I'm sorry.
Ann:I'm not talking to you.
Travis:All right, but just let me say it: I was a total ass.
(崔維斯 好,那就讓我說:我是個大渾球。)
Ann:You can say that again.
Travis:Well, at least you're talking to me. Maybe I should keep on with the self-abuse: I'm an idiot and my feet smell bad.
Ann:That's supposed to be a sincere apology ? You're still making jokes after you said those mean thing to me..
(這像是真心的道歉嗎? 你對我說了那些刻薄的話,現在竟然還在開玩笑。)
Travis:My mistake-again. I just thought a little humor might break the tension.
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