Travis:Listen, Ann. I'm sorry. (聽著,安,對不起。) Ann:I'm not talking to you. (我不要跟你說話。) Travis:All right, but just let me say it: I was a total ass. (崔維斯 好,那就讓我說:我是個大渾球。) Ann:You can say that again. (你說的真對。) Travis:Well, at least you're talking to me. Maybe I should keep on with the self-abuse: I'm an idiot and my feet smell bad. (嗯,至少妳跟我說話了。也許我應該繼續自責下去:我是個白癡,而且我的腳很臭。) Ann:That's supposed to be a sincere apology ? You're still making jokes after you said those mean thing to me.. (這像是真心的道歉嗎? 你對我說了那些刻薄的話,現在竟然還在開玩笑。) Travis:My mistake-again. I just thought a little humor might break the tension. (我「又」錯了。我只是想,幽默一下也許可以化解緊張。) |