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2024/04/24 14:21:18瀏覽976|回應0|推薦3 | |
聯盟透過柏德·強生(Brad Johnson)傳遞的內部訊息。 此消息講述了關於 2024 年夏季可能發生重大事件的性質, 以及“智能無限聯盟”可以分享的相關內容。 Q: 向聯盟提出的問題是, “關於天狼星阿卓尼斯(Adronis)所闡述的,相信"今年夏天發生的重大事件",可以進一步透露相關性質嗎? A: 我們確認詢問。 明確說明,即將到來的是「干預戰術」 「干預戰術」起到威懾作用,防止事態進一步升級為破壞性暴力事件的發生 敵對國家之間存在著不斷升高的可能性,有關發射飛彈和核武的威脅 然而,透過此時在地球上建立的監護權,監督地球穩定和安全的當局已決定干預,並採取威懾措施 因此,試圖在地球局勢高度升級中,造成任何形式大規模生命損失的威脅和策略,將被遏制 由於控制者決心在地球上建立統治的敵對意圖,進而導致疾病的擴散,聯盟的「干預」決策將採取預防行動 重大事件將導致類似的(疾病等等)擴散事件隨之而來 試圖維護法律和侵略法律權威的緊張局勢,近期日益加劇 人類精神和情感上的整體緊張,在這段時間集體抵達高峯 在夏季到來之前的一段時間裡,我們意識到, 儘管付出了巨大努力,仍難免導致戰爭事件發生 然而,將會有幾個干預因素導致戰爭與災情擴散的消除 如前所說的,被任命與某些地球代表合作的地外代表團,將要啟動這些干預策略,以糾正不斷升溫的衝突 這將平息戰爭與災禍擴散,不會導致大規模破壞地球 我們鼓勵你們留意這些緊張跡象,這些跡象將導致災害行為擴散, 只要持續煽動對戰爭的熱度,這種(災厄擴散的)情況就會發生 (1丁:目前的大舉破壞美國基礎設施、橋樑坍倒、火車出軌、飛機與航廈塔紛紛故障出錯,可視為發動三次大戰前的擴大熱身行動) 以上是與此查詢相關可以透露的內容, 感謝與您的溝通,我們現在結束此答詢。 we acknowledge the query
specified it shall be stated that what is to arrive is an intervention tactic to operate as a deterrent in preventing further escalation to destructive violence from occurring there are threats of missile launches and nuclear fire to occur between opposing countries however through the guardianship established upon the Earth at this time, a deterrent has been decided by the authorities overseeing the stability and security of the earth there therefore threats and tactics attempting to create any form of loss of life in high escalations of the planet shall cease this will lead to preventative actions that will result in diffusing of such hostile intentions made by controllers determined to establish their rule on the earth the major event will lead to such a diffusion events will follow of great tension attempting to assert an aggressive authority of Acts increasing the overall tension mentally and emotionally throughout the human Collective during this time time leading up to the summer season it is be made aware that despite a large effort of tense effects such occurrence resulting in Warfare will be averted there will be several factors of intervention that will lead into its dissolvement and diffusing as termed it shall be appointed to off world delegation working in collaboration with certain Earthly delegation to initiate these defusion tactics to remedy the building heat of conflict this will subside and it will not lead to massive destruction we encourage to watch for these signs of tension that will then lead to acts of diffusion, such occurrences will take place for as long as the Heat and aggression towards Warfare continues this is what can be stated pertaining to this query we thank you for this communication, we will now conclude |
( 時事評論|國際 ) |