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2017/03/18 14:23:06瀏覽2768|回應0|推薦0 | |
by 謝怡寧 Yining Hsieh 2017.03.18
老師們,正在考慮買或自己做桌遊轉針嗎?試試我的新點子,一秒鐘就做好,和眨眼睛一樣簡單!這應該是世界上最容易做的桌遊轉針了!一秒鐘就做好了。(XD~! )三歲小孩也會做。 迴紋針要挑大的,安全別針的裝飾物要重一點比較會轉,因為離心力比較大。這一個轉針的摩擦力非常小,有時候小到零,因為常常指頭一彈,轉針就飛離板面轉起來了。嘿嘿,比用兩腳釘和厚紙板做出來的還會轉。全班份十個收納起來才一個名片盒大小。
【DIY Game Spinner - As Easy As The Blink Of An Eye!】
by Yining Hsieh 謝怡寧
Are you considering buying or making game spinners for your board games?
Try this new idea by me. You can make a spinner in only one second. As easy as the blink of an eye! Considering management and storage, this is also the best!
Materials:One safety pin and one paper clip.
Step 1:Bend the paper clip. Done!
How to play? Place the tip of paper clip on the center of your game board. Then, flick! Enjoy your games!
Principle:Centrifugal force (離心力) can be increased by adding some weight to the end of the safety pin. When the safety pin spins upwards, friction (摩擦力) is also decreased.
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